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Nine Eikult was a planet in the Eikult system of the Outer Rim's Sertar sector. It had a large population and a wealth of natural resources but a huge lower class and only a small middle class. It was a loyal member of the Galactic Republic until the last century before the Clone Wars when its support of the Core Worlds began to waver. The Galactic Empire dropped bombs on Nine Eikult multiple times but it remained a fairly liberal world and was surrendered to the New Republic without a fight by its chief satara, Madame Speaker Shtra Mihunari.


The Eikult system was discovered in 19,460 BBY by Lord Eniric Xilvet and his scouts as they sought to expand the influence of the Tion Cluster. After a year spent exploring the different worlds of the system they declared Nine Eikult to be the most suitable and set up a military outpost. It was distant any worlds known to be profitable at the time, however, and the planet was sold to the Zutreybn warlord Ebxelzorq who was posing as a merchant representing the Duros in 19,438 BBY. Immediately, the warlord settled millions of Zutreybn on the world and used it to launch an invasion of the Republic in 19,437 BBY. The war lasted until 19,431 BBY and the Zutreybn were forced to surrender or face extermination. Nine Eikult's ecology was nearly destroyed in the war and the Republic sent Duros and Neimoidian settlers to help restore the planet. Other settlers moved in over the centuries and millenniums and numerous cities and spaceports were constructed. A large gap between the rich and the poor developed and the planet was ruled according to the ancient satara system of the Zutreybn. They were the capital of the Shol-Reyxor sector from 19,414 BBY until it ceased to exist and was reorganized into the Qyrci sector in 10,094 BBY. It was eventually made a part of the Sertar sector.

Between 7,000 BBY and 6,500 BBY a series of plagues, famines, and earthquakes decreased the population by nearly three quarters. The Ten Sided Civil War that lasted from 6,528 BBY until 6,496 BBY further decimated the population. In 3,999 BBY the planet was once again the pinnacle of prosperity in its region of space but a horde of Iodanese raiders from then unknown parts of space swooped in and devastated the world. The satara of the time, Givic Irequeis, led the people into battle against the attackers and forced them to retreat back into space but it marked the beginning of centuries of turmoil for the planet as it was next assaulted by Mandalorians and then by Sith. After the Ruusan Reformation Nine Eikult became one of the most powerful worlds in the Sertar sector but after trade sanctions were placed on it for pursuing the development of asteroid destroying technology that was perceived by neighboring systems as a super-weapon in 125 BBY, it began to detach itself from the Republic. The sanctions were lifted in 114 BBY.

During the Clone Wars Nine Eikult was a CIS stronghold. It was fought over four times during the war but eventually was held onto by the Republic. It remained liberal and fairly independent under the Empire, although it was consistently occupied and the recipient of numerous military strikes for its rebelliousness. Mirelsany Leamu defected to the Rebellion on the world with the help of Ka Evod. In 7 ABY the planet willingly joined the New Republic.
