Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era
Legio 0
Military of the Morsian Empire
(From 20,000 BBY onwards)
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Under different political systems
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Morsian army of the First Republic · Imperial Morsian Army (Canon · Legends)
Flag of the Morsian Empire Morsian fanon continuity

The Morsian dictator, also known as the military dictator was the ruler of the Morsian Military Dictatorship, though the title was also used for various other Morsian states through its life including the New Morsian Kingdom and Morsian State. The title came to existence after Gaius Rutil'iar won the First Morsian Civil War, defeating three rebel senators who had divided up the Morsian Kingdom. Gaius refused the title of king and instead had himself sworn in as dictator, implementing the military dictatorship.

While not a monarch, Gaius had the same effective power as the king and was, outside of title, the new king of the Morsians. However, the dictator placed more power in the Morsian Senate in order to alleviate some of their own duties and place their priorities elsewhere. Much like the title of king, a dictator ruled for life.

Dictators of the military dictatorship[]

The military dictatorship was the first Morsian state to feature a ruling dictator, and as such was the state to create the title. Over its lifespan, the dictatorship had four main dictators, excluding any uprisings or attempted usurping by others.

Name Rule Notes
Gaius Rutil'iar 16,700 - 16,455 BBY

(245 years)

First dictator, created title and office.
Maxius Gill’iar 16,455 - 16,200 BBY

(255 years)

Killed by Flavia in the Second Morsian Civil War.
Flavia Yjak'aar 16,200 - c.16,130 BBY

(70 years)

Died during the Second Morsian-Sicc'orax War.
Julius Vix’tar c.16,130 - 16,126 BBY

(4 years)

Last dictator of the military dictatorship, grew increasingly mad in office, killed at the end of the Third Morsian Civil War.

Dictators of the military government[]

The Morsian Military Government was a short-lived breakaway state from the First Morsian Republic and one of the three major Morsian powers to fight the Fourth Morsian Civil War. In the build up to its independence from the republic, then-consul Lucinius Cra'acius fought the ten-year long Myapian Wars, garnering him much fame, power, and most importantly loyalty from the troops under his command. By 16,020 BBY the power of the Morsian Senate was wavering and Lucinius took over the Morsian colony overseas, breaking it away and establishing himself as another military dictator, reviving the title.

Name Rule Notes
Lucinius Cra'acius 16,020 - 16,007 BBY

(13 years)

Killed by the end of the Fourth Morsian Civil War