Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Project Cruentus

We shall take the ruins of one mighty empire, and enslave it in our own!
Carsal Redharn in a speech

The Necasian Military was a faction that fought in the Cruentusian War, and was formed after the collapse of the Rakatan civilization. It was based on the planet of Havez, with its capital in the city of Ilatas. Led initially by Carsal Redharn, they fielded what were considered high-quality weapons and possessed large numbers. They believed in establishing an imperialist quasi-fascist empire.

They were involved with many battles with the Srav Federation, such as the Battle of Cul-Huq.


The Necasian Military was formed from anti-Infinite Empire resistance movements on Havez, with this spearheaded by Carsal Redharn, who would rally the people with speeches at Liberty square in Ilatas.

Following this, it would commence a rapid expansionist campaign, with some worlds, such as Turien II, willingly submitting to its sphere of influence.

Eventually, the Necasians would come into contact with the equally manifest destiny-set Srav Federation, and a brief period of tension existed between the two before all-out war broke out following the Battle of Dagobah.

For several years, the Necasians and the Sravs continued to struggle for galactic domination, along with other factions such as the Death's Tongue Militia and the Taung Confederacy. Eventually, Necasian military commander Askar Invado used subterfuge to usurp leadership from Redharn, and towards the end of the war he obtained an artifact known as the Hand of Darkness, which he believed would grant him the power to triumph over the other factions. After a climatic battle of Byss, Askar was killed and leadership of the Necasians was assumed by military hero Haveer Jarn, who soon took a seat on the leadership of the new United Coalition of Worlds, effectively negating Necasian sovreingity. The Necasian Military would continue to exist as an entity for a few more decades, although by the time of the Unification Wars, all elements had been incorporated into the fledgling Galactic Republic, which had evolved out of the Coalition.



A Necasian recruitment poster

The Necasian Military had an imperialistic organization, and had a high council comprised of several high-ranking Necasian individuals. This system would persevere through the various changes the Necasians underwent. Furthermore, the council was only open to individuals who had distinguished themselves in battle; civilians were not welcome.

The Necasians expected their troops to follow command structure to the letter in their armed forces; however, in some remote outposts, this was not enforced fully.



A typical Necasian soldier

The Necasian Military's armed forces were reputed for their supposed high level of technology and infantry training. The Necasian possessed multiple elite units of foot soldiers, such as their SpecOps divisions, who had a reputation for invincibility among the regular ranks. Later on in the Cruentusian War, Greyfox Squad, consisting of many Necasian veterans, was formed in response to the Srav Hammer Division.

The Necasian armies generally were centered around versatility and infantry, with power armor, comparatively advanced weapons and bodily protection available to ground troops. The mainstay of Necasian ground armor, the Toronian-class storm tank, also reflected this, although it was regarded as inferior to its Srav counterpart in firepower and protection.

Similar principles applied to their space forces, with the mainstay of the Necasian fleet being the Elthior-class IV assault frigate, which was used as a fighter carrier, warship, or ground support platform depending on the situation. The premier Necasian fighter, the DarkBird-class attack fighter, was considered one of the finest dogfighting craft of its day.

Behind the scenes[]

The Necasian Military was a faction created by Darth tom for Project Cruentus, a collaborative drive on the Star Wars Fanon Wiki.
