The New Arcadian Republic or Second Arcadian Republic was the name of the dominant democratic government during the final years of the Old Dark Times and replaced the Debeleian Empire after the liberation of Jupiter Prime.
The New Arcadian Republic passed darker ages than the old government. During Great Civil war against Neokeldevians, the Arcadians were close to the destruction from the sudden death of Kevin Sunmaster. At Great Galactic Ressistance, the Arcadian government had bigger looses with the double conflagration of Jupiter Prime from Fengans. However with the upcoming of Aaruth Keldaron, the Arcadians remained strong and destroyed Fengans. This government passed his golden age during Great Transatlantic War in which the Arcadians counted remarkable wins at impossible battles under the leadership of Aaruth Keldaron.
Restoration in Gaia[]
Circa 134 AG, Huston Sunhunter was elected as the first chancellor of the new Arcadian Republic in Gaia Prime which will be the capital of their government until the liberation of Jupiter Prime. Huston Sunhunter a decade later granted a constitution which was decided from the conference of Wathong. Huston was self-exiled for five years and was replaced by Mark Starkiller who was a crucial figure for the government.
He reorganized the Imperial Navy by discovering Dark Ruler, the biggest devastator of the old Arcadian Republic and improved the army. However he was murdered from Darth Hydra. Huston announced the association of the New Arcadian Army with the Arcadian Rebellion for their main goal which was to restore freedom to the Arcadian Territories. Huston announced the primary use of superweapons from the Arcadian rebels. At 196 AG, the Arcadians captured Phoebus and Vulcan Prime from Debeleians. Debeleians were felt in anarchy for many years which brought close the Arcadians to Jupiter Prime. After the death of Huston, Debeleians captured again Phoebus and Juno Prime. New Arcadian Republic ruled two galactic regions and Jonathan Paltrius formed the first branch of special forces. The liberation of Jupiter Prime remained thwarted until the beginning of Debeleian civil war which marked the rebellion of Keldevians and Thyrsonts. Jonathan gained the assembly on 225 AG.
Debeleian civil war[]
The rebellions of the others were failed but these rebellion gave the chance to the Arcadians to come very close to Jupiter Prime. Chancellor Ryan Sunmaster became a new danger for Debeleians by operating the construction of three superweapons that will bring the liberation faster. The superweapons weren't only the problem but also the argument of Grand Moffs about their authority. The Moffs made a small civil war which lasted three years until their execution from Darth Hydra. This was the biggest mistake of Debeleians which drove them to downfall. Jupiter Prime was under Debeleian rule for another twenty years. Arcadians made a first siege on Jupiter Prime which was failed with the killings of Arcadian leaders from Darth Hydra.
Mephistopheles murdered Hydra but he was unable to drove out the Arcadians. Arcadians liberated the three moons of Jupiter and formed millions of battalions that will take part to the second siege. Jupiter Prime was liberated on 335 AG and the capital was transported from Gaia to Jupiter Prime. The dissolution of Debeleian Empire was finished three centuries later. The destruction of Debeleian Empire signed a new period in the galaxy.
Galactic Enlightenment[]
The next four centuries of Atlantis galaxy were peaceful in which a big development was found. At this period all democratic governments reinvested to their peaceful relationships. Keldevians created a new defense object that will create a new generation of droids. Arcadians made an important development to the science finding more effective cures and vaccines, finding more thich materials for building structures and gaining more advanced transportation technologies.
Thyrsonts had the biggest enlightenment in technology investing the X-Tech which was a rebellion in the whole system of every kind of technology.