Star Wars Fanon

The Mustafar base was a secret base for Troyb and the New Confederacy of Independent Systems from 11 ABY to 20 ABY.


After the slaughter of the Separatist leaders in 19 BBY and Dellso's failure of the construction of the New Confederacy in 11 BBY, Troyb used it to oversee his army construction and the battle between the New Republic. About 8 ABY, when the New Confederacy accepted the help of Darth Tyler's empire, Tyler also used the base for his operation and the hidden construction of the new Death Star's superlaser so it could crush the Republic. Later in 4 ABY, two months after the destruction of the Empire's new Death Star, Troyb sent his minions to erase all info on the base, except that it was abandoned in 11 BBY.


The security of the base included a shield generator and a cloaking device, plus an upgraded version of the automatic defences. The base also included security cameras and defence blasters and a security lock on doors in and out of the main control room. The conference room included a escape door in case of an attack.
