Niral Desann was an admiral in the navy of the Sith Empire who became one of the eleven Grand Admirals appointed by the Sith Emperor in 3,659 BBY, though he ultimately defected to the New Empire of Darth Malgus. Desann was considered to be a reasonably clever tactician, which was the main reason for his promotion to Grand Admiral. He fought in the Sacking of Coruscant, leading the Imperial fleet under Darth Malgus. Serving under him, Grand Admiral Desann came to respect the Sith for his military leadership style. At some point during his service, Desann was ordered to wipe out civilian settlements for their defiance of the Sith Empire. These events caused him to lose faith in what he believed was a right cause, and he became disillusioned.
Imperial service[]
Niral Desann was a Human male officer in service of the Imperial Navy of the Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War. His Sith superiors noted that Desann was a reasonably talented tactician, and recommended him for a promotion to admiral. In 3,659 BBY, he gained the attention of the Sith Emperor himself. In a lavish ceremony on Dromund Kaas, Desann and eleven other officers were promoted to the new rank of Grand Admiral. Along with the rank came the command of a flotilla of dreadnaughts, including the Imperator, which became his flagship. He took part in the Sacking of Coruscant, serving under Darth Malgus. During his time in combat, Grand Admiral Desann was ordered to commit several atrocities, such as slaughter civilians. For this, he came to be disillusioned with the Sith.
Joining Darth Malgus[]
Personality and traits[]
Behind the scenes[]
- Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Grand Admirals (First appearance)
- Star Wars: The Old Republic: Dark Reign of the Empire