Star Wars Fanon

Our glorious Gargan had reclaimed the divergent city of Myrra and rebuilt it into an exotic, majestic utopia. Here the people live free and well under the watchful guidance of our Proctors in the Order of Gargan.
—Excerpt of the Gargan tourist board.

Myrra was the capital city of Garganath and the administrative, political and economic center of Gargan's Empire.

Originally founded as Ethris, a principal city-state of the Khul, the city became the center of global trade and power on Garganath even before the arrival of Humans. Following the fall of the Khul, the city was abandoned, until its ruins were rediscovered two millennia later when the Galactic Republic came to colonize Garganath. The subsequent colony that was built on top of Ethris was constructed out of a disassembled colony ship by Human colonists from Coruscant well before the Great Hyperspace War. When the war resulted in the severing of communications between the Tyrrhans and the rest of the galaxy, this former colony evolved into a metropolis and the capital of the pre-Imperial Kingdom of Myrra. After the establishment of Gargan's Empire, Myrra had become a city-palace hybrid, the seat of power of the Gargan, the Order of Gargan, and the Cult of Ur.
