Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era
Morsian SPQM
Politics of the Morsian Empire
(From 20,000 BBY onwards)
Tribe (20,000 - 18,000 BBY)
Kingdom (18,000 - 16,700 BBY)
Dictatorship (16,700 - 16,126 BBY)
First Republic (16,120 - 16,007 BBY)
Second Republic (16,007 - 15,997 BBY)
Third Republic (15,900 - 15,617 BBY)
New Kingdom (15,610 BBY - 15,580 BBY)
Fourth Republic (15,565 - 15,449 BBY)
Morsian State (15,425 - 15,409 BBY)
Fifth Republic (15,406 - 15,000 BBY)
People's Union (14,991 - 14,544 BBY)
Sixth Republic (14,535 - 13,887 BBY)
Empire (Canon · Legends) (13,880 BBY - )
Titles and honors
King · Dictator · Consul · Emperor
Flag of the Morsian Empire Morsian fanon continuity

The Morsian King, also known as king of the Morsians or rex Morsianae in Old Morsian, was the ruler of the Morsian Kingdom. The first king of the Morsians was Gaius Pom’arnum who would become Gaius I. Under Gaius, the Morsian people currently going by the name the Kalla'tarucc Tribe, would reform into an absolute hereditary monarchy led by Gaius who was the tribal chief at the time. The kings were generally considered good or at least competent rulers of the Morsian people, however as a hereditary monarchy, there was instability whenever a king died without a clear heir. It was this weakness that eventually led to the collapse of the kingdom and the abolition of the monarchy at the end of the First Morsian Civil War.

Kings of the Morsians[]

Name Birth Death Reign Succession
Gaius Pom'arnum I Unknown 19,021 BBY 19,322 - 19,021 BBY

(119 years)

First king of the tribe.
Pompinius Pom'arnum I Unknown 18,704 BBY 19,021 - 18,704 BBY

(317 years)

Rose after the death of his father.
Pompinius Pom'arnum II Unknown 18,703 BBY 18,704 - 18,703 BBY

(1 year)

Son of Pompinius I, came to the throne after assassination of his father.
Julius Seq'aar I Unknown 18,619 BBY 18,702 - 18,619 BBY

(83 years)

Took over the throne after orchestrating the assassination of Pompinius.
Gnaius Seq'aar I Unknown 18,352 BBY 18,619 - 18,352 BBY

(267 years)

Rose after assassinating his brother, Julius.
Pompinius Seq'aar III Unknown 17,881 BBY 18,049 - 17,881 BBY

(168 years)

First king after reforming into the kingdom.
Marcus Farr'anax I Unknown 16,980 BBY 17,279 - 16,980 BBY

(299 years)

Came to the throne after the death of his father.
Gaius Tarqui'in II Unknown c.16,854 BBY 16,980 - c.16,854 BBY

(126 years)

Cousin to Marcus after the latter's assassination. Took over the throne during instability.
Caesar Tarqui'in I 16,991 BBY 16,700 BBY c.16,854 - 16,700 BBY

(154 years)

Rose after the death of his father
Pompinius Tarqui'in IV 16,840 BBY 16,700 BBY 16,700 BBY

(No more than a few months)

Ascended after his father was assassinated.