Niamh Bac was born on Kal'Shabbol as the daughter and second child of Ussej Padric Bac and Laili Jeyna Rendar, as well as the younger sister of Ussej Padric Bac II. Like with her brother, it was a complete accident that Laili became pregnant with her. Ussej and Laili had been going through a difficult time in their relationship and had called off a tentative and fragile engagement that they had made due to their frequent arguments and disagreements. However, Niamh was conceived when their passionate anger turned into romantic passion, though throughout Laili's pregnancy with Niamh her parents were frequently at odds.
During her youth, Niamh was never very interesting in becoming a Bendu Knight, the same as her mother but unlike her father and brother. However, she decided to take the path at first anyway and was trained by Ussej in the ways of the Force of Others. Shortly before her eighteenth birthday and subsequently her Bendu Trials, Niamh made the decision to give up Knighthood, much to the surprise of her family. However, some within the Bendu Order were secretly pleased, as they had already been through enough trouble with her father and brother.
After many months of consideration, Niamh decided to become a philosopher. She traveled off world to Aquilae for three years to study at the prestigious Aquilaen University of the Arts where she received a degree in philosophy. However, upon her return, tension between Kal'Shabbol and Had Abaddon had reached a boiling point due to the relationship between her brother and Tesiana Al-Dubrir, the daughter of Had Abaddon dictator Husen Al-Dubrir. Shortly thereafter, the Second Ashlan Civil War broke out, and Niamh decided to utilize her Bendu training and help defend her home and her family.
The war lasted for one year, and in the end it claimed the lives of both her parents, as well as Tesiana. However, there was one small blessing, and that was the birth of her first nephew Ussej Padric Bac III. Niamh helped her brother raise the child for ten years, until her brother was killed by Mandalorians during a mission to Dxun. After it was discovered that he was killed, Niamh became the guardian of Ussej Padric Bac III.
Niamh raised Ussej until he was eighteen, at which point he became a Bendu Knight and started his own life. Niamh never married nor did she have any children of her own, instead deciding to focus on her career. Years later, shortly before the Great Sovereign Crusades, Niamh learned that her father had become the Shaman of the Whills and had communed with Ussej. She offered her nephew advice when he came to her wondering whether he should help the Jedi Order fight against the Third Sith Empire, and she suggested that he should.
Three years later, after the crusade against the Jedi Order that Niamh was privately opposed to, Ussej and the Bendu Order returned to Kal'Shabbol. A few years after that, the disgruntled Shadourian Order attacked Kal'Shabbol as payback for what they perceived to be a betrayal. Niamh suffered extensive injuries, and in the end she was unable to recover from them and passed away. Two days later, she was given a full and proper Bendu funeral service.
Behind the scenes[]
In the role-plays of TheStarWarsRP.Com, Ussej and Laili did not have a second child. Instead, Ussej Padric Bac III was raised by David Rendar after Ussej Padric Bac II was killed. Author Brandon Rhea decided, however, that it would be more emotional to have a daughter for Ussej and Laili and a brother for Ussej the Second, as well as the fact that he felt Ussej Padric Bac III needed a familial guardian after the death of his father.