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Old Republic era

The Morsian Military Dictatorship, or Dictatura Militaria Morsianum in Old Morsian, was the second ruling government of Mors and the Morsian people. Coming about after the end of the First Morsian Civil War, it almost didn't exist had Gaius Rutil'iar decided to instead crown himself king. However, he decided instead to rule as a dictator, put in place by the loyal troops of the 1st legion.

Finding itself formed in the midst of the First Morsian-Sicc'orax War, that set the scene for much of the focus of the dictatorship, gearing up for war with the Sicc'orax Republic. Following the peace deal in 16,697 BBY, the beginning of the dictatorship is mostly noted for the revolutionary Rutilarian reforms that Gaius performed to the army. They totally shifted the formation, appearance and even unit types of the army while also greatly expanding the number of legions in the army.

For most of the life of the dictatorship between its formation and death, focus was placed on looking to lands outside of its own borders, often neglecting issues or development of its currently held lands. Following the death of Gaius, the dictatorship acquired yet more legions as well as an overseas colony to expand its lands. However, this focus on the outside caused great unrest inside the dictatorship, and a short Second Morsian Civil War saw Flavia Yjak'aar rise to the mantle of dictator. Under her guidance and thanks to her far greater awareness of the situations within their borders, expansionist ideas were halted in favor of building infrastructure and improvements to the lands held by the dictatorship.

The dictatorship fell much as it rose; during a war. The dictator at the end of the Second Morsian-Sicc'orax War war was becoming more and more mentally unstable which, combined with the acts of Sicc'orax spies within the Morsian Senate, resulted in the nation being ripped in two. The legions, already heavily injured from the war, were instantly pitted against each other with many of them being wiped out completely. Combined with losing its overseas territory during the First Morsian-Sparti War, the dictatorship fell to the senatorial faction and the dictator being decapitated, formally ending the dictatorship.



Morsian SPQM
Politics of the Morsian Empire
(From 20,000 BBY onwards)
Tribe (20,000 - 18,000 BBY)
Kingdom (18,000 - 16,700 BBY)
Dictatorship (16,700 - 16,126 BBY)
First Republic (16,120 - 16,007 BBY)
Second Republic (16,007 - 15,997 BBY)
Third Republic (15,900 - 15,617 BBY)
New Kingdom (15,610 BBY - 15,580 BBY)
Fourth Republic (15,565 - 15,449 BBY)
Morsian State (15,425 - 15,409 BBY)
Fifth Republic (15,406 - 15,000 BBY)
People's Union (14,991 - 14,544 BBY)
Sixth Republic (14,535 - 13,887 BBY)
Empire (Canon · Legends) (13,880 BBY - )
Titles and honors
King · Dictator · Consul · Emperor
Flag of the Morsian Empire Morsian fanon continuity

The dictatorship was formed after the First Morsian Civil War, which resulted in the downfall of the Morsian Kingdom. Gaius Rutil'iar became the first dictator of the new regime, promising power to the Morsian people and the swift defeat of their enemies, starting with the Sicc'orax, whom the Morsians were at war with due to the First Morsian-Sicc'orax War, a war that was occurring at the same time as the civil war. With a new government in place, the Morsian realm was weak and needed to end the war quickly. To cement power to the new regime and the Morsian people, the war grew in scale with more legions being raised and more pushes being made into the Sicc'orax territories. Eventually, after the war starting turning into a stalemate, the two countries decided on a peace deal and relative calm finally descended on their country.

Military expansion[]

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Rutilarian reforms

Intermediate peace was filled with army reforms and expansion. More legions were raised, doubling their wartime legion count as well as the annexation of several of their allies, the Fakk'ar and Tenarr'brii with new legions being formed in their lands. Overseas colonies were also established, as well as military build-up towards a new war with the Sicc'orax. When Gaius died, a new dictator, Maxius Gill'iar, took over and engaged in a short war with the Giovan'ii Tribe with the Morsian-Giovan'ii War, adding yet more land to the Morsian overseas colonies.

Second civil war and new dictator[]

The Second Morsian Civil War was less bloody and far swifter than the first, with a far smaller scope which didn't result in the downfall of the dictatorship. Instead, it was between two rival powers of the current dictator, Maxius, and a new rival, Flavia Yjak'aar, who sought power and replacement over Maxius. After a short storming of Maxius' personal forces, Flavia deposed him and became the new dictator.

Infrastructure improvements and build up to war[]

Flavia concentrated on the home front, building new infrastructure within the realm, such as new roads, new houses and living standards, bringing the Morsian people into somewhat of a golden age with all the new improvements being made to their living standards and livelihoods.

Tensions were growing with the Sicc'orax, however, and their terms of peace were nearly up, with Flavia being nearly assassinated several times. The Morsian legions were placed all along the border with the Sicc'orax and the Morsian Navy placed around ports ready to blockade them. The Morsians were ready for war with the Sicc'orax and their allies, commencing the Second Morsian-Sicc'orax War.

Second war with the Sicc'orax[]

The dictatorship led the Morsians through the long and bloody second war with the Sicc'orax as they initially struggled to initially make headway against the Sicc'orax.


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Civil war and dissolution[]

The Second Morsian-Sicc'orax War was a success for the Morsians but was also long and brutal. The armies were depleted and the population was fatigued from war. Unknown to the dictatorship, the Sicc'orax had planted spies under fake Morsian identities within the Morsian Senate and was riling up both the senators and populace to turn them against the current regime. A few weeks after the end of the war, the Senate had a large discussion which resulted in an argument and the Senate splitting into two sides, or factions. These ended up being the Populi Rem and the Qui Unitum Potentiae, often shorted to the Populi and Potentiae, with the Populi being on the side of the people and wanting change from the dictatorship whilst the Potentiae wished to stamp it out and strengthen the dictatorship.

The Sicc'orax spies positioned themselves as the leaders of the Populi, and successfully continued escalating the political conflict. A civil war was brewing and several more meetings after this, a Senate meeting was abruptly adjourned after blades were drawn and several senators injured and detained. One such detained senator was one of the Sicc'orax spies, which worried them, and caused them to expedite their plans. The legate of the Third Legion was approached by the spies in the Populi to fight on their side for the good of the Morsian people, whilst several other legions were bribed to fight for them. The Potentiae, led by the current dictator Julius Vix’tar, went to those legions not bribed to get them to fight for the Potentiae. After a short period of time between this, the first skirmishes were fought, beginning the civil war and dissolving the dictatorship into the two sides.


See also: Morsian Senate

The head of state of the dictatorship was the military dictator, often whom came either from the Senate or directly from the army. The dictator held ultimate power and had little to stop them from doing what they wanted. Most dictators focused on expansion, founding settlements and declaring war on neighboring countries. The Morsian Senate existed during the dictatorship but in a more administrative role. They discussed laws and legislations to be put forwards for acceptance and passing, though were unable to do anything by themselves.


Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Morsian army of the Dictatorship

The army of the dictatorship was greatly revolutionized and reformed thanks to Gaius, and it created the mould that would be followed for the next several centuries by both the dictatorship and its successor state.

Notable members[]

  • Gaius Rutil'iar, the first dictator.
  • Maxius Gill'iar, Gaius's successor as leader.
  • Flavia Yjak'aar, the first woman leader of a Morsian state and successor to Maxius.
  • Julius Vix’tar, the final dictator.
  • Scipio Farr'anax, legate of the 3rd legion at the end of the dictatorship.