Neverworld, also known as Never World, Neverworlds and
Never Never World, was a mysterious place beyond the confines of the corporeal galaxy where children of all species could supposedly come to escape the responsibilities of the real world and play games involving the Clone Wars, the Dark Times, and the Galactic Civil War.
Neverworld was a cross between a magical island in space and a theme park, and, like Mortis, which could only be accessed with the Force's permission, and Anakin's Country, which was accessible only to the dead, only small children could come there to live. It's exact location was unknown, because none of those who returned remembered how they got there, only that they did. It represented childlike immortality and escapism, and the boys and girls there played in the Republic/Imperial/Rebel time period because it was considered the most exciting and famous time period in the galaxy's history. It had exciting attractions, and hosts of people from this time period to play with, work with, and fight against. Most significantly, however, there was an immortal human boy in the Neverworld named Pter Pan, "the boy who wouldn't grow up", and his closest permanent companions, the Lost Boys and Girls, children who, like the Jedi of the Old Jedi Order, never knew their parents.
Neverworld had too many inhabitants to name them all, but here are some who appeared more frequently and were more popular there.
The Lost Boys and Girls[]
Pter had seven boys and two girls living with him in Neverworld.
- Chak, the humble (male Wookiee)
- Keyan, the gay and debonair (male Human)
- Gaeriel, the motherly (female Human)
- Jinx, the conceited (male Twi'lek)
- O-Mer, the pure (male Cerean)
- Kalifa, the brave (female Human)
- Maarek, the humorous (male Nautolan)
- Twins, the identical (male Mon Calamari)
The Jedi[]
- Ahsoka Tano
- Aayla Secura
- Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
- Barriss Offee
- Luminara Unduli
- Quinlan Vos
- Ki-Adi-Mundi
- Plo Koon
- Adi Gallia
- Luke Skywalker
- Leia Organa (future Jedi)
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Yoda
- Qui-Gon Jinn
The clones[]
- Rex
- Appo
- Cody
- Gree
- Domino Squad
- Bly
- Bacara
- Vill
- Voca
- Hardcase
- Jesse
- Kix
- Waxer
- Boil
- Retired clone trooper
- Delta, Omega, and Aiwha Squads
- ARC troopers
- Stormtrooper commanders
- Stormtroopers
- 501st Legion
The others[]
- Han Solo
- Chewbacca
- Padme Amidala
- Lando Calrissian
- Jar Jar Binks
- Rebel troopers and pilots
- Imperial officers
- Palpatine
- Dooku
- Grievous
- TIE pilots
- acklays
- reeks
- nexus
- rancors
- gutkurrs
- mastiff phalones
- sarlacc
- Death Star moon
- Kachirho beachhead
- Tipoca City
- Galactic/Imperial City
- Mos Eisley mock-up
- Pit of Carkoon
- Hoth plains & Echo Base
- Pau City
- Endor forest
And many, many more...