Nelsi Mooldun was a female Human, the daughter of bounty hunter-turned-mechanic Vikto Mooldun. Nelsi's mother died when she was relatively young, leaving her to grow up on crime-ridden Bogg 14 with her father, who trained her as a marksman and mechanic.
As a child, Nelsi lost her left hand when her father refused to pay protection to a swoop gang, which maimed her to make the point. Vikto responded by systematically hunting down and executing every member of the gang; only Nelsi's pleas kept him from killing their families, too. Nelsi received an occasionally-updated cybernetic to replace her lost hand.
Like her father, she learned to understand Verpine to communicate with Rozytch. Due to her father's influence, Nelsi was given to profanity and threats far more than most beings her age.
In 1,384 BBY, Vikto and Nelsi had to protect Rozytch against bounty hunters who had mistaken him for Qerriz (or simply wanted to eliminate all Verpine who could be Qerriz). She volunteered to guide Tirien Kal-Di and Narasi Rican to Qerriz, but they detoured on the way as Tirien unsuccessfully attempted to aid a fellow Jedi against Kol'bui Lardt. Nelsi was terrified during a brief confrontation between Tirien and Darth Alecto, and all the more when the Jedi revealed Bogg 14 was in danger from Argus Z'dar. Narasi offered to take her off world, but she insisted on retrieving her father and Rozycth, and was killed in the destruction of Bogg 14.