Star Wars Fanon

This I, Emperor Havelock Pahmus of The New Galactic Empire promise you, citizens of the galaxy: There will be no more bondage to outmoded ways. A new age begins now!
—Emperor Havelock Pahmus, in his Foundation Address

The New Galactic Empire, also known as the New Empire, was the imperial faction created by the ambitious Havelock Pahmus in 12.5 ABY, and is currently the most powerful government in the galaxy.

Following the fracturing of the galaxy into countless warring factions due the collapse of the Empire, the New Empire expanded swiftly, led by the charismatic and cunning Admiral Pahmus. The New Empire fought Imperial warlords, the Remnant and the New Republic for territory, resources and political status, and it's enemies watched as it grew from nuisance to nemesis, finally becoming the primary galactic government with the conquest of Coruscant in 25 ABY.



I may lack many virtues, but I have other qualites. Intelligence. Generosity. Ambition. The ambition to excel.
—Emperor Havelock Pahmus, the day before signing up at the Imperial Academy in 2 BBY.

The New Empire effectively began two years before the Battle of Yavin, with the start of the term at Raithal Academy. This year saw many new students as usual, and among them were a young man going under the name Havelock Pahmus. The academy records listed him as 16 years old at the time and Bestine IV as his homeworld, with no legal guardians listed. It is possible he was a refugee or an orphan, or maybe both, considering the absence of parents and guardians. Many his instructors would later note that he looked younger that his age, giving credit to the belief that Havelock lied about his age to get accepted. Next to nothing can be found regarding Havelock's life prior to joining the academy, and he is most likely the only one who knows exactly how and why he arrived at the academy doors. The truth may never be known.

Havelock's time at the academy is well documented. His teachers describe him as a quiet but brilliant student, excelling in strategy, planning and tactical knowledge. Being thinner and shorter than his peers, He was bullied by older students and classmates. His response was always one of uncaring acceptance, which only served to anger the bullies. Even so, after two years at the academy Havelock graduated with excellent grades a year early, and was sent out to serve a probational period aboard a ship. He was assigned to the Star Destroyer Triumphant as the aide to captain Eurann Dellex.

Fracturing of the Empire[]

Return of Palpatine[]

Following the death of Thrawn, however, a new leader of the Empire emerged—Palpatine himself. Returning in fresh clone bodies imbued with the dead despot's spirit, he proceeded to rebuild his Empire and six years later had finally regained the strength to again challenge the New Republic. Palpatine regrouped the fragmented Empire's many warlords and loyal forces into a single unified force, headquartered at Byss in the Deep Core. However, a few


Imperial Remnant Following the death of the resurrected Emperor, the remains of the Empire fell into a quick downward slide.

Imperial-Republic War[]

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Imperial-Republic War


Government and politics[]

Mylady, with respect, we are not the old empire."
"With respect, you're still the empire.

—Emperor Havelock Pahmus and Leia Organa Solo


The New Galactic Empire had, like it's predecessors, a very complex and diverse economy. Following the troubles of the Galactic Civil War, and the subsequent collapse of the old empire, many different currencies came into existence, and exchange rates fluctuated wildly. With the capture of Coruscant the economy began to stabilize, and a major expansion of the economy is gathering speed as of 23 ABY.

Society and culture[]

No more senate, where the greedy and the slothful shriek at each other from their ivory towers! No more Speciesism, where crude psychopaths are allowed to label their atrocities the “Human High Culture”! No more pointless bureaucracy! No more cruel slavery! No more endless civil wars! NO MORE!
—Emperor Havelock Pahmus, in his Foundation Address

The culture of the New Empire was a sharp contrast to the ascetic minimalism of the old empire. Under Emperor Havelock, the New Empire encouraged cultural expression and artistic and social diversity.

Perhaps the most obvious and celebrated difference between the old and the New Empire was the completely reversed views on Human supremacy. Emperor Havelock firmly believed that all species shared an equal value and following the collapse of the Empire he reinstated the Rights of Sentience in the domains under his control. He often claimed that he actually preferred some species, like Twi'leks and Whiphid, to humans. Thus, the New Empire completely dissolved all anti-alien and slavery laws and legislation. In fact, persecution of individuals based on their species has become one of the worst crimes, and perpetrators are harshly punished. While the majority of the government officials is composed of humans, many non humans now work with them, and there is nothing preventing them from rising to the top, as is evident within the Supreme Council, whose members include a Twi'lek, a Givin, an Ortolan, a Siniteen, an Ithorian, and a Shistavanen.


The Imperial Armed Forces is the military of the New Empire, and is responsible for carrying out military operations throughout the galaxy as well as maintaining order on Imperial member worlds, governorships, colonies, and protectorates. Its soldiers follow the Imperial Military Code. Imperial High Command has oversight of the military and supervise campaigns and military operations. The Imperial Armed Forces are very similar, and even identical in some cases, to the military of the old empire in regards to organization and materiel. For example, Imperial Soldiers wear updated stormtrooper armor and the AT-AT is still the work horse when it comes ground attacks.

There are many branches to the Imperial Military, each branch created and maintained for a specific purpose. For instance, the Imperial Army is responsible for ground missions while the Imperial Navy carries out space operations, the protection of space lanes, and transporting all army units (but had little influence over their activities). Even though each branch is an independent entity, they constantly work together.

Notable differences from the old empire's military structure were:

  • The merging of the Stormtrooper Corps and the Army
  • The merging of the Starfighter Corps and the Imperial Starfleet
  • The separating of the military into two branches: Fighting forces and Support forces (which are mostly non-combatant).

Branches of the Imperial Military include:

Fighting forces:

   * Imperial Army - Ground operations and maintaining planetary order
   * Imperial Navy - Space operations and army transportation
   * Imperial Intelligence - Intelligence evaluation and decision making,
psychological warfare and special forces supervision. * Imperial Knights - See Article.

Support forces:

   * Imperial Engineering Corps - Constructing defenses, living quarters,
transportation routes and other required construction for the Imperial Army * Imperial Medical Corps - Medical support for all other branches * Imperial Science Corps - Military research, weapon and equipment testing
and military projects supervision. * Imperial Survey Corps - Intelligence gathering. * Imperial Diplomatic Corps - Diplomatic relations.


The New Empire's territory consisted of close to one million member worlds, primarily covering the western half of the known galaxy.

Behind the scenes[]
