Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

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Nexu were feline creatures native to the chilly forests of the Indona continent on the planet Cholganna.


A forest nexu


There were other breeds of nexu on Cholganna's other continents, but only the forest nexu had an additional set of eyes able to view in infrared wavelength, which aided in their hunting of bark rats and tree-climbing octopi. They were often exported and trained as security beasts, as used for patrolling on Malastare, or used in arena combat, as seen on Geonosis. Nexus were 4.15 meters long and generally 1 meter tall.

The nexu appeared to be feline in nature, with claws which could slice a Human in half. They had spikes along their back, and a long tail that in the wild allowed the nexu to swing from tree branch to tree branch. They had extremely sharp instincts and reflexes, although they were known to tire easily, and often used swift movements to finish an enemy quickly, biting down and thrashing their head about to break their victim's neck. Cubs are born pure white.

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Firmus Piett (LadyVader) always felt as if his personality could be described by one animal, it would be the nexu. He felt a kinship with them. During his time aboard the Nexu's Nemesis, he chose a rather risque tattoo of a nexu and acklay for his upper right arm. He adopted the nickname "Nexu" among his crewmates and friends.

When he decided to write his autobiography, he gave it the title The Nexu and the Wolf. It wasn't just his story, it was also the story of a friend, a brother, a warrior.

Margo Holland spent some time caring for a baby nexu named Vrix who came from one of the zoos on Coruscant. Vrix became attached to her, she didn't want him to go back to the zoo. So she originally bought him from the zoo to free him on Cholganna.

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