The Morsian Navy, also known as the Imperial Morsian Navy or just Imperial Navy, was the naval arm of the Morsian Empire.
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Military of the Morsian Empire (From 20,000 BBY onwards) |
Structural history |
Rutilarian reforms · Farranaxian reforms · Reforms of 3,920 · Cracian reforms · Unit types and ranks · Equipment · Legions (Canon · Legends) · Navy (Canon · Legends) |
Campaign history |
Wars and battles (Canon · Legends) · Civil Wars and rebellions (Canon · Legends) |
Strategy and tactics |
Infantry tactics |
Borders and fortifications |
Castellum · Castra · Escensio · Finibus Galacticus (Finibus Septemtrionis Galacticus (Finibus Otega ad Qiilura · Finibus Thanium ad Ashicus · Finibus Meram ad Quelii · Finibus Kanz ad Raioballo) Finibus Coruscanticus · Finibus Teraab ad Trax · Finibus Meridionali Galacticus (Finibus Chommell ad Brema · Finibus Arkanis ad Cadavine · Finibus Lambda ad Bothanicus)) |
Under different political systems |
Royal Morsian Army · Morsian army of the Dictatorship Morsian army of the First Republic · Imperial Morsian Army (Canon · Legends) |
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The Morsian navy used a different structure of ranking to the Morsian Army, with a structure more similar to that seen in the Galactic Republic.
- The basic rank of a member of the Imperial navy was just a seaman, or Navita.
- After this, they could be promoted to able seaman, or Postet Navita.
- The next promotion level was the rank seaman, or Gradus Navita.
- Then could then be promoted to commissioned seaman, or Negotium Navita.
- The captain of a ship was a naval prefect, or Praefectus Navalis.
- The commander of a fleet was an admiral of the fleet, or Praefectus Classis.
Ship classes[]
Ship classes came and went during the early days of the Morsian Navy becoming space-fairing, however by the time of the Old Sith Wars, they had settled on a swathe of ship classes ranging from small frigates to imposing capital ships.
- Morsian Escort Frigate
- Harasser-class light frigate
- Sicarius-class submarine
- Mortem-class destroyer
- Imperator-class cruiser
- Victoriam-class imperial battlecruiser
- Testudo-class battleship
- Morsian Star Dreadnought
While the Morsians were able to successfully develop and field their own starfighters, they found the best success came with leasing and further modifying starfighters and bombers taken from the Old Republic. These included the Aurek-class tactical strikefighter, S-100 Stinger-class starfighter and modified S-250 Chela-class starfighter as a heavy fighter/fighter bomber. The Stingers were largely used as reconnaissance, with stripped down armour and improved sublight drives that gave them more power, and thus speed and mobility, than the original model which had numerous downsides.
At the end of the Great Sith Wars, the Morsians obtained a large amount of ex-Sith hardware which would become staples of the Morsian navy, including B28 Extinction-class bombers, Mark VI Supremacy-class starfighters and Fury-class Imperial Interceptors which complemented the slower but more survivable republic designs. The Sith hardware was deemed fast but lightly armoured, so the Morsians decided to sacrifice speed for survivability by up armouring the Mark VIs but leaving the Imperial Interceptors as they were for the most part, other than the usual weapon system upgrade and constant shield, armour and drive upgrades that happened whenever the Morsians got an improved version of what they currently had.
Over the course of the Clone Wars, the Morsian policy of hardware acquisition worked well for the navy, as new designs from both the Separatists and republic came into the navy’s hands and added to the Morsian line up of starfighters. While most of the Separatist ship designs were of no use to the Morsians due to them being mostly AI controlled droids designed as a ship, several republic designs took their interest. The Z-95 Headhunter became a solid competitor to the old Aurek-class and resulted in an arms race between various shipbuilders as to who could make an upgrade over the Aurek or Headhunter. The Morsians really fell in love with the BTL-B Y-wing which instantly became a staple of the navy overnight. The S-250s were overtaken by Y-wings in a bomber role and were phased out of the navy by the start of the Galactic Civil War.
For further ship designs, the Imperial Intelligence Bureau was tasked with stealing schematics and ships to give to the Morsian Navy for analysis. However, very few designs were of interest to the Morsians over the 20 year Galactic Civil War, though the T-65 X-wing was seen as a possible replacement for the Z-95. Since the Z-95 had only recent entered service with the Morsian navy and, thanks to the arms race, had become a state of art fighter, the T-65 was largely ignored other than for its weapon systems and various other components. The RZ-1 A-wing was another highly debated design, but since it was so similar to the Z-95, it was decided to instead improve the existing Z-95 rather than replace it.
Other offerings obtained by the IIB included the usual TIE/LN starfighter and TIE/sa bomber, with the bomber being a possible replacement for the B-28 bombers currently in service. After a heavy debate, it was decided for IIB spies to find either a model of the ship to fly to Mors or for schematics to be obtained and sent to Mors. The IIB being what it was, they did both and got a working model as well as detailed schematics of the TIE/sa which entered service alongside B-28s. As the Empire started to grow weaker to the growing Alliance, they started to create more and more outrageous prototype craft in the TIE line which were of little interest to the Morsians but has some systems they could potentially use.
The TIE/IN, the successor to the original TIE/LN was discussed as a replacement for the Mark VIs but it was decided against. The TIE/d Defender, also known as just the TIE Defender, was never in the running but the navy liked to bring it up to laugh at the Imperial ship designers of the Galactic Empire.
Few new developments caught the attention of the Morsian Navy until the appearance of the Yuuzhan Vong in the galaxy. Unlike starships used by the denizens of the galaxy, the Vong used bio-engineered ships which were living beings themselves. This proved a problem initially for the Morsians, as when it came to space combat and starship design, living ships were unheard of in the galaxy. Whilst the technology and starfighter design of the Vong were of interest to the navy, that was only to find and exploit a weakness to allow them to destroy the Vong more effectively.
- See also: Morsian Marines
The marine legions were the ship boarding, security and planetary assault forces of the Morsian Navy, providing security forces across Morsian ships against hostile boarding actions, regular marine forces for ship-to-ship boarding actions as well as the initial assault troops for planetary assaults. Marine legions were the same size as the legions that made up the Morsian Army, with 3,000 legionaries, 500 specialist troops and 500 engineers, however, they specialized in holding beachheads, creating rapid defences, ship combat and close quarters combat, more so than regular legions.