Star Wars Fanon
Before the Republic era

All hyperlanes lead to way of Mure.
—Inscription found on a statue to a nameless Predor of Mure

The Mure-Lehon Bypass was an ancient trade route that existed in pre-Republic times. It connected the Infinite Empire capital world of Lehon with its primary trade nexus of Mure, enabling Rakatan ships to bypass the Mortis Line, a Celestial hyperspace barrier erected during the Celestial-Rakata War to contain the Rakata to the Unknown Regions.[1]

Use of this route proved instrumental to the Rakata war effort during the Celestial-Rakata War. By traveling from Lehon up to Mure, a world located at the summit of the Deep Core galactic bulge, Rakatan warships were able to successfully circumvent the galaxy-spanning Mortis Line and descend unmolested into contested Celestial, Kwa and Gree space in the eastern galaxy. Later historians argued that the ability to circumvent the Mortis Line via the Mure-Lehon Bypass was one of the primary reasons for the Rakata victory over the Celestials and their Kwa and Gree client species.

At the height of the Empire, travel from Mure to Lehon was more common, as Rakata trade galleys laden with slaves and tribute bound for the Imperial capital world often traveled to Mure from the colonies of the eastern galaxy, stocking up on slave fuel for their Forcedrives before making the journey to Lehon and the worlds of the Tempered Wastes. As a result of Mure's strategic position as the trade crossroads of the Empire, its Predors grew in wealth, prestige, and importance in the Imperial ruling hierarchy, with some even engaging in fierce rivalries with the Over-Predors of Lehon.

As the hyperlane passed close to the upper limits of the Mortis Line wall, occasional hyperspace anomalies and storms were encountered by ships traversing the route.[1][2] While this usually only resulted in minor Forcedrive damage or at worst the involuntary removal of the vessel from hyperspace, it occasionally resulted in the destruction or disappearance of Rakatan ships. However, as the route took vessels directly through the empty Intergalactic Void, it was considered a safer passage than longer conventional routes through the galactic plane, where collisions with stars, asteroid fields, and interstellar nebulae were common in an era before advanced navicomputers.

The Mure-Lehon Bypass declined in importance with the fall of the Infinite Empire in 25,200 BBY.[3] As most of the nascent transgalactic civilizations that arose to replace the Rakata were concentrated in the eastern galaxy, travel to Lehon and the Unknown Regions was rarely attempted following the birth of the Galactic Republic.


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