Star Wars Fanon

Moza was a Worrt and companion to Mar Ghandai Matamatta.


Pre-Clone Wars[]

In 60 BBY, Moza and the rest of his brood were taken as eggs from the Tatooine wilderness illegaly by a small group of poachers. He was a member of a rare subspecies that grew to an enormous size and lived much longer than most Worrt breeds. The transport carrying him was intercepted by Mar Ghandai Matamatta and the Republic Security Forces on Coruscant. He was the only surviving member of his brood, the rest having succumbed to an acidic enzyme introduced by the ship's crew in attempt to destroy evidence of the shipment. Mar Ghandai was able to track down the Black Sun operative in charge of the operation and apprehend him, and adopted the Worrt when it hatched and imprinted himself to the Ithorian. In 50 BBY, the shipment was traced back to Chancellor Erattum Shunnef, who had organized the collection of the protected species to be sent to Zé Troc Rel-Tíh Niessúh (then Pharoah of Vendaxa), for use in Project "Immunity". This fact became one of many that led to Erratum's removal from the office of Chancellor.

Order 66[]

In 19 BBY, while Mar Ghandai helped Captain Artenon repel Separatist forces on Arborealis Pyro, the Jedi Temple fell under attack by the 501st Legion with the execution of Order 66. When Mar Ghandai arrived on Coruscant in response to the coded retreat signal, he managed to rescue Moza from the rubble that had been the Temple's Atrium, as well as the Kybuck Yoda had befriended on Kashyyyk.


For his species, Moza was unusually mellow. Generally, Worrts with his level of activity were considered ill, though Moza had a remarkably durable immune system, and lived a long, healthy life. The amphibian's friendly disposition kept Mar Ghandai company in times of solitude. Mar Ghandai had named Moza after an anscestor of his who had participated in the Telosian Restoration Project nearly 4,000 years prior.

Behind the scenes[]

-The original Moza was a worrt in Star Wars: Galaxies bred by Brewster Jennings for Mar-Gandai Matamatta, Mar Ghandai's screen name in Galaxies.

-In Galaxies, the worrt's name was "Frobba", after my late pet Argentine Horned Frog.

--Logan Felipe 02:34, 30 September 2007 (UTC)
