Star Wars Fanon


Your powers are weak, old man.

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Your powers are weak, old man.

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Your powers are weak, old man.

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The New Galactic Empire, also known as the Second Galactic Empire or simply the New Empire, was the Imperial faction formed by Luke Skywalker in an alternate timeline where Luke fell to the Dark Side and he became a Sith Lord.

Following the fracturing of the galaxy into countless warring factions due the collapse of the Empire, the New Empire expanded swiftly, led by the charismatic and cunning Admiral Gerissen.



When Luke had fell to the Dark Side, Luke killed the Emperor so that he and his father would rule the galaxy as father and son. However, after their encounter with Leia, the last remaining Jedi, and Yoda, Vader became severely injured so Luke put him out of his misery and decided to rule the Empire as the new and powerful Sith Lord.

Luke entered one of the Star Destroyers and killed all the high ranking officers. Luke said that the Empire was now his and that anyone who would oppose him would be crushed.

Luke met the charismatic Oswald Gerissen. Impressed with his cunning and charismatic skills, Luke chose to have him help turn the Empire into a powerful Military. He gave him the ranking of Grand Admiral. With Gerissen's charming charisma, many turned to Luke for power and Luke had officially taken over the Empire where he would rule it as the Emperor.

There were still those who were loyal to the Emperor but those who opposed Luke were to be executed.

Government and Politics[]

Since Luke was never as political or charismatic as Palpatine, Gerissen took over for most of Luke's speeches. Because of his charm and charisma, it helped Luke a lot for politics and his rise to power. He spoke out for Luke and helped turned most people to the New Empire under Luke's control.


When Luke had taken over the New Galactic Empire where he would rule it as its Emperor, a lot had changed for the Empire. It's military became more skilled and the Stormtroopers were much better fighters. Luke also decided to do the Clone project again like Palpatine did. Luke searched for bounty hunter, Boba Fett, who is loyal to the Empire, and got his DNA to do the Cloning project again in order to create his powerful army. Boba Fett agreed under one condition, he would have one Clone to have where he would raise as a son. Luke accepted this deal and the project proceeded. With this project being done, the Imperial Military almost became unstoppable. The Clone Stormtroopers were also created to be loyal to Luke and only follow him.

However, Luke may have created a powerful army, but he also started a new generation of Sith. He started searching for force-sensitives and chose to train them to become powerful Sith Warriors. While some were growing up and tried to kill Luke to take over the throne, none would succeed due to Luke's power.


