The Noctorem Corporation, also known as the Noctorem Company or rarely as Noctoren Industries, was a general company founded on Noctorem in the Ethereal Sector with the purpose of providing for most, if not all, the Noctorem System's needs. The company's primary purpose is the manufacture of starships, though it was also known to produce weapons of various types and, occasionally, to construct orbital platforms and space stations commercially. While the company did provide other products and services, these were handled primarily by subsidiaries, such as the mining company Nocdoman Industries on Nocdomus and the weaponsmakers of Valadinian Arms on Valadin.
When the Noctorem Corporation was originally founded it, like the other companies founded along with it on other worlds in the Ethereal Sector, was in theory a subsidiary of the sector's main corporation; Ethereal Interstellar. However, due to the particularly-designed model of ownership of these companies, this was not truly the case in practice. The House of Attix, the most important family of Noctorem and the leaders of the Ebon Warriors, held the majority stake in the Noctorem Corporation, and a legally-limited share in Ethereal Interstellar. Over time, however, particularly as the prosperity of the sector as a whole and the systems in it ebbed and flowed, the Attix family was reduced to a fraction of their former ownership in the Noctorem Corporation, and the company met the same fate as most others in the sector; domination by the Luctanem-based Luctan Industries, predominantly owned by the House of Valdayn who, over time, acquired majority holdings in Noctorem Corporation and others. In the case of the Noctorem Corporation, this was due in large part to the marriage of the heirs of the primary lines of both families around the time of the Mandalorian Wars.
Though the Noctorem Corporation had, like much of the Ethereal Sector's economy, been in decline for generations by the time of the Clone Wars, it is known that it, along with other major Ethereal companies, had previously experienced sufficient success and prosperity to own stock in the Corporate Sector Authority. This was known to have long since stopped being the case by the time of the Separatist Crisis. It is believed the "golden age" of the Ethereal Sector, as defined by leading figures during the Rise of the Empire, came to an end around the time of the Republic Dark Age. Evidently, up until that point when Outer Rim systems such as Noctorem were effectively cut off from the Galactic Republic's central government (and, in the eyes of some, the Republic as a whole had ceased to exist), the Ethereal Sector had previously benefited greatly from the New Sith Wars, most likely as a result of relative distance from most fighting combined with large exports of starships and munitions. During the ensuing "Dark Age" and the following Ruusan Reformation, the Ethereal Sector as a whole experienced large economic decline and some population decline as well.
Following this, the Noctorem Corporation and other Ethereal companies nevertheless managed to remain prosperous long enough to buy into the Corporate Sector, though it appears this wealth did not last long after this occurred. They did, however, still own stock in similar, smaller organizations elsewhere in the galaxy, as well as a variety of other types of organizations, including but not limited to the Society for the Exploration, Colonization and Development of the Unknown Regions, the Terminal Commerce Sector, the Aradaius Syndicate, Larcus MegaCorp, the Titanicus Association, the Markran Cartel, the Jo'Va-Klastes Conglomerate, the Eridia Consortium, Silverine Group, Restan Ventures, the Keldas Institute of Research and Development, the Starsaber Project, the Guild of Industry and Mining, the Lujanis Organization, Decandiris Intergalactic Cooperative and the Federation of the Southern Banks and at one point held the equivalent of investments within the Golden Legion. It is believed they held stock and invested in the Industrial Sector Jurisdiction, Resource Sector Commission, Progress Sector Enclave and Martial Sector Administration.