Star Wars Fanon

A Morsian Protectorate Planet was a class of planet that was under the protection of the Morsian Empire. They were generally in the same galactic area as Mors.


Early contact and the start of the Protectorate Program[]

Morsian Protectorates, as they were known, were planets that the Morsians worked with to bring security and infrastructure to. In the early days of Morsian space exploration, they started to come across inhabited planets which had non-spacefaring species on. These species tended to be humans, though they did find other species on either different planets or living alongside the humans. Upon finding a planet, the Morsians conducted reconnaissance it to see how many inhabitants lived on it and what sort of state they were in. Then, once they were satisfied they were friendly enough and civilzed enough, they would send out envoys to the largest countries on the planet with an offering. The Morsians would provide protection from threats both on and off-world, improve infrastructure, bring trade, build up cities, towns and villages as well as provide amenities to the country. In return, they wanted trade, resources and money, once Morsian trade had been established and a currency system put in place on the planet. If currency was already established in the country, the Morsians would create a conversion for it. Some countries agreed to the terms and in a short while the Morsians started to build infrastructure to improve the quality of life. Things like aqueducts, running water, roads, heat, baths, sewer systems and sturdier houses, built in the Morsian architectural style. Later they would build more advanced systems such as power grids and networks, railroads, school systems, public transport, amphitheatres, arenas and circuses for entertainment, aircraft, advanced watercraft and eventually spaceports and advanced power stations.

Some countries didn’t agree to the terms but also didn’t hinder the Morsian offers to other countries, but others refused Morsian terms and were hostile to the aliens. There were many instances of war between the Morsians and some countries on the planets, though the Morsians always came through victorious. The countries that did work with the Morsians saw a boom of success, with all the new improvements being made giving rise to a lot more jobs, reducing unemployment and allowing nearly everyone access to schools and training to do these new jobs. Economies prospered and new, faster modes of transport allowed the citizens of these countries to get around far easier to their new jobs. Life quality improved and populations boomed at nearly every village, town and city. After a while, some countries who initially refused Morsian help saw this and agreed to work with them, while other countries who were hostile to the Morsians continued to refuse, though they did slow down and often stop open hostilities to the Morsians and countries working with them. In return, the counties who agreed to the Morsian help would send various goods, money and resources to the Morsian home world, meaning a lot of more new and exotic goods were available to the Morsian populace back on Mors as well as a new tourism destination once spaceports were set up and space travel was more affordable to the average Morsian.

Clone Wars Era[]

In the age of the Clone Wars, the Morsians had many of these protectorate planets set up as their own galactic empire, albeit small and more of a republic due to them working alongside the other planets rather than conquering and ruling over them. To keep costs down and local relations high, the military forces and police forces on the planets were made up of native troops. It was expensive and difficult to keep Morsian troops on foreign planets due to them not being able to breath the air and the many specialist buildings needed to keep a Morsian comfortable on a planet that wasn’t Mors. As such, early into the protectorates, the Morsians realised that the natives would be far cheaper to train and maintain rather than always keep a Morsian presence on the planet. So, the natives were trained to the Morsian way of fighting, how to use the Morsian weapons, uniform and military way of life, though Morsians made up the military high command of the protectorates. The same went for the publicae auxiliam, or public order auxiliaries, the Morsian police force. These people kept the streets safe by cracking down hard on crime, not to mention they were quite unlike other police forces as they still carried swords, shields and spears, meaning a criminal trying to fight their way out would have a hard time fighting soldiers.

Galactic Civil War Era[]

The protectorates were the main focus points of groups wishing to engage in a proxy war against the Morsians, as as the first targets for an invasion of the Morsian Empire. While most protectorate planets were comfortable enough with the Morsians, there were still those groups on them that were hostile to the Morsians, even if they didn't engage in combat with them. Over the history of the protectorates, various groups had tried to bribe or build up these countries to wage war on the Morsians as a distraction, but this invariably didn't work. The only case of this working to an extent was in 3 BBY when the Galactic Empire provided manpower, equipment and funding to the Kingdom of Greiko on a protectorate as a desperate bid to try and halt the Morsian advance into imperial space. While it did succeed in pausing the Morsians, they did not stop their advance and it ultimately failed in its intended objective.

Jedi on the Protectorates[]

When Order 66 happened at the end of the Clone Wars in 19 BBY, the Morsians offered sanctuary to any Jedi who could make it to Morsian space, giving them safety in return for the Jedi following Morsian laws laid out on the planet. Various Jedi accepted the offer and quickly settled on the various protectorate planets most suited to their own preferences. These Jedi were initially fearful not only from the Clones but also to the Morsians who were an unknown entity to them. However, after a year or two of safety, the Jedi calmed down and realised that they were safe whilst in Morsian space. After several years, these Jedi started to contact themselves to begin rebuilding the Jedi Order, with its new foundation in Morsian space, where they would be safe. In 14 BBY, the Jedi came together on the planet Undulis to build a new Jedi Temple, though smaller and within the space given to them by the government planning permission, founding their new Jedi Order. Over time, the order grew as other Jedi who were in hiding after Order 66 learnt about this new Jedi Order and travelled in secret to Morsian space to join the order, growing their numbers as more and more flocked to the Order.

List of Protectorate Planets[]


Master Qui-Gon, more to say, have you?

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