The New Keldevian Republic was the name of the galactic goverment that was established from Keldivuan Rebellion. It was reformed from Keldaragun Confederacy replaced as a second dominant figure of the galaxy. It was also called Second Keldevian Republic.
Circa 34 ABY, after the sucesses at the New Keldevian War of Indepedence against Imperials and Rakatans, this Republic had become the supreme government of the Keldevians. It had a sort connection with the Old Keldevian Republic according to the myths. Although it was brought as a parliamentary force of the Deep Core, govern with justice and eradicate the events that caused the destruction of Old Keldevian Republic. It was protected from New Keldin Order which was established from Jason Kelderrine, the biggest hero of Neokeldevians.
Foundation of a new Republic[]
After a huge success of the Liberation of Keldesiroq V, the Neokeldevians formed their Republic clearly. On 31 ABY Imperial-Rakatan Treaty of Denon recognized the indepedence of Keldevians but informed them that the West Side of Core Worlds will be transferred to the Rakatan Confederacy. On 13 ABY the Imperials signed the population exchange among them, the Rakatans and Keldevians. Whereby 8 billion Rakatans left Core Worlds for Unknown Regions in exchange of 4 trillion Keldevians trasnferred from Unknown Regions to Core Worlds. Also over 1 trillion enslaved Keldevians were left from Wild Space to Outer Rim in exchange of 900,000 million Imperials trasnferred from Outer Rim to Wild Space.
Jason Kelderrine founded the New Keldevian Core Constitution and introduced radical reforms to the Republic. With Naming law he gained over 1 trillion of fans and became the first Chancellor of New Keldevian Republic on 34 ABY. On 38 ABY the official Declaration of Core Republic was issued by the first key members of the New Keldevian Republic for setting goals and values for their new government. These members were Jason Kelderrine, Houston Morrisson, George Keldaron, Alexandra Keldaria, Ulgen Skywalker, Andrew and Carradon Danarr and Derelghis Stardriver. The main goals of their Republic were to capture Keldyx Prime and also capture the other planets of Core Worlds that belonged to the Imperial Remmant. With the second goal they will take the whole remaining power of the Imperials and drive them out completely from Core Worlds, making them clearly weak to destroy them but also the New Galactic Republic.
Conqueror of the Imperials[]
Although the presence of the Imperials remained strong above the Core. Their capital was Aberubius (Keldaberus in Keldesh). Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin operated a conquest to two moons of Keldyx Prime, Keldyx II and IV showing later his will for capturing Keldyx Prime. During the same period Keldevians felt in total anarchy after the defeat on Circaporous IV. Some weeks later John Christopherson hired fundamental plans of a carastrophic superweapon that will free the other Keldevian worlds from the Imperials. In the position of Grand General, Jason Kelderrine constructed the superweapon in order to gain much more strength. The first conquest was on Enradus, Harris Alexandrinus was the chief supporter of the Keldevian Army made a decisive victory on Enradus. Grand Moff Ravangoff captured Keldesiroq V. Some months later the construction of Keldan Wardemon was finished but the founder of New Keldevian Republic Jason Kelderrine died ,sacrificing his life after a diplomat episode between two Diplomats one of New Republic and other of New Keldevian Republic. A year later the enlisted men and officers of the Keldevian Army were increased radically.
A major battle was on Eirgalus which resulted to the win of Neokeldevians. Following the defeat of the Empire at the Battle of Endor, Keldevians reliberated Keldesiroq V. However General Christopherson constructed Keldabaron Multidestroyer, a superweapon that operated at all fields of battle. The battles at Ichorunt, Izmaldun, Zissoris, Euntor resulted at major Keldevian victories. Ulgen Skywalker had a secret apprentice Corina Keldaria for rallying the Imperials.
Galactic Empire began ressisting to the catastrophic power of Keldevians. Dalefox and Ugiuzaris two Imperial bastions were captured and destroyed completely from Neokeldevians. The Imperial Purge was increased at the battles of Ferronus, Dianabus and Keldex Prime. At the battle of Keldex Prime, Imperials won but at the other two the result was the decisive victories of Keldevians. Huge and bloody looses of the Empire were continued for other two years, until the Keldevians attempted the siege of Aberubius, the final capital of Imperial Remmant. Imperials had no power for winning a strong dominion of the Core. Even though for some months Grand Moff Kilrek Daslin used his two Death Stars, the Habitation Sphere and numerous World Devastators. Aberubius from the strength of its defenders remained at the hands of the Empire for another year. The Keldevian conquest of Aberubius cemented the power of the Republic at the Core Worlds. After the fall of Aberubius, Keldevians made a population cleanup at the captured planets. Later some ecumenopoleis that belonged to Imperials were captured by Keldevians in Unknown Regions, Colonies, Mid and Inner Rim. John Christopherson after was elected Chancellor of Keldevian Republic, he consolidated his power by founding the Administration Government for the local management of the worlds. Another policy was that he developped the security and transportation technology to the ecumenopoleis. Also he used a large sum from Keldin High Finance Industry for building spaceports, detention facilities and highways.
Dark Times[]
Great Keldevian Insurgence[]
Although the betrayers never missed from every government. General Artalouk and Sergeant Sergath, two Keldevian battle figures of the Old Keldevian Republic that were assigned to the Imperial Remmant during the Imperial Period returned and participated with other modern key participants of the Great Keldevian Insurgence in order to gain control of the Republic. Even though John Christopherson published and brought in use a new Constitutional Law about the crimes against the government. The potent punishments were exile and death penalty. Later many inauspicious conflicts were followed as Great Keldevian Insurgence, Great Democratic civil war and Great Universal War against Yuuzhan Vong and Thyren. Great Keldevian Insurgence began at 20 ABY, key figures General Artalouk, General Ryan Morgan, Marshal Huston Beldris and General Caton Camerladus organised strong mutinous movements against the galactic government. Some weeks later after John Christopherson lost the position of Grand Chancellor of New Keldevian Republic at the Supreme Election of 20 ABY, Wedrus Kenrigar took the position of Grand Chancellor, he catalzed the parliamentary government and enforced dictatorship as new government.
Numberless civilians denied the change of government and acted against the military forces. During the same period, the executions and the imprisonments of innocent civilians were increased quickly. Also two powerful Sith Lords, Darth Sidious and Darth Mephistopheles ressurected and began gaining the control of their governments. Darth Mephistopheles dueled with Master Yudlis on Kelderagur. Huge massacres were signed to Keldefigor, Keldrewun, Keldus 345, Kelderrixe and Keldobrun. On 23 ABY Darth Mephistopheles with large army of Sith Warriors and Troopers captured Keldyx Prime and took the throne of Grand Chancellor by killing Wedrus Kenrigar.
General Artalouk destroyed the economy of New Keldevian Republic and took all money supporting Mephistopheles. Harris Alexandrinus led Keldivuan Rebellion with Ulgen Skywalker. At same period Darth Sidious was killed from Han Solo for last time. Even though Darth Phlegethon at the battle of Keldionus, destroyed the capital of Keldivuan Rebellion. Following the events, Keldevians began hiding in remote worlds. Alexandra Keldaria recaptured Keldyx Prime on 26 ABY but Mephistopheles remained strong for another two years. Chancellor Mephistopheles devastated the Jedi Praxeum on Keldyx Prime and dueled with Alexandra Keldaria. The result was neutral but some months later Ulgen Skywalker stroke on Coruscant and arrested the traitors. A week later Alexandra won Mephistopheles and John Christopherson replaced the government by Military dictatorship to Federal Parliamentary Republic. At 27 ABY General Artalouk, Sergeant Sergath, General Sabbidon and Henry Banlistinus were sentenced to death for 11 high treasons, 100 attempts and threats 32 coups and 45 mutinous movements counting their acts from both Old and New Keldevian Republic. Over 10,000 soldiers were sentenced with banishment both lifelong and 10 or 15 years.
Great Democratic civil war[]
Chancellor Christopherson was willing to finish Industrial Crisis without the view of New Republic. Christopherson went on Coruscant and had discussion with Cal Omas. Although the conversation led to friction when the two Leaders insulted one the other and finally the conversation led their guards to fight. After the result of the Mission on Zolan, they captured and destroyed two Keldevian bastions, Keldex Prime and the newly rebuilt Keldaberus. Keldevians killed over 20 million of people that were afilliated with New Republic. Massacre of Keldevass was a very painful memory for Keldevians. At the battles of Keldus 345 and Keldizmald, were signed the largest Keldevian bloodshed. Even though Keldevians quickly took their revenge with Commanders Keyron and Fengelli entering at the largest cloning facilities of New Republic at Operation:Strike of Chaos.
During the Strike of Chaos Fengelli went on Grizmalt and killed over 200,000 clone soldiers and murdered 100 congressmen of New Republic. Commander Steve Kelderris captured and burnt all military bases of Zolan that were responsible for the destruction of Keldevian populations on the planet. Admiral Keldogus won the Republicans only using Keldan Wardemon against 800,000 Star destroyers.
Supreme General Sien Sovv saw the strategical failures, then he operated and captured planets that were source of soldiers of New Keldevian Republic. The Fall of Keldyx Prime gave to the Republicans much time to devastate the New Keldevian Republic capital. Keldevians operated with four superweapons, ten thousand Star Executioners, 800,000 star dreadnoughts and numberless smaller starships. Republicans were astonished about the loss of Coruscant and millions of personnel. At the same time when the capitals of two governments were captured from their rivals, Commanders George Keldaron, Harris Alexandrinus and Zaxar Keldaron from Keldevians and Commanders Antonius Garrin, Aurellius and Rhelgis Khan from Republicans begun and applied the Order 999 by killing and executing people, burn, destroy and desecrate all buildings and properties and finally sold in extreme high prices precious items, books and treasures beginning firstly from the conquered capitals. This condition was continued at the destructions Keldoqyvan, Keldasyllus V, Kelderiwon, Kelderugatorn and Keldryth for Keldevians and at the destructions of Christophsis, Corellia, Muunilinst, Skako and Vorzyd V for Republicans. Quickly Keldevians liberated Keldyx Prime which was in scullion situation, banks were robbed, residential buildings were burnt, desecrated and bomarded and the population was lower than 200 million. The war was finished three years later with Great Core Disaster in which more than 540,000 worlds were destroyed and 87 trillion of people killed. Finally the two governments when reliberated their capitals again, they haven't anymore strength for killing and blood.
Great Universal War[]
Around 42 ABY when Yuuzhan Vong arrived at the galaxy and the wounds of the bloody period of democratic civil war were finally passed, Thyren a race that ruled over 300 galaxies were informed by Yuuzhan Vong about the galaxy and the governments that covered it. At the Treaty of Zolan both galactic governments, New Republic, New Keldevian Republic, Imperial Remmant and Rakatan Confederational Republic and local governments Keldaragun Confederacy, Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, Keldurris Confederacy and Arcadian City Authority decided to create military alliance against universal enemies. As a result were created two military alliances, the Innergalactic alliance and the Outergalactic alliance which had Yuuzhan Vong, Sheracken and Thyren.
The New Keldevian Republic's territory had huge size during the course of its history. From the Liberation of Keldyx Prime over 100,000 planets were fully supported the Keldevian Republic. After the death of Jason Kelderrine over 200 ecumenopoleis were supported greatly nominally the Keldevian Republic. Among them Keldyx Prime was the capital of Keldevian Republic. This government included the most wealthy, overpopulated and both technological and cultural advanced ecumenopoleis at every region of the galaxy. From famous researchers and polls, the new Keldevian Republic ruled the northern part of the Core which was filled with ecumenopoleis and fully controlled four large galactic regions, Deep Core and the Outer Space, Inner Space and Expansion Space. Also at Colonies and Outer Rim, this galactic government contained all ecumenopoleis of these regions. After Great Democratic civil war Neokeldevians ruled over 200,000 planets but larger than 300,000 planets supported neutrality. With the end of Great Universal War. New Keldevian Republic controlled over a million of worlds. New Republic counted larger territories over 1,5 million planets.
Armed Forces[]
New Keldevian Armed Forces were the military branch of New Keldevian Republic. As the astrogaphical power of the government, included a fearsome military dominion counting totally 5,4 quadrillion of personnel. Supreme Marshal was the chief of the military during a war. Congress of Defense on 32 ABY was an annual council that decided the foundation of four positions, Minister of Army, Minister of Navals, Minister of Special Forces and Minister of Secret Forces. These positions were ruled fromm the Minister of Armed Forces. The Spaceborn Navy included a terrifying dominion counting five superweapons, six types of space stations with level X the most advanced station and over 2 quadrillion of personnel.