Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Come to negotiate, eh, have you, you slimy git?
—Nimm Voddher to Nautolan pirate, Graal Seki

Nimm Voddher was a Nautolan male Jedi, born on the Nautolan homeworld of Glee Anselm, during the days of the Hutt War. Unlike most Jedi, he was not discovered at birth, and was instead brought into the Jedi fold in his late teens. Prior to joining the Jedi, he had been forced into the servitude of a Nautolan pirate named Graal Seki aboard his frigate, the Exalted Hunger. During a scuffle the pirate had with the Jedi when Nimm was only sixteen years of age, he was rescued by a Jedi boarding party and discovered to be Force-sensitive and was given the option to join the Jedi Order or return home. Having no real home to return to, Nimm joined the Jedi and became a Padawan learner.

After losing his Jedi Master on a mission to Corellia, Nimm was promoted by the Jedi Council to the rank of Jedi Knight and told to pursue his duties as a Jedi.


Early life[]

Close your eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream. That's how I get by.
—Nimm about his past

Nimm was born to unknown parents on the Nautolan homeworld of Glee Anselm. Not much is known of his childhood until he turns ten. Around that time, he was kidnapped by the space pirate, Graal Seki, another Nautolan, and forced into servitude aboard his vessel, the Exalted Hunger. Nimm spent his servitude for the pirate cleaning the floors of the ship, being the personal waiter for the ship's crew, and anything else the pirate captain could think up to put him to work.

One time, as a punishment for doing a lousy job cleaning the bridge, Graal abandoned Nimm in the deserts of Tatooine for a week before returning to get him. Nimm, having come from an aquatic, amphibious, species, suffered from hallucinations and other symptoms after that. During a dispute between Graal and a Jedi vessel, the Jedi boarded the ship and arrested Graal and his crew. Once Nimm told the Jedi that he had been kidnapped as a boy, they decided that it was okay to let him go. While transporting him back to Glee Anselm, they noticed Nimm's Force sensitivity and offered to allow him to come with them back to Alderaan to be trained as a Jedi Knight or continue home. Nimm, not having a place to really call home at this point, decided to join the Jedi and was taken to Alderaan for training.[1]

Jedi Training[]

Nimm was partnered with Valaras Wendin, a Kel-Dor Jedi Master, for his Jedi training. Initially, Valaras found Nimm's drunken behavior to be disgraceful for a Jedi hopeful, ordering him to try to change his attitude to become more "Jedi-like". Regardless, Valaras trained Nimm in the ways of the Force and even passed on his lightsaber style of Jar'Kai, a style consisting of the use of two lightsabers, to Nimm.

During a mission which took the Master-apprentice duo to Corellia to resolve a piracy dispute, Valaras was killed by one of the pirates, leading in the mission's failure. Valaras' final words to Nimm was to never change, admitting that during the time they'd spent together, he'd come to like Nimm's peculiar personality and that it would bring joy and humor to the Jedi Order. Following his master's funeral on Alderaan, Nimm requested to go after the pirates that killed his master and complete the mission they started together. The Council refused, but awarded Nimm for his bravery by promoting him to Jedi Knight.

Personality and traits[]

—A common ending to Nimm's sentences

Nimm was an unusual sight in the Jedi Order, not for his appearance, but rather, for his very unusual demeanor, drunken stagger, and wild, flailing arms and hand gestures whenever he walked or talked that made him look very unfocused; something Jedi were often not seen as. This may be a direct result of being stranded in the deserts of Tatooine for a week, as well as his near abusive treatment under Graal Seki aboard the Exalted Hunger. It also could be contributed to his heavy consumption of rum, a habit he picked up on the Exalted Hunger, making him one of the few Jedi that actually drink alcoholic beverages.

Despite his rather unusual personality, Nimm could be completely serious on occasion, especially whenever he is in the presence of his Jedi Master. This may mean that he is in complete control of himself, but chooses to act drunken simply for the fun of it.

Extremely tall for a Nautolan, but average in build, Nimm relied more on his ability to talk his way out of situations as well as his particular adeptness for the Force to protect himself and others, rather than physical strength or lightsaber skill. However, whenever he was forced to fight, he was still a formidable foe.

Nimm, like most Jedi, was a decent, and charitable person, who followed the Jedi Code to the letter, despite his consumption of alcohol. He is well known for the fact that he would risk his life for others, sometimes without hesitation.

Nimm wore tight, blue clothing that was akin in appearance to flight suits that most star fighter pilots wore in his day. He also wore braids on his head tentacles, like most other Nautolans.[1]

Powers and abilities[]

Lightsaber training[]

Master Valaras passed on his knowledge of the Niman, also known as Jar'Kai, lightsaber combat style to Nimm during their training together. He was very proficient at using both of his lightsabers in combat, but could be just as threatening when using only one. He rarely resorted to lightsaber combat, however, preferring his Force powers over blade-to-blade combat.

Force training[]

Nimm was very proficient in the use of the Force, being capable of potently using techniques such as the famous Jedi mind trick or other deceptive Force techniques. He preferred to use the Force over his lightsabers in combat.


Nimm is known to possess two identical lightsabers, each with a blue blade.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Inspiration for Nimm was heavily drawn from Jack Sparrow, the main character in all three Pirates of the Caribbean movies.


Notes and references[]
