Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Narasi Rican was a female Zygerrian Jedi who lived during the New Sith Wars. The first Zygerrian Jedi in the history of the Order, she was the apprentice of the Jedi Knight Tirien Kal-Di and his constant companion throughout many adventures; though she preferred battle to diplomacy, she and Tirien were a close-knit duo, and Narasi deeply valued her bond with her master. Tirien considered her a combat prodigy, and as she matured, she developed into a skillful lightsaber combatant and battlefield commander.


Early Life[]

Narasi was born on Zygerria, the only child of slaver Shaelo Rican and his wife Demi. Her father's success in slave raids meant Narasi grew up in relative comfort, and her family owned several slaves. Her first memory was her father taking her to the slave processing center; she could feel the pain of the slaves being struck with shock whips and cried over the experience. When she was five, Shaelo, unable to make quota, took slaves from a Sith world and sold them back to the Sith; when the ruse was discovered, the Sith Empire demanded Shaelo's life and the Ricans went on the run.

First Lesson

Argus Z'dar introduces a recently-recruited Narasi to the lightsaber

Narasi and her family fled from one planet to another for a year, as Demi became despondent and Shaelo an alcoholic. Narasi was recruited at the age of six when a passing Jedi Knight perceived her Force sensitivity; Demi handed her only child over to the Jedi to protect her from the Empire and give her the best chance at a good life. At the Jedi Temple Narasi was sorted into Bergruutfa Clan. She followed the stories of Jedi heroes in the field, including Mali Darakhan and Tirien Kal-Di.

Her instructors considered her a promising student, particularly Jedi Battlemaster Argus Z'dar. Despite her talents, her successful completion of the Initiate Trials, and placing third in the Jedi Temple Apprentice Tournament in 1,390 BBY, she was not selected for a Padawan apprenticeship. Some Jedi, including Z'dar, believed Narasi was overlooked due to prejudice against Zygerrians. As time went on, Narasi herself began to fear she would be passed over and forced into the Jedi Service Corps.

Tirien Kal-Di[]

Rocky Start[]

In 1,389 BBY, when Narasi was thirteen, the Jedi Knight Tirien Kal-Di attended one of her lightsaber training sessions. She was overjoyed when Z'dar announced that she would be Tirien's Padawan, but over the next week she found her apprenticeship more challenging than she had expected; her master was very distant, and she feared he didn't like her.

Tirien and Narasi were sent to Taanab to protect Senator Glavial Iltek from a planned assassination at the behest of the Council of Five. Narasi felt closer to Tirien as they planned the mission when he stood up for her against Iltek's guards, who loathed her for being Zygerrian. However, while they managed to protect Iltek from a sniper, the mission went badly for Narasi. As Tirien chased the assassin, Iltek's guards assured her they could protect him and urged her to aid her master. Not realizing they simply wished to be rid of her, Narasi followed their advice, coming up Tirien as he was fending off four gunmen. Narasi killed an Ishi Tib, but was shaken as his maimed corpse collapsed against her. Tirien killed the remaining gunmen as they tried to shoot her, but excoriated her for leaving Iltek. She returned to defend Iltek, holding off backup assassins until Tirien arrived and dispatched them, but she was hollowed by Tirien's accusation that two guards who had died in her absence were on her conscience for her failure to follow his command to protect the senator.

Narasi recovered from the mission at the Jedi chapter house on Taanab, where the AgriCorps Jedi Saotu and Finja helped her find some peace. She and Tirien went to Gizer, where Tirien attempted to bring the Gray Jedi Karr Shadeez back to the Order and Narasi took a liking to one of Karr's Knights, Rhosa Xei. Narasi was proud when her master managed to negotiate favorably with Master Shadeez and Admiral Herqilius Arstyn, but the entire mission fell apart when Darth Alecto assassinated Shadeez and Arstyn and accidentally killed Rhosa too.

Narasi held Rhosa as she died, while Tirien dueled Alecto. Narasi then attempted to aid Tirien in the fight, but was quickly overwhelmed and nearly killed by Alecto, who knocked her over a railing. Tirien saved her, but at the expense of allowing Alecto to flee. In the wake of the assassinations, Narasi was hurt by Tirien's charge that she had failed by trying to come to his aid, but, in their ensuing argument, stunned and hurt by the revelation that Tirien had never wanted her as his Padawan. Before they could discuss the matter further, the Sith fleet attacked Gizer.

Second Chance[]

As Gizer fell, Tirien and Narasi retreated with the Republic fleet to Taanab, where they dug in to resist the Sith in a two-month siege. The two Jedi were greatly strained, their severely damaged relationship further weighed down by the constant battle and frequent death around them. Narasi continued to obey Tirien's orders, but spoke to him only when necessary and often spent her free time alone.

In the last week of the battle, Mali Darakhan and his Padawan, Aldayr Nikodon, arrived on Taanab to help. Though she disliked Aldayr, Narasi immediately gravitated to Mali's good nature, combat skill, and air of confidence. Over a few days, she began to spend more time at his side than Tirien's, and secretly wondered if he might be willing to take on a second Padawan.

During a battle alongside Tirien and Elata Cazars, Narasi came to Tirien's aid to deflect blasterfire while he protected a Republic walker from Sith troopers and the Sith Lord Darth Sarnan. After the battle, Narasi and Mali talked, but she was startled to hear that, had he been in Tirien's place on Gizer, he would have let her die in order to kill Alecto. Mali explained a bit about Tirien and his master, Suwo Tolp; helped Narasi realize that Tirien's objection was to having any Padawan, not her; and advised Narasi that he thought Tirien did care about her.

Shortly thereafter, Sith raiders struck the Jedi chapter house in Pandath, killing Saotu and Finja. A deeply distraught Narasi attended their funeral, feeling vengeful toward the Sith, but Tirien talked her down from her anger and the dark side afterward. They spent the rest of the night and the following day in combat, eventually reuniting with Mali and Aldayr. When Darth Vandak and Darth Alecto launched a raid on Pandath's shield generators, Tirien and Mali went to stop them, but Tirien left the Padawans to guard a crucial intersection.

Only moments later, Nerlus Zedum, Ondar Vargh, and Churka arrived and confronted the Padawans. Aldayr was ready to face them, but Narasi commed for help. When the duel erupted, Narasi fought Churka, managing to score light hits on his body, although to no effect. As she struggled to deflect his blows, his synthetic blade broke hers, destroying her lightsaber. Meanwhile, Lord Vargh cut off Aldayr's sword arm. As Narasi ran out of ideas, Tirien arrived in response to her distress call, urging her to flee with Aldayr. Narasi realized he intended to sacrifice himself for them, but before he could, Master Cazars arrived as well. In the ensuing battle, Master Cazars amputated Lord Zedum's sword hand while Tirien killed Churka and Ondar Vargh. Realizing what his apprentice had been through and the commitment she had shown, Tirien told her he was proud of her for the first time.

After Republic Navy reinforcements arrived and forced Darth Hokhtan's fleet to flee, Master Cazars asked Narasi whether she wished to remain Tirien's Padawan. Her perspective had changed since her conversation with Mali and the following battle, and she said she did. When Tirien also wished to continue the relationship, Master Cazars blessed the arrangement on behalf of the Council, then sent them on their way to Ilum to replace Narasi's lost lightsaber. Back in GX-521-A3, Tirien gave Narasi Suwo's old lightsaber to tide her over until she built a new one; she was deeply touched by the gesture. At her suggestion, they agreed to rename the ship to commemorate their renewed relationship, dubbing it the Second Chance.

A Zygerrian and a Jedi[]

Over the following year, Tirien and Narasi repeatedly pursued leads on Darth Alecto. Though Narasi spotted her once from a distance on Commenor, the two Jedi never managed to confront their nemesis. Over the same time Tirien trained Narasi in Makashi, as Padawans were expected to spend a year or two learning Forms II through VI; though Argus Z'dar believed Makashi was a poor fit for Narasi in the long run, she was the best in her Padawan group due to a combination of her own natural prowess and Tirien's coaching.

In 1,388 BBY, Tirien and Narasi were sent to Toprawa to investigate reports of Sith activity and to rescue the Jedi Knight Gennic Forgey, who had gone missing on the same assignment. Toprawa was in disputed territory between the New Sith Empire and Valin Aresh, and so Narasi reluctantly adopted the attitude of a Zygerrian slaver. Drinking a Flameout at a bar, she succumbed to its intoxicating effects and intimidated the bartender into telling her where the Sith camp was located. Though Tirien intervened before she and the Human Almis could get into a serious fight, Narasi was horrified when she sobered up into a hangover—for a moment during her interrogation, she had enjoyed the Human's fear.

Tirien and Narasi discovered an excavation site, crewed by slaves and controlled by the Dark Vanguard. They infiltrated the caves through a swamp, in which Narasi was attacked by a dianoga. Though she and Tirien got free, they were captured immediately after by a Vanguardian. Narasi was confined with Gennic Forgery himself, but she was disgusted and angry when he treated her with absolute distrust because she was a Zygerrian. She spent a miserable night trying to meditate, concerned that Gennic was on to something and her enjoyment of the bartender's fear made her no better than the rest of her species.

The next day, Narasi sensed Tirien in pain, but was frustrated by her inability to reach him. Just then, however, the force field holding the two Jedi failed, and they overwhelmed their captors. Making their way to the generator room, they found its guards slaughtered and their lightsabers intact. Gennic led Narasi to the main mining chamber, where the slaves were attempting to free the Architect of Betrayal.

Narasi was briefly attacked by a Vanguardian until Forgey distracted him. As Tirien engaged another Vanguardian and General Eviar Seldec in a duel, he commanded Narasi to find the Betrayer's Heart that Seldec had dropped. Narasi briefly secured the amulet, but was attacked by a Vanguardian and dropped it. When Forgey retrieved it, he destroyed the amulet, killing himself and triggering a cave-in. Assisted by the freed slave Cssarti Chawa, Narasi helped Tirien out of the collapsing cavern.

After the two Jedi escaped Toprawa aboard the Second Chance, Narasi confessed her fears to her master. He reassured her that being a Zygerrian did not make her a bad person, but cautioned her that her enjoyment of others' fear was the temptation of the dark side. As Narasi resolved to remain on the Jedi path, they were contacted by Elata Cazars, who rerouted them to Denon to board the Crescentia.

Conspiracy Theorist[]

Aboard the Crescentia, Narasi often occupied a gunner's station during battles between the Seventy-Second Republic Battle Group and the forces of Zirist Lakalt, though she longed to fly a fighter into combat. She and Tirien made friends with the Melitto Jedi Knight Slejux Nissatak, and Narasi and Slejux developed a mutually teasing relationship that Tirien endured with mild grumbling. Narasi enjoyed watching her master spar Slejux, a Form III expert, comparing it to watching an unstoppable force meet an immovable object. She and Tirien also began upgrading the Second Chance, and Tirien took the opportunity to teach Narasi about ship mechanics; she took to considering it "their thing", though they occasionally brought in Givin Jedi Soolorl Throkhab for particularly technical matters.

Narasi got along well with many Jedi aboard the Crescentia, but disliked Umbaran Master Sil Kadych; she found his innate telepathic ability to read her mind invasive, and believed he enjoyed making others uncomfortable.

Nine weeks after their arrival, Tirien and Narasi were dispatched to Byblos to aid Jedi Shadow Javrin Flek. Narasi sensed her master's unease with Jedi Shadows in general and his skepticism of Javrin in particular, though she found the work of Shadows intriguing. Javrin claimed to have found a group of Sith collaborators distributing dark side artifacts and propaganda, but Narasi and Tirien came to doubt his views when the "Sith collaborators" were revealed to be a group of teenage boys. When Javrin insisted on interrogating the boys by force, he and Tirien briefly came to blows; Narasi got the boys out of danger, then confiscated Javrin's blaster after Tirien disarmed him of his lightsaber.

Champing at the Bit[]

Tirien and Narasi remained assigned to the Crescentia and contributed to the Battle of Malastare. They were reunited with Mali Darakhan and Aldayr Nikodon in 1,387 BBY; Narasi had some lingering dislike of Aldayr, and was put off by the drastic change in his personality since Taanab, finding his affect flat. She accused him of having "no personality" and was uncomfortable with his choice to use a double-bladed lightsaber, considering that Ondar Vargh's had taken off his arm.

A week later, Tirien came to Narasi, and even she could sense he was troubled. He confessed that Mali was planning an unsanctioned excursion to Milagro to target Sith Overlord Vedya Gasald, who was invading, in an attempt to thwart the invasion and thus under Corellian Jedi Master Tyson Dumiel's attempts to get his fellow Corellian Jedi to commit themselves to Corellia alone. Tirien was going, but gave Narasi the choice; she agreed immediately, sharing his annoyance with Dumiel's plans and eager to finally test her growing skills against real enemies. Slejux and (to Narasi's unease) Master Kadych went as well.

Tirien allowed Narasi to pilot the Second Chance while running the blockade so he and Slejux could mind trick pursuing fighters. Despite this, Narasi was concerned about what she viewed as his overprotectiveness. When the Jedi met up with insurgent cells which were forming the nascent Milagro Resistance, they had to routinely explain that Narasi was not with the Sith and not present on Milagro to enslave anyone. Narasi found the routine aggravating and expressed her frustration to Human Kara Rynt, though she was forced to concede that distrusting Zygerrians was not normally unwise.

The Jedi were disturbed to discover that Darth Vandak and his Anzat Brotherhood of Shadows were on Milagro, but when they set out to intercept Anzat assassins to protect civilians, Narasi volunteered to go with Aldayr, frustrated at always being safe but not really testing her own abilities at Tirien's side. The Padawans quibbled again, but found some common ground in frustration with their masters; Mali had not told Aldayr about Master Dumiel's proposal, despite Aldayr being Corellian himself. Narasi and Aldayr actually did find one of the Anzati and engaged him in a duel; Narasi suffered a broken nose and several close calls, but she and Aldayr finally managed to bring down the Anzat.

Confrontation on Milagro

Narasi joins Tirien in confronting Darth Alecto

Tirien helped Narasi accelerate her nose's healing, but she had been sobered by her close brush with death. When the Jedi mounted an attack on Milagro's government center, aiming to rescue hostages and kill Darths Vaszas and Vandak, Narasi was more receptive to Tirien's directives, though she insisted on accompanying him to confront Darth Alecto when he sensed the Mirialan's presence. Alecto was accompanied by Sith Acolyte Zeff Rogu, and Narasi dueled Zeff while Tirien fought Alecto. Narasi acquitted herself decently, but was outmatched by the older and more experienced Zeff until Tirien hit him with a pipe and injured his shoulder. The duel evened a bit, Narasi managed to knock Zeff out of it by dousing him with sewage from a severed pipe and Force pushing him away. She went to Tirien's aid against Alecto and they briefly fought the Mirialan two-on-one, but when Aldayr arrived and implored Tirien's help for Mali, who was fighting Vandak alone, Tirien pushed Narasi back so he could unleash the full extent of his abilities on Alecto.

The went to Mali's aid after Tirien walled Alecto off from them, and Narasi obeyed his injunction to clear their way out while he went to fight. The two Padawans found the Milagro Resistance fighters who were supposed to guard their exit had instead abandoned them, and they fought a losing battle against a Sith battalion until Slejux came to their aid. They were rescued by Nal and Kadelle Chun aboard the Rogue's Gambit, and Narasi persuaded Nal to both drop them at the Second Chance and fly cover for them while running the blockade. They picked up Tirien, Mali, and Kadych from the government center, but Kadych was near death and Tirien and Mali were both wounded and suffering smoke inhalation, forcing Narasi to fly the Second Chance. Trusting the Force, she managed to run the blockade, though the ship was near destruction when they finally escaped to lightspeed. Narasi convalesced with the others aboard a destroyer at Corellia.

To Protect the Ones We Love[]

When they had recovered, Tirien, Narasi, and Slejux returned to the Crescentia, where they were chastised by the Praxeum Council, although Narasi got off comparatively lightly, since she was a Padawan. The Council held them aboard for months; Tirien explained that they hoped the three errant Jedi would come to see the Milagro affair from the Council's point of view, but Narasi regarded it as thinly-veiled punishment and chafed at the knowledge that the war was going on without her. During her months of "confinement", she struck up an occasional correspondence with Aldayr.

Three months after the escape from Milagro, the Praxeum Council summoned Narasi and Tirien. Narasi was excited to have a mission at last, but flabbergasted when they met Harshee Nefkin, the Svivreni Jedi who had recruited Tirien. The interaction between the two was more lighthearted and amicable than Narasi had ever seen Tirien, and she was wrongfooted by the discovery that she was not the Jedi who knew him best. She was also deeply disquieted by Harshee's half-recollection of Narasi's surname.

Harshee had come aboard after failing to recruit a Force-sensitive on Pantora, Tirien's homeworld, and the Council gave Tirien the mission instead. Narasi had a brief one-on-one conversation with Harshee, in which she was terrified to discover that Harshee had connected Narasi's surname with her past, but Harshee elected not to tell Tirien, though she chided Narasi for not doing so.

En route to Pantora, Narasi needled Tirien for more information about his past, and though she was briefly dumbstruck when he turned the question back on her, he filled her in with some information about his early life and homeworld. Tirien used his name to get them through Pantoran security, and Narasi sensed her master's discomfort with the attention and adulation of his fellows Pantorans. That was not the attitude they received from Dorje Sokos, whose son Ayson was a four-year-old Force-sensitive. Dorje derided the Jedi lifestyle and accused Jedi Padawans of being child soldiers. Narasi was annoyed by his castigation, but confused when Tirien seemed to take it to heart, and even more so when her master gave her the day off to explore Isalius.

Narasi had lunch with a group of Pantorans, all of whom knew her master's name and were curious about her life, but Narasi grew uncomfortable with their joking and braggadocio about military service. Two Pantoran mall cops attempted to escort her out, but in her anger and embarrassment Narasi mind-tricked them into leaving her alone. Leaving the group of teenagers she had come to think of as children, she went to a rooftop park and was confronted by Rylar Kal-Di, Tirien's brother.

Rylar and his sister, Zina, had heard of Tirien's arrival, and Rylar had sought out Narasi, hoping to be able to connect with his brother. Floored, Narasi was quickly taken with the idea, though she admitted it might be a hard sell to Tirien. Over the next two days, she struggled to find an appropriate time while also researching Ayson's background; with Zina's help, she found Dorje's wife, Hera, had been killed by pirates. Narasi had resolved to tell her master about his siblings the evening of their second day on Pantora, but was completely diverted when he told her that Chairman Thius Korfadda had offered him lordship of Pantora—and possibly the entire Sujimis sector—in exchange for leading their forces and protecting them. The two debated the idea, and Narasi finally pointed out to her master that, despite his concerns about the awe of his fellows inflating his ego, their respect for him was about their need to feel safe and believe in heroes, not about his pride. Tirien confessed the appeal of his homeworld, and Narasi vowed to stay with him whatever he decided, but he finally chose to return to the Jedi Order and the Republic. Sensing how very close the decision had been, Narasi, after much internal struggle, kept secret her interactions with Rylar and Zina, knowing they might be the one temptation too many that diverted Tirien from what he felt was right.

The next day, the two Jedi returned to Dorje and Ayson. Tirien and Dorje debated briefly before Narasi asked to speak to him alone. She confessed that she remembered her own parents, and despite her feelings of abandonment when she became a Jedi, she was still grateful that they had given her up. She eventually convinced Dorje to surrender Ayson to the Order. While they waited for Ayson to be ready, Tirien finally took a press conference to reassure and inspire Pantora, and insisted that Narasi be at his side on the cameras. They returned to the Second Chance, and Narasi contacted Zina and Rylar to tell them it wouldn't work out, privately enduring their feelings of betrayal and castigation.

Tirien and Narasi took Ayson back to the Crescentia for training, and Narasi took the opportunity to keep an eye on Ayson and help acclimate him to Jedi life. She was relieved when Tirien announced that he had persuaded the Praxeum Council to return them to field service.

A Night of Magic[]

All Jedi struggle with temptation and self-doubt, Narasi, but true Jedi rise beyond it. That you are here with us, fighting for the Republic even when some of its members judge you merely for what you are, when it would be so much easier to follow the path other Zygerrians have carved into the galaxy's heart or use your powers for personal ends…the resilience of your spirit humbles me. I am honored to call you my sister Jedi.
—Supreme Chancellor Phnyong encourages Narasi[src]

At the end of 1,387 BBY, Narasi and Tirien were sent to Anaxes: Supreme Chancellor Phnyong would be attending the Republic Navy War College graduation ball, and as Republic Intelligence had received threats to the Chancellor's life, multiple Jedi were being sent as bodyguards to supplement his own Senate Guard. Narasi was grudgingly tolerant of Tirien's insistence that she learn to waltz, but excited to meet the Chancellor at last. On Anaxes she chatted with Ensign Gaytus Davreed and befriended the Miraluka Jedi Knight Kenza Rowkwani. Narasi and Kenza went shopping for ball gowns and chatted about life as a Jedi, but their errand was interrupted when Kenza sensed a conflict and found Antifol Wolt and Gravo Fenjen arguing at FastLane Couriers, on the edge of violence. Under pressure, they confessed to running supplies into Sith territory. Kenza left them alone while calling Anaxes Police, intending to tug the web to see who Antifol called and possibly find more collaborators; she was startled and demoralized, however, when the police reported that Antifol had killed himself.

The day of the Chancellor's arrival, Narasi and Tirien reconnected with Senator Glavial Iltek, who had grown genuinely fond of her. She found herself flustered when she met Prince Taylo Organa of Alderaan, whom she considered charming and handsome, and who promised to save her a waltz. She was brought back to earth by Khofin of Knylenn, the Chancellor's First Secretary, who subtly hinted that she should not be in the official holo with the Chancellor. Narasi was offended, but sensed Tirien gearing up to fight it out on her behalf and volunteered to go check on Kenza to avoid the battle, though she was touched. Depressed at missing her chance to meet the Chancellor, Narasi conversed with Kenza, trying to ease her friend out of her guilt over Antifol's suicide.

Narasi and Phnyong

Phnyong reassuring Narasi

The night of the ball, Narasi was hurt by several guests who spoke contemptuously of her for being a Zygerrian, but Tirien comforted her. Khofin of Knylenn tried to edge her out of the more exclusive room where the Chancellor and other high-ranking dignitaries celebrated, but Phnyong himself sought Narasi out to speak to her. He offered her encouragement and the reassurance that he respected her as a fellow Jedi. Shortly after, Prince Taylo found Narasi and, true to his word, took her out to dance.

Narasi was on cloud nine as she waltzed, but came to sense something was wrong. Without understanding exactly why, she left Prince Taylo and started toward the Chancellor. She arrived just in time to prevent Third Aurek, a Vanguardian, from striking Phnyong down, but she was grossly outmatched in the resulting duel even with the aid of four of the Chancellor's Senate Guards. Third Aurek nearly killed her, but Phnyong telekinetically moved the cortosis-weave force pike of one of the fallen guards into the way and saved her. Raven Kaivalt entered the duel and, together, the two Jedi managed to bring the Vanguardian down.

Startled to discover the Chancellor dying of no apparent cause, Narasi was diverted by Tirien calling for her aid in the Force. She burst onto the balcony to find the Anzat assassin Ikkyn about to kill Tirien; enraged, Narasi hit him with a Force push hard enough to break his hip and send him over the balcony, then cut his rappelling rope for good measure. Narasi was horrified to find Tirien had been poisoned; he had the cure, but commanded her to save Phnyong instead. A heartsick Narasi obeyed, but was too late—Phnyong had died. She and Kenza returned to Tirien's side and, unwilling to let her master die too, Narasi injected him with the cure.

Though glad Tirien had survived, Narasi was devastated by the evening—the Chancellor was dead, along with Prince Taylo, fellow Jedi Dijir F'rat, and many others. As she, Tirien, and Kenza debriefed and planned their next steps, however, they discovered that Tirien had lost his connection to the Force.

The Force of Desperation[]

Narasi was horrified by the discovery; she understood quickly that in giving Tirien the cure to the poison, she had also injected him with the compound which stripped him of his powers. After they returned to Coruscant, Tirien, not wanting Narasi to be penned up doing nothing, asked Slejux to step in as her master. Slejux and Narasi raided several Sith information sites, but even though Narasi's apprehension grew and her anger pushed her close to the dark side at times, they found no trace of Darth Alecto; it seemed all the galaxy was looking for Alecto, and no one could find her.

Returning to Coruscant in failure, Narasi could barely face Tirien, continuing to blame herself despite his assurance that, but for her decision, he would simply have died. Narasi reconnected with Aldayr, who had come to Coruscant with Mali, who was himself hoping to help. The two Padawans spoke and trained daily, and Narasi confided her fears and anxiety. When Slejux said they would no longer participate in the raids, fearing Narasi's obsession was tempting her to the dark, Narasi vented to Aldayr only to discover that he had found a Republic Intelligence report placing Alecto on Skorrupon. Desperate to capture Alecto and force her to help Tirien, and realizing Slejux would never let her go, Narasi persuaded Aldayr to help her steal the Second Chance and capture Alecto.

The two went to Skorrupon, but walked right into a Sith trap. A group of mercenaries attacked Narasi in a bar; though she managed to kill one and injure several, she was eventually overwhelmed and stunned into submission. Aldayr fared only slightly better before he, too, was captured.

Escaping the Madhouse[]

Narasi and Aldayr were confined, naked, in a dungeon. Narasi found their nudity deeply uncomfortable and awkward, but after Aldayr was interrogated and described their surroundings, Narasi awaited her turn for questioning. When Sith Acolyte Xargo Dejuth briefly left her alone, Narasi overpowered her captors and killed a Zygerrian slaver, sprang Aldayr, and "escaped" into the castle. While they dealt with the awkwardness of their awareness of each other as subjects of attraction as well as fellow Jedi, the two also found horror at every turn; the castle was filled with Sithspawn created by Kai Latra and his minions.

Eventually they were ambushed by a mutated Dark Jedi, but after an initial skirmish, Narasi recognized him as Olik Gryfe, who had been captured by the Sith during the Battle of Tanaab and mutated. She tried to persuade him to rejoin the Jedi, but she and Aldayr were forced to flee when Olik's conditioning proved too strong; they escaped only when Olik was caught up in the gears of a machine and maimed. Shortly thereafter they discovered the prisoners and slaves who went along with the Zygerrian slaver, and Narasi resolved to rescue them.

They infiltrated the main slave reception bay, but Narasi was briefly diverted by the revelation that the castle belonged to Kai Latra—she realized that, if she could capture Kai Latra, who had created the Anaxes poison in the first place, she would not need Alecto. However, Aldayr pointed out that they could not both free the slaves and expect to take a full Sith Lord hostage; realizing what Tirien would say if she put him above the lives of innocents, Narasi accepted the need to free the slaves and let Kai Latra escape. When Xargo spotted Aldayr in a stolen Zygerrian uniform and attacked, Narasi sparked a fight between the Sith and the Zygerrians by screaming, in Zygerrian, that the Sith had betrayed them.

Under cover of the battle, Narasi got some clothes for herself and freed the slaves from their pens; she had the Sithspawn guards pinned back when Aldayr rejoined her with other prisoners and the two killed the monsters. They escaped to the hangar bay, but Narasi looked back and, to her shock, saw Tirien fighting Xargo and Sanno Casa. She tried to return to him and screamed in horror when he surrendered his defense, but before his enemies could strike him down, his connection to the Force was restored and he defeated the Acolytes. Joyfully reunited, master and Padawan fled to the hangar. Olik reappeared, sans the arm he had lost to the gear, but he had recovered enough of himself to stay and hold off pursuit to allow them to escape. Mali and Slejux arrived in the Second Chance to rescue their fellow Jedi and those slaves who could not fit in the commandeered Zygerrian ship.

Narasi manned the newly-installed gunning station on the Second Chance and held off the Zygerrian cruiser long enough to escape to hyperspace. On Coruscant, she was castigated by the High Council and Tirien for her recklessness, but Tirien let her off relatively lightly. Seeking out Aldayr before he and Mali could leave, she was stunned when Aldayr kissed her.


Tirien and Narasi had two weeks to recover in the Jedi Temple before the Council called for them. Narasi was confused when her master declined the chance to hunt down Alecto and perturbed at the Council's offer of a teaching post at the Temple; the last thing she wanted was to be stuck away from the war. Ultimately they were sent to Alderaan; King Rosulus Organa, Prince Taylo's uncle, had threatened to recall Alderaan's delegation to the Senate in protest over the entire Anaxes affair.

On Alderaan, Narasi befriended Elyria Organa, the Crown Princess; she often spent her time with Elyria in lessons, and on one memorable occasion went thranta-riding with the princess. In her spare time she read up on Alderaanian history and frequently joined Tirien for his meetings with various government agencies. She also continued her own training, trying to master Force speed, and kept up correspondence with Aldayr as the two tried to decide where their relationship was going. In the end King Rosulus agreed to keep Alderaan in the Senate, but the same day, Tanaab fell to a renewed assault by Darth Saleej. Tirien and Narasi decided to consult the Force to determine where they could serve best.

Narasi experienced her first Force vision in the mountains of Alderaan and was confused and frightened by much of what she saw. Worst, however, was an attack on the Organas. She and Tirien returned to the Aldera Royal Palace in time to prevent mercenaries from abducting the Organas; Narasi managed to successfully resist a stun shot despite never being trained to do so, though she suffered some dizziness, slurred speech, and blurred vision. She struck down three treacherous members of the Alderaan Royal Guard, but though the Organas were saved, Elyria was terrified after having seen Narasi kill two beings in front of her, and was uncomfortable in Narasi's presence afterward.

Tirien and Narasi compared notes and determined they had shared only one vision in common—Narasi aboard the Crescentia, teaching a group of younglings while Tirien and Slejux looked on. They decided to return to the Crescentia, but were waylaid by an order of the High Council to remain on Alderaan—Alecto's Anzati had slain a number of key Republic personnel throughout multiple regions of space, and the Council wanted to ensure the Organas' safety. During their time on Alderaan, Narasi practiced stealth infiltration to hone her own skills and keep the Royal Guard sharp.

When the Jedi Council sent out an Emergency Code Nine-Oh-Five targetting Darth Vandak on Gyndine, Narasi was eager to go and frustrated by Tirien's refusal, though he pointed out they could never reach Gyndine in time. She was delighted when the news came through that two Padawans had slain Vandak, but Tirien forced her to read between the lines of the report and realize it omitted any mention of the other Jedi who had almost certainly been present and killed.

Go-To Team[]

When Tirien and Narasi at last returned to the Crescentia from Alderaan, they were deployed almost immediately on a months-long, classified mission to Darkknell. In their absence Mali launched a counterinvasion of Milagro, and Narasi was eager to join him, though the Praxeum Council did not grant her wish. Narasi kept in touch with Aldayr, the two testing the flirtatious waters.

After Darkknell, Tirien, Narasi, and Slejux followed a tip to Carosi IV, where they were able to prevent a Zygerrian slave raid and discovered that Master Argus Z'dar had become the new leader of Karr Shadeez's crusade. Narasi then accompanied her master to Columus, where he tried and failed to convince the Columi to clone foodstuffs for the Republic.

The Lure of Vengeance[]

Immediately after Columus, Tirien and Narasi were sent to Circumtore to bid in an auction for a nuclear bomb. They successfully entered Runganna the Hutt's court, but found the Empire of Ryloth and Guardian Mandalorians had also sent representatives. Narasi tried to get information about, then from, the Mandalorians, and dodged a slipshod assassination attempt in the process; she found the teenage Rodian assassin so pitiful she just let him go. She was more concerned by Zaella Sabir, the Twi'lek Sith apprentice accompanying Izkara Raltadus.

Though Narasi had hoped to be a partner to Tirien on the mission, she was entirely diverted when San Pavac casually mentioned having killed her parents; she fell into a rage and would have hacked Pavac in half with her lightsaber if Tirien had not stopped her. When her master demanded the truth, Narasi finally admitted her family history and how she was recruited. As she broke down, Tirien hugged her and comforted her; once she had steadied herself, though, he warned her that Pavac's presence was a test and that she needed to resist the dark side.

Narasi was tense over the following days, coming close to blows with Zaella and trying to avoid Pavac. When the auction finally began, Runganna wrangled Tirien, Izkara, and Damis Myragon into agreeing to a Koboskya no Jankpa, a contest of champions with Narasi, Zaella, and Arkyr Rentol fighting for their sides. Tirien was consumed with self-loathing over being outwitted, but Narasi, eager to redeem herself, accepted the arrangement, and she felt her chances improved when Damis and Arkyr withdrew.


Narasi faces off against Zaella and Ghrond

When Narasi entered the arena to fight Zaella, though, Runganna revealed her own champion: the Mandalorian iron-clad Dashade Ghrond Farshyk. After a brief truel, Narasi persuaded Zaella to join forces, knowing neither could overcome the Dashade alone. They managed to wear him down, damage his armor, and ultimately kill him, but Zaella turned on Narasi. The two apprentices dueled, but Narasi overcame Zaella; as she prepared the deathblow, though, Zaella begged for mercy, and Narasi allowed her to leave the field into Tirien's custody. Narasi tried to follow, but Runganna walled her back in and sent Pavac after her. The two fought, and as her anger mounted Narasi relied on the dark side to overcome Pavac and beat him down. As she prepared to execute him, though, she regained her Jedi center and spared his life. Once her back was turned, he tried to blow her up with a grenade, but Arkyr shot him in the head.

Runganna attempted to take the Jedi prisoner, but Tirien cut down her Gank bodyguards; Izkara tried to kill him, but Narasi defended her master until Tirien could kill her with a frozen blaster bolt. The two Jedi took the bomb, and brought Zaella with them as a prisoner rather than release her to wreak havoc in the galaxy.


Tirien directed the group to Guudria, having received a tip that the planet was ruled by a Jedi queen. They arrived to discover that the Guudrians had been conditioned to worship Jedi. While Tirien set about finding ways to break that conditioning, Narasi tried to learn more about the local culture while simultaneously managing Zaella.

Narasi and Zaella clashed on the way to Guudria and over the following weeks—Zaella was tense around Tirien, but she was frequently confrontational with Narasi. Despite their arguments, Narasi tried to find little acts of kindness and patience to break Zaella's Sith habits. While Tirien was ambivalent on Zaella's chances for redemption, Narasi gradually became more of a believer and opened up to Zaella, even telling her about Aldayr, whom Narasi missed more and more. The two began sparring together, and when Tirien castigated Narasi for learning Juyo from Zaella against his instructions, Zaella argued with Tirien in Narasi's defense.

When Maia Kyss, the Jedi queen, arrived in Marekka with Bras Kozondo and Jirdo Yushari, Narasi stood with her master and Zaella against them and had enough strength to rebuff Bras's Force powers. Over the following days, the trio repelled various attacks by the Guudria Jedi. Eventually, Maia attacked Marekka with new dark side powers, but Narasi managed to acquit herself decently against the fallen Jedi before Tirien drove her off. When Jirdo arrived to surrender, Narasi was skeptical and distrustful of his motives. Bras attacked Marekka immediately thereafter, wielding extreme dark side powers, and even though Narasi and Zaella teamed up against him when they could, they were completely outclassed and saved only by Tirien straining his Force powers to stop Bras.

After they repelled the attack, Narasi nearly strangled Jirdo, believing him to be a collaborator. It was she who deduced the presence of a Sith tomb on Guudria, and that Bras had been possessed. Narasi accompanied the others into the tomb, where the spirit of Chelshgodrû Brokkodd attacked them all before possessing Narasi. Narasi struggled against his control, but Tirien was forced to duel her to keep her occupied until Zaella and Jirdo destroyed Brokkodd's sarcophagus, his anchor to the living world. Narasi was horrified by what had happened to her and what she had done, but Zaella and Tirien both tried to console her.

Three days later, having help to rebuild Marekka, the Jedi and their prisoners departed for Republic space. Narasi was determined to speak up for Zaella to the Crescentia's Praxeum Council, but when they arrived at Vondarc, they could not reach the battle group. They finally contacted Raven Kaivalt, only to learn that Darshkére and Vedya Gasald had teamed up in the Battle of Eriadu and massacred the battle group and all its Jedi.


Tirien decided on a rescue mission to save any survivors, over Raven's objections. Narasi struggled with her grief over losing so many friends, but when Tirien realized Ayson Sokos had died, he sank into catatonic despair. Unable to rouse him from it, Narasi took over the mission. At Eriadu, she thought she sensed Slejux's presence, but when she found only Kwhuel's holocron with a fading touch of Slejux's presence, she nearly broke down. She had decided to scrap the mission as a waste when Zaella discovered other bounty hunters at Eriadu hunting Yan Razam. Narasi managed to extract Yan, though she nearly lost her until Tirien snapped out of his despair and came to her aid.

The group fled to sanctuary on Pelagon, where Miklato Kaivalt, Raven's father, gave them the protection of Inimă Eserzennae. When Tirien, Yan, and Raven agreed on an assassination mission against Gasald, Narasi volunteered without hesitation. She was horrified to learn from Tirien that Aldayr had been captured by Valin Aresh, but though Aldayr's fate preyed on ehr mind, she held to her decision to go on the mission rather than going to Mali's aid.

Narasi trained with the strike team of Pelagia Jedi and Harshee Nefkin, honing her skills and learning new ones. Her budding friendship with Zaella progressed, but was put to the test by the time Tirien spent with Zaella every day, attempting to patch the "holes" Tarni Hadan had carved into Zaella's natural mental shields. Apart from training time and the hour or so he spent with Zaella, Tirien spent most of his time alone or with Lord Chiron Brascel and Raven, trying to plan the mission. Though Narasi was touched by him trusting her to be ward of herself, she was still jealous of Zaella. She and Harshee also began to worry about the long hours Tirien spent planning, having essentially taken mission command on himself.

When Tirien gave the go order and Zaella confided in Narasi her concerns that the group's training methods had started to verge on the dark side, the two nearly came to blows. Narasi tried to put her anger aside at Allanteen, and the group successfully reached Gasald's throne room on the Kiss of Death. However, using her powers of influence, Gasald exacerbated Narasi's jealousy and resentment to the point that Narasi attacked Zaella. Only Gaebrean Kaivalt's intervention kept the two alive. Narasi fought her way to where her master had defeated Gasald, but when Yan hacked off Gasald's arm and Tirien began strangling Gasald, Narasi was forced to admit that Zaella had been right. She managed to talk Tirien back from the brink of murder, and the Jedi exfiltrated the Kiss of Death to Pelagon.

Narasi accompanied Tirien to drop Harshee off in her sectors and to bear news of Ayson's death to Dorje Sokos, but she also apologized for mistrusting Zaella. After Tirien swore a Barash vow, he allowed her the option to go to Mali's aid in search of Aldayr, but she refused and accompanied him into exile with Zaella and Jirdo.

The Will of the Force[]

Navigating with the Force, the quartet found their way to Tython, the ancient birthplace of the Jedi. Setting up a base in the ruined Jedi Temple there, they met the Keeper, who left Narasi consistently discomfited. She tried to help Tirien, Zaella, and Jirdo find their way to the Jedi, but grew frustrated at the slow pace of their revelations. She made progress getting Zaella to move toward the light side, but had little effect on Tirien.

When the foursome explored the ruins of Kaleth, Narasi inadvertently received a vision of the eternal conflict between light and dark, spanning all of Forceful history, including the future. The experience was so overwhelming it nearly incinerated her mind; Tirien managed to draw her out of it, though he suffered the impact of the vision himself. The group unearthed Kaleth's buried Tho Yor shortly thereafter, and Narasi took an interest in the history Great Journey of the Je'daii Order. Zaella invited Narasi to take her on a similar trip, and Narasi agreed, accepting that Tirien needed time to find his path.

Narasi and Zaella first visited Stav Kesh, the Temple of Martial Arts, where Narasi taught Zaella to rely on the Force in combat without succumbing to anger. Paradoxically, Narasi's own performance suffered, but Zaella deduced that Narasi had shied away from using the Force as a result of her vision in Kaleth and confronted her. Slowly, Narasi eased her way back into meditation, though her struggles continued through their time at Qigong Kesh, the Temple of Force Skills. It was at Qigong Kesh where Zaella decided to become a Jedi. After a brief visit to the ruins of Bodhi, Narasi and Zaella journeyed to Vur Tepe, where they found Jirdo finishing his lightsaber. When they at last returned to the Jedi Temple, Tirien announced his desire to accompany them to their last destination—Akar Kesh, the Temple of Balance.

Tirien received a vision at Akar Kesh, and though he kept the details to himself, Narasi was relieved when he announced he had completed his Barash vow and it was time to leave. The group dropped Jirdo off at Borleias, then journeyed to Elata Cazars's fleet, where Tirien successfully persuaded Cazars to take Zaella as a Padawan. When they were down to just the two of them and Gizmo, Tirien and Narasi at last joined Mali in his fleet.

Fleet Duty[]

In their first weeks aboard the Coronet's Jewel, Narasi helped Tirien and Mali present awards to Captain Cynan Oraska's team for their part in the Allanteen operation; the deceased Vesta received the Cross of Glory.

At Tirien's request, Mali began training Narasi in Form V, and also, in hopes of helping her move past lingering visions of galactic history-spanning war, arranged for her to be trained as an infantryman. She fought in the Battle of Phaeda, though she had to briefly abandon her rifle to help Coldos Tosyn duel a Vanguardian. Pleased with her success and reports from her teachers, Mali arranged officer training for her with the Republic Marines. When an opening presented itself, he gave her the brevet rank of ensign and put her in command of Third Platoon, Aurek Company, 5th Marine Battalion, under Lieutenant Feebus Garsooken. She was assisted by veteran Gunnery Sergeant Rook Sord and Ensign Gade Wiesht, her XO.

Narasi and Laysa vs

Narasi and Laysa Tharzaled fighting Second Aurek

Narasi led third platoon in the Battle of Cademimu V, while Tirien went on a stealth mission with Republic Marine Force Reconnaissance to assassinate First Dorn. Third Platoon experienced serious casualties in the first hours of battle, including Gade, who lost both his legs to a mine. Despite this, Narasi led her troops to capture a key intersection and an anti-repulsor battery, then led a rescue of First and Second Platoons. She was drawn into a duel against Second Aurek along with Meek Jedro and his apprentice, Laysa Tharzaled; Meek was killed and Narasi injured in the duel, but the Jedi and Narasi's Second Squad finally prevailed. The platoon exfiltrated along with the rescued prisoners; Narasi convalesced aboard the Coronet's Jewel, and frequently visited her injured platoon members. She and Tirien both confronted Mali on Agamar—he had used Cademimu as a diversion to seize the agriworld—but she took seriously his counsel to prepare award recommendations for her Marines.

Corps Day 1384 - Final

Narasi and a recovered Gade speak to Mali at the 1,384 BBY celebration of Corps Day

The Third Platoon was awarded a unit valor award. Narasi spent the following two months leading her platoon on attacks to destroy what remained of the Vanguard Line; at some point during these missions, Narasi and the other three platoon leaders in Aurek Company got matching acklay tattoos.

Gained and Lost[]

Two months after Operation Liberator, Aresh himself led an attack on Agamar. During the battle, Narasi sensed Aldayr in the enemy fleet. Aldayr managed to jettison an escape pod from the Purity, and when Mali led a sortie against the enemy, Aresh retreated. Narasi was overjoyed when Aldayr was rescued, and kissed him in the hangar bay in full view of Tirien, Mali, and her own platoon.

Over the following weeks, Narasi seized every chance she had to be close to Aldayr, but felt torn between her attraction to Aldayr—and his obvious desire for her—and Tirien's admonition to avoid romantic entanglements. When Tirien caught them together, they argued intensely; Narasi was surprised when Tirien confessed he had experienced a kindred spirit connection with Rhosa Xei years before, but all the more frustrated when he did not see things her way regarding Aldayr.

Not long after, Aldayr summoned Narasi to his quarters in the middle of the night. Though sleepy and confused, Tirien's counsel left her hesitant to indulge her attraction to him. When Aldayr showed obvious distress about the possibility of them missing their chance, though, Narasi refused to live with regret and slept with him. As they cuddled together after, he knocked her out with the Force. She awoke in the morning to Tirien and Mali, attempting to find Aldayr and her. She was heartbroken when Tirien deduced that Aldayr had defected to Aresh and returned to the Modality, but, rather than lambasting her for defying him, Tirien attempted to comfort her later.

The Bomb Makers[]

In the wake of Aldayr's defection, Mali arranged for Narasi to attend Marine Close-Quarters Combat Training to help take her mind off the subject. After Z'dar destroyed Deep Storage Facility 214-Peth, the High Council dispatched Tirien and Narasi to hunt down those responsible for producing Z'dar's nuclear weapons. Throughout the quest, Narasi struggled with the possibility of having to confront and kill Z'dar, who had trained her from childhood, though even she recognized that she owed her unease in part to her grief over Aldayr and dread of having to face him, too.

Casparin, Tirien, and Narasi aboard Kwenn

Narasi with Tirien and Casparin on Kwenn Space Station

An initial search at Kwenn Space Station resulted in them linking up with Tirien's "cousin", Casparin Borador, and arranging a prison break. One of the prisoners, Vidir Kro'zhey, agreed to connect them with Sorin Ruy'the, but the delay required led Tirien to seek information from the Hutts on Nal Hutta.

Narasi loathed being a "guest" of the Hutt Ruling Council in the Opulent Palace of the Kajidii, particularly when two slaves, Daji Geiss and Kasell Sozzo, asked for help escaping. She successfully persuaded Tirien to disarm their slave transmitters, though Kasell barely survived the process, and Tirien frankly confided his struggles with the ever-increasing expectations put on him by his fellow Jedi. Parsi Gorensla Depchak finally arranged for the Jedi to confront Runganna—reduced to serving as the Ruling Council's accountant—who begrudgingly directed them toward Darqyren Valt, who had fled her employ after Circumtore.

Valt's name led Tirien and Narasi to a bounty on Qerriz, and so to Bogg 14. They successfully rendezvoused with Rozytch, who directed them toward Qerriz, but ran into Kol'bui Lardt; Tirien killed her in a brief duel, but not before mercenaries elsewhere killed Qerriz. The Jedi encountered Darth Alecto while fleeing the planet, but Tirien avoided a confrontation. In orbit, they tried to persuade the newly-arrived Z'dar that Qerriz's threat was neutralized, but Z'dar destroyed Bogg 14 anyway before their horrified eyes.

Narasi was deeply traumatized by the feeling of so many beings dying at once. When she and Tirien finally met Sorin, he successfully pointed them to the Breld Syndicate base on Tenara, but moments before the mission launched, Tirien received Z'dar's location from the same beacon frequency that had directed them to Carosi two years earlier. Leaving Kenza to command the Mission to Tenara, Narasi and Tirien journeyed to Malachor V. Narasi successfully defeated Yan Razam in a duel and freed the captive Crusaders. She was appalled at Tirien's decision to declare a one-day truce with Alecto so they could kill Z'dar, but reluctantly accepted that no one else was likely to prevail. Narasi joined the Crusaders, led by Farwel Jodurk, in retaking the Crusader instead.

Tirien and Alecto killed Z'dar, but Narasi remained disturbed by the alliance, and concluded it had arisen, at least in part, because Tirien doubted her full commitment to the mission. Determined not to fail in that way again, she asked Kenza for both lightsaber and psychological training in preparation for confronting Aldayr, in the even that she could not save him.

The Cathedral Ship[]

The month after Malachor, Elata Cazars and Zaella infiltrated the Redeemer, only for Cazars to die fighting Valin Aresh. Zaella escaped, but was stranded in deep space; Tirien and Narasi responded to Zaella's Emergency Code Nine Thirteen, rescuing her before hypoxia set in. Zaella was devastated at having left her master to die, even under orders, and Narasi attempted to console her.

When the Jedi recognized but were unable to identify the ship from Zaella's sketch, Narasi connected Mali with Dil-Faan Ravaydi, who identified it as a cathedral ship. Tirien and Narasi visited the BoSS chapter house on Cademimu V, where Idrisi Gabdischri Raisus acknowledged the real risk Aresh could recover and deploy the navicomputer virus which had enabled the Battle of Uquine. Narasi was an early supporter of Zaella's suggestion of using Runganna's nuclear bomb to destroy the cathedral ship, and Mali eventually adopted the plan. The Jedi recovered the bomb from the Valor and set off to the Redeemer.

Narasi vs

Narasi fights Aldayr aboard the Redeemer

Aboard the ship, Tirien and Mali confronted Aresh while Narasi, Zaella, and Kenza went to the hangar bay. Narasi found Aldayr there, and struggled to bring him back to the light. Their argument turned into a duel, Narasi still trying to turn him even as she retreated. When it finally became clear he would not stop, however, she reluctantly used her half-trained Ionize to instantaneously paralyze his cybernetic arm, slashed his head, and killed him by kicking him over a railing to his death.

Devastated, she fled the hangar bay in a rote way, but Kenza came to her rescue. Narasi recovered quickly when they found Tirien mortally wounded with Mali, and labored over him to keep him alive; the four Jedi managed to keep him stable until he reached a bacta tank and Ropenn on the Jewel. Narasi offered for Zaella to become Tirien's second Padawan, but Zaella declined, having a new respect for the one-on-one master-apprentice bond. When Tirien was well enough, the Jedi team traveled to Coruscant, where all five were awarded the Chancellor's Service Medal. Recognizing that Narasi was still grieving and not ready to return to the field, Tirien arranged for her to emotionally convalesce on Alderaan, away from the Temple or the Eighth Fleet.


Elyria spars Narasi

Narasi sparring Elyria, while Tirien and King Rosulus observe

The Organas welcomed Narasi back, and she was glad to find Elyria—with the benefit of counseling and two years' separation—was emotionally ready to rebuild their friendship. They spent considerable time together, with Narasi becoming Elyria's hand-to-hand combat instructor and the two discussing the Conscription Act. Narasi was also touched that the Organas had named their son after her, and she attended several of King Rosulus's council meetings. She spent a great deal of time on Alderaan meditating to come to peace with having killed Aldayr, but kept in touch with Tirien via beacon.

After a month, Tirien retrieved her from Alderaan to help quell draft riots in the Republic. They journeyed to Quellor, where they reunited with Mali and Tirien tried to help her work through subconscious grief. Narasi found Mali distant, however, and felt the absence of their usually warm relationship. She also grew concerned about Tirien, whom she discovered had been "spacing out" into unintentional meditation since his near-death. Narasi and Tirien were drawn into an ambush by bounty hunters, after which they discovered the New Sith Empire had posted an eight-figure bounty on them.

Relations among the Jedi soured when Narasi spoke to Mali, only to be crushed by his admission that he would always wonder if she could have done something more to save Aldayr, and had not; when Tirien ordered her to tell him what happened, he and Mali nearly came to blows. Amid their deteriorating camaraderie, the three Jedi struggled to root out a Flame of Retribution cell on Quellor, though they succeeded in preventing a mass casualty event in Terrina Square.

In the wake of the attack, Narasi was aghast when Tirien announced they were leaving the Eighth Fleet; she felt she belonged in war and was unpersuaded by his argument that she needed to broaden her experiences, though she reluctantly accepted the change so as not to put her Marines in greater danger by association. She officially turned command of Third Platoon over to Gade Wiesht, after which she and Tirien left on their new path.

The Despised Sith Lords[]

For weeks, Narasi and Tirien lingered around the Corellian Run in case tensions between Corellia and Osarian boiled over. They were contacted by the High Council, which ordered them to Onderon to escort a defecting Sith Lord to the Republic. Narasi worried over the possibility that it might be Darth Alecto, whom she was content to loathe, but found a new problem when she and Tirien arrived in Iziz just in time to be sealed in by the Demon's Kiss. Urged by a strong premonition, Narasi persuaded Tirien not to search for the defector with the Force, but the two Jedi were thus forced to look the slower, traditional way.

After a day, they finally made contact with Riga Chirazi, who in turn directed them to Vemna Grace and Shim Dujus. Vemna and Shim turned over Targere; Narasi was appalled to discover Vemna and Shim were sacrificing themselves to slow down the mysterious dark sider pursuing them, and none too thrilled with Targere himself. However, after learning that Targere had served Darth Hokhtan, Narasi tried to get useful information about Alecto from him, though she was disturbed by his suggestion to target those Alecto cared for—not only because of the dishonor of it, but because it perturbed her to think of Alecto caring for anyone.

The final day of the Demon's Kiss, Kuira Suerves caught up to the trio, having killed Vemna and Shim. Using the Void technique, she dueled all three of them and stabbed Narasi through the abdomen. Tirien killed Kuira, but Narasi was grievously wounded and incapacitated by pain; even after injecting a painkiller stim, she slowed their flight, though Tirien flatly rejected the idea of leaving her behind when both she and Targere suggested it.

I Will Carry You

Tirien carries Narasi through the Starport

Near the Iziz Starport, the three came under sniper fire and attack by a QD-11 battle sphere. Narasi took a combat stim to get back in the fight, but Alecto still successfully killed Targere with a shot reflected off the QD-11. Her injuries aggravated by the engagement, Narasi made it only a hundred meters before Tirien had to carry her the rest of the way back to the Second Chance. He successfully got her into a hibernation trance, and she recovered with bacta treatment on H'ratth, but she was aggravated at failing her mission, particularly because she and Tirien had been bested by Alecto again.

An Unexpected Journey[]

Two weeks later, Mali accepted appointment as Lord Protector of Corellia, sparking a ferocious argument with Tirien. While he and Narasi were still grappling with the ramifications, Tirien was contacted by the same informant who had pointed them to Carosi and Malachor, now requesting a meeting with Tirien alone in Farport on Terminus. Narasi distrusted the condition of going alone, but Tirien ultimately opted to go, though he allowed Narasi to explore the rest of Farport while she waited.

After a brief scuffle with a thief and stepping in to prevent Soculasae and his family being shaken down by criminals, Narasi was approached by Khanir, Tinnel, and Vasedre Adizh, who invited her to their home. Sensing their lack of ill intent, she begrudgingly agreed, and met Khanir's wife Laika before Khanir revealed that not only were the four of them anti-slavery expatriates from Zygerria, but Khanir and his sons were involved in the Invisible Hyperlane, a network for smuggling fugitive slaves to freedom. Narasi sought to learn more, but during the night, Laika confronted her with her obvious disdain for all things Zygerrian; Laika insisted that, if Narasi was to be the hero many expatriates expected her to be, she could not condemn her entire species and everything associated with it, but had to find the good things about Zygerria to separate them out from the bad.

The next morning, Tirien reported that no one had reported to his arranged meeting, but found news of the Invisible Hyperlane intriguing and agreed to look into it on the Rim. Mindful of Laika's advice, Narasi finally agreed to Tirien's suggestion to begin relearning Zygerrian.

On the Rim[]

The Mine[]

Over the following year, Narasi and Tirien confronted various threats throughout the Outer Rim, occasionally in the company of Casparin Borador. Narasi worked to re-learn Zygerrian, while also leading her master into many missions to liberate slaves and set them on the Invisible Hyperlane. She also attended multiple military training courses, including the Republic Military Cold Weather Assault Course and Republic SERE School, at the sufferance of Gavhys Narfulk.

In 1,383 BBY, fleeing from the Zchtek worlds, Narasi and Tirien stumbled upon an asteroid mine, wherein the crew was troubled by the recent death of its supposed foreman, Kozoka. Assisting her master in the investigation, Narasi helped him uncover that not only was the crew aligned with Black Sun, but Frazga and Sih Pe had killed Kozoka because he planned to betray them to the Hutts. Worst, while the Jedi took control over the mine, they discovered its product was cortosis.

Nar Shaddaa[]

On Kashyyyk, Narasi and Tirien met with a number of other Jedi, including Kenza, Zaella, Zine Cudac, Trizane, Dil-Faan Ravaydi, and Zilq. Tirien wished to pursue investigations with Casparin's help, but persuaded the other Jedi to dispatch the four Padawans to Nar Shaddaa under Narasi's command. Narasi was delighted to finally have an unsupervised mission, but immediately struggled to keep her team focused and fend off personality conflicts between Zaella and Zilq.

The team's initial investigation yielded little; Narasi led her team in rescuing Nal Chun and Linza and Karzus Tiraesi from loan sharks, but nearly lost the Second Chance to thieves before Zaella turned the tables and dismembered a Trandoshan robber. The team took refuge at Tomna's Oasis, but shortly thereafter launched an assault on the Brokerage. Despite liberating all the slaves held therein, Narasi collided with a spice thief while fleeing and ODed on spice; she was saved from death only when her companions took her to Chenf Ori'quasalniod for help.

Narasi vs

Narasi fighting Jheno at Singularity

Once she recovered, Narasi led the team in infiltrating Singularity, a Black Sun club owned by Mar'sebbin. She took the lead in winning a bar fight against Singularity's bouncers, but stayed behind to hold off Jheno Jaray when he arrived. Despite her best efforts, Narasi was outmatched and grievously wounded; she survived the duel only because Jheno, a former Jedi, opted to take her alive.

Zaella led a rescue mission that succeeded in freeing Narasi from Black Sun's base, but Narasi was too weak to fight Jheno a second time. While Zaella and Trizane confronted the Kyuzo, Narasi and Zilq pursued Mar'sebbin, but he was assassinated by Kharda Deghrin. The Padawans fled Black Sun's HQ, and ultimately Nar Shaddaa, returning to Kashyyyk while Narasi convalesced.

In the aftermath of the mission, Narasi tried to manage Trizane's romantic interest in her and Zaella's turmoil about her lingering dark side temptations, but was mostly focused on the scope of the conspiracy she had discovered in Mar'sebbin's datapad.

Powers and Abilities[]

Even when she was an adolescent, Argus Z'dar considered Narasi a skillful lightsaber combatant, and, observing her entire clan practicing, Tirien thought she was the star of the class. She was sufficiently talented to deflect blasterfire from both herself and Senator Iltek while under fire from four shooters, and to survive two months of battle on Taanab. Though outmatched and overwhelmed, she managed to survive a duel with Churka. By age fifteen she was able to take down an Anzat assassin with Aldayr, and held her own against Sith Acolyte Zeff Rogu, who was older, taller, stronger, and more experienced, and a year and a half later she killed a Dashade warrior, defeated an equal Sith apprentice, and took down a Mandalorian assassin one after the other. She took naturally to Form V, especially under Mali Darakhan's expert instruction.

Narasi proved an apt pupil of the Force as well; she learned skills quickly, and was able to half-resist a stun shot despite never having received instruction on doing so. She struggled with Ionize, however, having difficulty visualizing and executing the power, even on unresisting droids.

Narasi learned to fly the Second Chance with Tirien's coaching and regular flight simulator practice, and by 1,387 BBY was able to run an Imperial blockade, albeit with help from the Rogue's Gambit picking off pursuing fighters and taking the brunt of their shots. She learned to speak Huttese during her apprenticeship to Tirien and, in 1,384 BBY, she committed to re-learning her native Zygerrian, which she had not spoken since childhood.

Appearance and Personality[]

Like all Zygerrians, Narasi had prominent ears and spikes on her forehead. She had brown hair and bright blue eyes, and carried a blue-bladed lightsaber, a reflection of her ambition to become a Jedi Guardian. Like many Zygerrians, she kept the hair in her widow's peak buzzed close to her scalp, but wore the rest of her hair long in a deliberate rejection of Zygerrian fashion. She spoke with a watered-down version of the normally rich Zygerrian accent, having lost much of hers due to living on Coruscant for much of her childhood. In 1,384 BBY, Narasi got a tattoo of a blue acklay on her upper left arm.

You want to help people—you want to be the shield between the innocent and the thousand evils that will prey upon them given the slightest chance. And that's noble, Narasi; it's the fundamental spirit of a Jedi Knight.
—Tirien Kal-Di[src]

As an Initiate, and into her Padawan years, Narasi was eager to serve and determined to please. However, she often took hurts personally, and was very guarded about her past. She also suffered self-doubt about her Zygerrian heritage, worrying that she would turn out just like every other Zygerrian slaver, especially given her father's notoriety. After an initially rocky relationship, she became very close with and loyal to Tirien, and was willing to suffer the disdain of Tirien's family in silence to protect him. As she grew into her apprenticeship, though, she sometimes wanted to test her skills in real combat more than Tirien seemed to feel was prudent, and the two occasionally experienced friction between Narasi's direct approach and Tirien's more deliberative style.

Narasi made friends much more easily than her master, and developed bonds with Mali Darakhan, Slejux Nissatak, and Kenza Rowkwani; Tirien observed she had a gift for working with children, and was particularly well thought of by Ayson Sokos and Elyria Organa. Her relationship with Aldayr Nikodon was more complex, evolving from mutual dislike, to cautious friendship, to a genuine bond, to the hints of romance, which culminated in a brief relationship but turned soured when Aldayr defected to the Modality; killing Aldayr was a deeply traumatic experience for her, and Mali's subsequent distance from her wounded her. Though she and Zaella Sabir started as enemies, by the time they left Tython, they had become best friends.

I just wanted to say—wanted you to know—she's a good leader. I've been in the Corps almost ten years now, and I've seen a lot of officers, and she's got the potential to be a great one. She's brave, and smart, and…she cares. Marines can tell a fraud or a careerist right away; I know she's young, but she's the real deal.
—Staff Sergeant Galicia Taynee, about Narasi[src]

After joining the Eighth Republic Expeditionary Fleet in its war against the Supreme Modality, Narasi exhibited a knack for battlefield combat and leadership. Despite not completing the formal training program, she successfully led her platoon through a number of engagements and won the loyalty and respect of her Marines.

