Nebulai Guigui De Amores was a Coruscant Jedi Padawan turned bounty hunter. He was born in 40 BBY and was padawan to an Unknown Jedi master. In 19 BBY he survived order 66 and began hunting for Vader. He did not believe in the cowardice of the other survivors. Infact, he was not aware there were others but assumed he'd find one. He had a blue lightsaber. He saved the life of a young academy pupil in 19 BBY named Chips. He took on Chips as his padawan. He worked for Han Solo and Jabba the Hutt and bought a Wookie from a Trandoshan prison named Waroppa. In 10 BBY he bought a droid named RasDawl. In 9 BBY he and Chips freed a Human slave on Tatooine called Shadow Nar They also picked up an old MagnaGuard they found on Utapau called Igbo He trained Chips and more unsuccesfully tried to train Shadow and Waroppa. Together the 6 got jobs and travelled to find Vader. Amores however was no match for Vader in 1 BBY when they met on the Death Star, Vader arrested him and locked him up before unleashing a squad of Stormtroopers on a weaponless Amores.