Outer darkness, inner light
—Unofficial motto of the Noctoren Imperium
The Noctoren Imperium, also known as the Imperium of Noctorem or Attix Imperium, was the government of Noctorem and its colonies and sub-demesnes within the Ethereal Demesnes. It was established shortly after the disappearance of the Ethereal Empire, as one of the original Ethereal Demesnes, under the authority of the House of Attix.
In time, the Noctoren Imperium came to be one of the most powerful, and most aggressive, of the Demesnes. Militarily speaking, the Imperium was long considered second only to the Kingdom of Luctanem in its warfare capabilities, with Imperators and Imperatrixes of Noctorem second only in prestige and reputation to the Kings and Queens of Luctanem's House of Valdayn. For a number of centuries, the two, along with the House of Saerlys' Grand Duchy of Cinnericium and the House of Keldrick's Protectorate of Arcuvium, waged wars, political machinations and economic schemes against one another, the latter two gradually declining until falling into the spheres of influence of Noctorem and Luctanem.
During the Republic Dark Age's New Sith Wars, Carolus Valdayn of Luctanem managed to convince Imperator Feldron Attix to set aside their two families' and worlds' longstanding feud to join forces against the Sith. Following this, tensions gradually eased, coming to a head when, around the same time, one branch of House Attix broke off to continue to "lead the fight" against the Valdayns, while another, that which happened to hold the throne of Noctorem at the time, married them; the marriage of Queen Andoria Valdayn and Imperator Lysandris Attix led directly into the Imperium finally falling into personal union under the Kingdom of Luctanem, with the only child the two produced, Haveria Valdayn, becoming Imperatrix simultaneously when she became Queen.
Following this, the so-called "rogue offshoots" of the House of Attix became evermore extreme throughout the largely-peaceful period between the Ruusan Reformation and the Clone Wars, however when the war began, the self-proclaimed Imperator, Atron Attix, agreed to call a truce similar to that of the New Sith Wars alongside King Atlus Valdayn, and so their children, Atheria Valdayn, Arius Valdayn and Tharan Attix worked together to protect the Ethereal Demesnes until the war's end. Unfortunately, the truce ended when the war did, as both men had died near the end of the war and both princes refused to cooperate any further. Their cooperation eventually returned, however, and even blossomed into friendship, during and following the Ethereal Empire's return, with Valdayn recognizing Attix as the rightful Imperator of Noctorem and legally returning the throne to him and his eventual heirs.