Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era
Morsian Republic split poster

A Morsian propaganda poster from shortly after the event

The Morsian exit from the Old Republic was an important Morsian event that permanently soured the relations between the Morsian Empire and Galactic Republic. The split occurred in around 3,500 BBY after a long period of decline in Morsian-Republic relations following the end of the Old Sith Wars and Third Galactic War. With relative peace back to the galaxy, the Republic began looking at the Morsian Empire with suspicion and disapproval. The large military of the Imperial Morsian Army and Morsian Navy had previously been of great help to the Republic in their wars with the various Sith Empires. However with peace now returned to the galaxy, they regarded them as potential warmongers. Despite numerous attempts by the Republic to get the Morsians to reduce the size of their military, or at least abide by Republic army size standards, the Morsians refused. Furthermore, the Republic hatched a plan to force the Morsians out without expressly voting them out of the Republic and began to back the Morsians less in political matters, sometimes going as far as to go against them. Eventually their plan worked and the Morsian Senate decided it had enough of the increasingly pedantic and hostile nature of the Republic, and decided to exit the Republic on their own terms, becoming independent.

The fallout of this was the two galactic powers giving each other the cold shoulder for several decades after the event, refusing to allow diplomatic relations. Trade between the Morsians and planets within the Republic was done independently, and the Morsians continued to patrol the galaxy with their navy on anti-piracy duty. Eventually the Republic agreed to open diplomatic relations with the Morsians in order to establish terms between the two as well as re-establishing large scale trade.



Ever since the Morsian Empire had been discovered by the Jedi in 10,000 BBY, the Morsians had been interested in being a part of the Republic and helping influence the galaxy to keep peace and help build up some of the more lawless and less civilized places in the galaxy. With their admission into the Republic in 9,000 BBY, the Morsians slowly rose to a prominent member in the Republic as they grew out the size of their own empire in peaceful means with the Morsian Protectorate Planet program. Increasing the size of their navy, empire, and economy meant they could give more and more to projecting their image across the galaxy. They aided with public works for planets that had little infrastructure, helping out with natural disasters, as well as offering military aid to the Republic and its members when needed.

The height of Morsian-Republic relations came in around 4,000 BBY during the Old Sith Wars where the Morsians used their vast and powerful military to aid the Republic in fighting the Sith Empire, culminating in the Siege of Mors in 3,955 BBY. They continued to aid the Republic into the Inter-Sith Wars period until peace came to the galaxy following the end of the Third Galactic War. With peace achieved, the Republic wanted to cut down on militarism and aim on peaceful means to end conflict. The Morsians, by now having one of the largest military forces in the galaxy, were on their target list to reduce the size of their army. However, the Morsians were against reducing their army as they believed that a strong military would deter any hostile action, especially by the Sith when they inevitably turned up again.

Break down of relations[]

However the Republic still didn't like the Morsian militarism, and so hatched a plan to force the Morsian Empire out of the Republic if they didn't change. Unwilling to be the one to end their membership, the Republic instead began to break down their relationship with the Morsians. They began to reduce their support for them, forcing worse trade deals, siding against the Morsians in debates, blocking suggestions made by them and other such things to cause the Morsians to feel like outcasts. More bureaucracy and increasing paperwork for them to fill out also added to the Morsians becoming increasingly irate with the Republic and more annoyed with them. The Morsian Senate began to discuss potentially leaving the Republic on their own terms and becoming an independent empire in the southern galaxy.

Exit from the Republic[]

By 3,500 BBY the Morsians had enough of the Republic. Republic support for them had openly ended for many years, with the Republic constantly going against whatever the Morsians were doing and attempting to force harsher and harsher terms on them. Eventually the Morsian Senate decided that it had enough of the hostility of the Republic and declared that the Morsian Empire would exit the Republic by the end of that year. Making their plans, the Morsians submitted a list of demands which, after some negotiation, the Republic was all too happy to accept from them. By the end of 3,500 BBY, the Morsian Empire was no longer a member of the Galactic Senate and was fully independent, retaining their protectorate programs and empire however having no formal diplomatic relations.


The initial outcome of leaving the Republic was poor for the Morsians as although they retained their empire and protectorates, they lost out a large amount of trade and business from planets within the Republic, especially those further towards the core. This hit the Morsian economy hard which resulted in several years of frantic trade deal creating with nearby planets as well as construction within the empire to get internal trade up and reduce expenditure. It also greatly hampered the Morsian intelligence of the galaxy, as without a free flow of information from the Republic and its members, the Morsians were left to themselves to gather their own intelligence. They swiftly expanded the Imperial Intelligence Bureau (IIB) and sent spies out into the galaxy, as well as recruited local spies wherever they could. Without Republic pressure, the Morsians could undertake whatever covert tactics they wanted to get blueprints, intelligence, and equipment to improve their own nation and army. Additionally, the Morsians were now under no obligation to reduce the size or expenditure of their armed forces, and so continued to field a large army as well as undertake anti-piracy patrols across the galaxy.

After overcoming the initial setbacks that came with leaving the Republic, the Morsians found themselves enjoying independence from the galactic power. Without Republic interference, the Morsians had less paperwork to fill out and didn't have to explain their every move, or request permission to do something. With their own trade, they could make more favorable deals which allowed the empire to become self-sufficient on internal trade, with external trade just bringing extra goods. After a few decades, relations began being made again between the Morsians and the Republic, however neither side was interested in bringing the Morsians back into the Republic. This remained constant throughout over 3,000 years until the Clone Wars, where the Republic found itself in mass debt and struggling against the armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. They soon turned to the Morsians for help, warming their relations and making great strides in bringing the Morsian Empire back into the Republic.
