Star Wars Fanon

The New Trade Federation was an organization that was formed by Rute Haako, three months after the Empire's defeat at the Battle of Endor.


Rute Haako, former Settlement Officer of the Old Trade Federation, had somehow survived the slaughter of the separatists during the Clone Wars, despite being badly injured by Darth Vader's lightsaber. While Vader was duelling Obi-Wan Kenobi on the lava rivers of Mustafar, Haako managed to crawl out onto the landing platform where Vader's Starfighter was docked and managed to fly to his home on Cato Neimoidia. After healing his wounds with a dose of Bacta, Haako attended the funeral of his superior Nute Gunray. After Gunray's corpse was placed in a tomb, Rune vowed that if the Federation fell, he would spend his days re-establishing it, even if it took him the rest of his life.

Eventually, after the Old Trade Federation's dissolution, Haako travelled to Rhen Var. He had heard of the legendary droid commander, OOM-9, however he was unable to find the droid, and was forced to start work on the New Federation on his own.

First, he needed to rebuild the Federation's army. He travelled back to Mustafar, to purchase some B1 Battle droids from Gizor Dellso. He then returned to a Droid Foundry on Geonosis, to manufacture Super Battle droids. Over time, his army got larger and larger until it was the size of the CIS, Rebel Alliance and Galactic Empire armys put together.


A Crucial Alliance(5 ABY)[]

Rute was sucessful- The New Trade Federation was born. However, Haako knew that his company needed a Galaxy-spanning democracy to support his company, and the New Republic quickly sprang to mind. "Galactic Senators, Head of State of the New Republic. As too soon it may seem, I want to pledge the New Trade Federation in the Senate, and pledge my army to your security forces. I shall make sure your government is safe, among other matters"-Rute Haako to the New Senate, days before the Federation joined the Republic.

It took a while to decide if the Federation could join. Nute Gunray had been slippery with the Federation before the Empire, and Haako was Neimoidian as well as Gunray. Unfortunately, the Federation was not allowed to join the Republic-which would prove to be a grave political, as well as a military mistake.

Aggressive Negotiations[]

In a surprisingly brutish and spiteful manner, Rute Haako ordered a full scale invasion of Bothawui. The Battle of Bothawui ensued. Senators and Bothans on other worlds could only watch in disgust and horror as Rute's cruisers deployed gunships carrying not a hundred nor, a thousand, nor ten thousands, not even millions but BILLIONS of Battle Droids with 1 Billion for every variety. But the greatest horror was yet to come. OOM-11, Rute's bodyguard and friend, gutted every single Bothan he found on live HoloNet.

The New Republic was in a state of political crisis. Bothans from across the galaxy blamed the Republic, for not letting the Federation join. The Republic swiftly changed it's mind.

Mopping up[]

  • Rute Haako instantly ordered his engineer and medical droids to repair the damage done on Bothawui. However, his military was quickly pulled from the system to deafeat the Imperial Remnant over his home of Cato Neimoidia. Not wanting to damage his home, he used special "tractor beam ships to keep the imperial Destroyers from falling out of orbit onto the planet after they had been crippled.

Eventually, he was also called to quell an uprising on Coruscant, started by imperial insurgents.

Much of the work of the Federation was covert missions on Coruscant, such as dealing with rogue Rodians who were hateful of the federation. Rute Haako was driven to breaking point, firing his blaster at Rodians and civilianas alike.
