Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic eraRise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy eraPost-Legacy era

The Morsian Empire was the ruling government of Mors and the Morsian people. Founded between 15,000 - 14,000 BBY, the Morsian Empire would prove to the be the final government of the Morsian people, able to withstand several civil wars that attempted to overthrow it, as well as guiding the Morsians through hardship and success alike.

It was the government that finally united Mors under one banner, and kept its rule with an iron fist, crushing resistance and civil war whilst simultaneously making technological advancements and civil construction projects. During the first several thousand years of its existence, the Morsian Empire was undiscovered and unaware of the wider galaxy, causing it to focus instead on its own efforts to reach space, creating various space programs.

Upon being discovered by the wider galaxy, the Morsian Empire sought to be a symbol of power, civilization and prosperity in the eyes of the galaxy, projecting military power with various excursions and partaking in galactic wars, being a power for peace with humanitarian aid and interventions across the galaxy whilst also being culturally relevant, with a strong empire under its control and a strong economy.

They had a rough relationship with the Galactic Republic, with high highs and low lows, joining and leaving the Republic during its initial existence as the Old Republic. After aiding them in the Galactic Civil War, however, the Morsian Empire was accepted once again in the New Republic and became an integral part of it.

The Morsian Empire only became closer to the New Republic as the years went on, being a valuable ally following the end of the war and during the Yuuzhan Vong War, where the Morsians worked closely with the New Republic and subsequent Galactic Federation of Free Alliances (GFFA), working to destroy the Yuuzhan Vong by any means necessary.

Following the war, the Morsian Empire continued to work closely with the GFFA to rebuild the war-torn galaxy, until a new extra-galactic threat appeared right on the borders of the Morsian Empire.


Flag of the early Morsian Empire

The early flag of the Morsian Empire, repurposed from that of the Sixth Morsian Republic

Morsian SPQM
Politics of the Morsian Empire
(From 20,000 BBY onwards)
Tribe (20,000 - 18,000 BBY)
Kingdom (18,000 - 16,700 BBY)
Dictatorship (16,700 - 16,126 BBY)
First Republic (16,120 - 16,007 BBY)
Second Republic (16,007 - 15,997 BBY)
Third Republic (15,900 - 15,617 BBY)
New Kingdom (15,610 BBY - 15,580 BBY)
Fourth Republic (15,565 - 15,449 BBY)
Morsian State (15,425 - 15,409 BBY)
Fifth Republic (15,406 - 15,000 BBY)
People's Union (14,991 - 14,544 BBY)
Sixth Republic (14,535 - 13,887 BBY)
Empire (Canon · Legends) (13,880 BBY - )
Titles and honors
King · Dictator · Consul · Emperor
Flag of the Morsian Empire Morsian fanon continuity


The Empire came into existence between 15,000 - 14,000 BBY after a large scale, full planetary civil war which embroiled Mors and its people, eventually seeing the Imperial faction victorious and placing the Emperor at the seat of the Morsian government, with the Morsian Senate operating from the Emperor's will.

Unifying the planet and "Pax Morsiana"[]

A vast majority of Mors was under the control of the Morsian Empire, however there were still areas independent of the Empire. Over the following thousand years, the Empire fought and defeated the few nations left independent, as well as fighting several unsuccessful uprisings that sought to overthrow the Emperor. However, by 13,200 BBY, the planet was unified. After twenty years of consolidation and pacification, the Emperor declared a "Pax Morsiana", an era of peace and prosperity.

Mors from the moon

Mors as seen from the surface of its moon, taken during one of the space travel attempts

Pre-galactic contact[]

The Jedi discovered Mors in 10,000 BBY, however prior to that the Morsians had limited success in reaching space. With the planet unified and in a relatively stable state of peace and prosperity, most of the scientific focus was pushed towards reaching the stars. The Morsian Space Program was started with the aim of landing on the orbiting moon of Mors, as well as collecting scientific data from orbit and sending out probes to other planets and asteroids. The space program operated continuously over its time, successfully landing Morsians on the planetary satellite, launching probes and various other gadgets before the Jedi discovered the planet, catapulting the Morsian Empire to the galactic stage.

Early space travel[]

The Morsian Empire was eager to learn more about the wider galaxy after the Jedi revealed that many distant systems and planets were inhabited, and at the request of the Emperor, various Morsian diplomats were selected to travel outside of the Morsian home system, the Mortlekk system, though not before the Jedi aided in creating breathing masks to help the Morsians breath outside of their own atmosphere. During these early visits outside of the galaxy, the Morsians learned a lot, including the fact that their Empire was a technological backwater compared to the rest of the galaxy, owing to the fact that all research was mainly focussed on their own space program. During the next millennia, the Morsians rapidly worked on spaceship designs, whether they were made themselves or designs from elsewhere in the galaxy, so they could get a foothold on the galactic stage and not require the Jedi to get about.

Lifeboat service flag

The IILS flag

Joining the Republic[]

After a millennia of hard research, diplomacy and exploration, the Morsian Empire applied to join the Galactic Republic in 9,000 BBY. Joining a galaxy-wide alliance helped to cement the idea in the Morsian people's mind that the Morsian Empire had finally achieved greatness on the galactic stage and promised to bring good times and fortunes for the Morsians. Also during this time, the Imperial Intergalactic Lifeboat Service (IILS) was founded to aid travellers within the bounds of the Mortlekk system who enter difficulty. The service was an immediate success, and would slowly expand to cover the rest of the galaxy.

Stella Primus

Stella Primus, the first planet the Morsians encountered and subsequently offered to be a protectorate

Founding a galactic empire[]

During their exploration of the galaxy, the Morsians encountered various previously undiscovered worlds that were inhabited by sentient beings, some of them in quite close proximity to Mors. After much deliberation over what the Morsians would do with these worlds, it was decided that the Morsian Empire would introduce itself to the larger nations on the planets with the aim of establishing a friendly relationship with the nations and sign a mutually benefitting agreement, whereby the Morsian Empire would receive trade, exotic goods and various other benefits whilst the nation they aid would receive military protection, infrastructure building and modern technology. It was a difficult project to start, however it began the long running Morsian Protectorate Planet programme, launching the Morsian Empire on its first steps to building its own empire in the corner of the galaxy.

The Old Sith Wars[]

During the Old Sith Wars of 4,000 BBY, the Morsian Empire was at its height of relations between it and the Galactic Republic. When the Sith Empire broke into open war with the Republic, the Morsian Empire threw its military against the Sith with both joint and independent operations against Sith targets. The troops and navy of the Morsians proved to be a large thorn in the side of the Sith Empire who launched the Siege of Mors in 3,955 BBY in an attempt to knock them out of the war. The battle was costly on both sides, however the Morsians successfully defended their homeworld and were undeterred by the attack, instead opting to commit more resources to the war, undergo more campaigns and destroy more Sith forces until a ceasefire was called.

Decline in Republic relations and exit[]

Morsian Republic split poster

A poster featuring the split, with the accompanying text "They abandoned us" and "This is their "democracy" "

Over the following 500 years, relations between the Morsian Empire and Galactic Republic started breaking down, where the Republic began to lower their force size between wars, whilst the Morsians continued to be militaristic. The two began to butt heads more and more in the Galactic Senate, though continued to undergo joint campaigns and fighting against the Sith Empire when it broke out into open conflict. These campaigns began to be less cohesive, however, where the two armies conflicted with each other more and more, leading to more independent operations.

On the political side, the Galactic Senate was pressing more and more political pressure on the Morsians, with various laws and embargos passed which either conflicted with or outright blocked the Morsian Empire. The Senate also started siding with the Morsians less and less, exerting political pressure on unfavorable terms for them, or flatly failing to back the Morsians, sometimes going as far as to side against them.

Eventually, around 3,500 BBY, the Morsian Empire left the Galactic Senate and the Republic on their own terms, leaving Coruscant entirely and cutting off nearly all political ties and avenues with the Republic. They also withdrew from any defensive pacts they were still left in, and would no longer join in Republic coalitions or joint task forces in wars. The Morsian Empire was now on its own.

Independent operation[]

Whilst the Morsian Empire might have withdrawn from galactic politics, it did not mean they ceased to be active in the wider galaxy. Free from the restrictions of the Republic, the Morsians were able to undergo long time plans they had otherwise been unable to do whilst with the Republic. Sending volunteer forces and aid to troubled planets, intervene with civil wars, aid governments in civil wars and other interventionist policies were adopted and acted on, whilst regular anti-piracy patrols by Morsian fleets operated all across the galaxy.

They also still continued to fight the Sith whenever they appeared in the galaxy, getting involved in most major wars as Sith empires rose and fell. They did this independent of the Republic, which also meant they were able to garner separate peace deals without the restriction of the Republic, seeking far more favorable terms for themselves than would ever be passed had the Republic still been there as a war leader.

Despite no longer being a part of the Republic, the two entities continued to have some sort of established relations, even if they were cold and minimal. As a part of a long discussion between the two shortly after the Morsians withdrew from the Republic, it was agreed that every year, a Jedi would travel to one of the Morsian protectorate planets and be shown around it, to ensure that humanitarian practices were being adhered to and oppression of the peoples there was not happening. Trade continued to flow between the borders of the Morsian Empire and the wider galaxy, and now they were free from the Republic governed tariffs and limits of taxation, the freedom the Morsians gained from the Republic allowed them to prosper even more than they were, leading to increased growth and budgets for nearly every industry and sector.

During the Clone Wars[]

At the outbreak of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, the Morsians had grown used to independent operations with minimal interaction with the Republic. Despite this, there was always a faction in the Morsian Senate which yearned for a return to the Republic, and an official return to the galactic stage as a part of it. However, they made little headway as the treatment given to the Morsians before their eventual exit from the Republic still left a bitter taste in the mouths of most people in the Empire. This began to change when the Clone Wars officially broke out, and the Republic was swift to re-establish political avenues and ties with the Morsians. They were eager to have the Morsian Empire become a part of the Republic again as they believed that the large professional military of the Morsians, something they had previously condemned as being militaristic, would now be greatly beneficial in their fight against the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Progress towards it was slow, however, as the Morsian Senate as a whole was still not particularly on speaking terms with the Republic, and fears that the Republic just wished to use them for the war and then kick them out again were high. As a result, very little headway was made over the course of the Clone Wars, though it did begin to pick up and move towards a conclusion of the Morsians likely re-joining the Republic and entering the war before it ended in 19 BBY.

Even though the politics were slow during this time, military action was swift. Whilst the Morsian Empire was hesitant to fully enter the war against the CIS, they were eager to learn more about their battle tactics and equipment, specifically the technology, which the Morsians wanted to get their hands on to reverse-engineer and possibly augment onto their own designs. Whilst the Imperial Intelligence Bureau (IIB) was an excellent source of information for them, front-line action could not be replaced. As such, the Morsian Empire and Senate came up with the idea of so-called "interventions", or "technology gathering" missions, whereby a small Morsian fleet and military detachment was sent to a contested world with the primary aim of recovering any and all battlefield relics, from both sides of the war. A single legion would be sent to the surface to seek out and recover damaged, or functional, vehicles and equipment from both sides and recover it to the fleet, which would then be sent back to Mors for analysis and breaking down. These interventions also had a secret aim of fighting alongside Republic forces against the CIS as volunteers, though if it was ever questioned, the Morsians would claim that it was just a coincidence that happened alongside the main objective of recovering equipment.

Despite considerable progress being made with the Morsian Empire joining the Republic, they never officially joined the war or Republic before it fell in 19 BBY and the war ended, leading to the formation of the Galactic Empire. Due to long running sentiments, however, and the possible progress and outlook towards the Republic at the end of the war, the Morsian Empire did offer the Jedi Order 66 sanctuary within their borders when they learnt of the destruction of the Jedi Order, whereby Jedi, if they could make it to the borders of the Morsian Empire, could settle on whatever planet they chose providing they followed the rules and laws there, in return for protection.

Cold War with the Galactic Empire[]

Due to the fall of the Republic and the circumstances of its occurrence, the Morsian Senate wasn't too sure what to make of the new empire in its place. The Senate was quickly divided, with two sides emerging. There was the side which viewed the Empire as the legitimate successor to the Republic, and wished to pursue ties with the Empire, much like how the Republic was doing during the Clone Wars. However, the other side was greatly against the Empire, viewing it as the illegitimate conquerors of the democratic Republic, being helmed by a Sith and therefore becoming the enemies of the Morsian Empire. Responses to the new government, too, were mixed, with those viewing it more favorably looking for political ties or an alliance with them, whilst those opposing were demanding war, or close to it. Most senators in the Senate took one side or the other, with very few remaining neutral about it, meaning neither force could make headway in a resolution.

During the first few months, the Senate was mostly filled with debates and resolutions about the Empire, though these slowly filtered out as the transition died down and the Empire became the new norm. The two factions didn't disappear, however newer issues came and went, which took up more time in the Senate, leading to the factional war there becoming less vocal and prominent. Instead, a new issue with the Empire came to a head, which was the thinly veiled dislike of the Empire for the Morsians, with regular military patrols along their border, as well as infiltration attempts. This ended up becoming a long standing proxy war between the two nations for nearly twenty years.

Over the course of the cold war between the two, there were regular sabotage and espionage attempts all across Morsian territory, with Imperial spies attempting to disrupt, sabotage, incite revolt or steal intelligence from the Morsian Empire. In response, the IIB performed counter-intelligence with their own highly extensive network of spies and intelligence sources, which managed to mostly keep Imperial spies in the dark. Additional responses to the infiltration waves came in Morsian retaliation of the same nature, with Morsian spies sabotaging Imperial facilities, stealing prototypes and documents as well as aiding rebel attempts on more volatile Imperial planets.

Towards the end of the cold war period, Senate support for the Empire began to fall due to a variety of factors. One such factor was the deployment of Imperial troops and colonists to worlds closely bordering Morsian territory. It was feared that the settlers could establish fortified bastions there, as well as spying equipment and all sorts of other facilities the Morsians didn't want near their border. Should the Empire successfully install defenses around the Morsian Empire, they would effectively become trapped. Another factor was the Alliance to Restore the Republic, who had been in secret contact with the Morsian Empire for years prior, where ambassadors for the then fledgling Alliance tried their hardest to get the Morsian Empire on their side and declare war on the Empire, allowing the Alliance to build up strength quicker and enter a formal war themselves.

The cold war lasted for nearly twenty years, between 19 BBY and 0 BBY, when the destruction of the Death Star by the Alliance to Restore the Republic pushed the Morsian Empire over the edge and finally make a decision on the Empire. A few weeks after the destruction of the Death Star, senator Plinius Garr'atum delivered his "Imperium Delenda Est" speech to the Senate, catapulting the Morsian Empire to war.

Morsian anti-Imperial propaganda poster

A propaganda poster against the Empire, with "Defend liberty against tyranny!" underneath the slogan

Open war[]

In 0 BBY the Morsian Empire once again marched to war, beginning the four year long Morsian-Imperial War. Morsian forces were swiftly amassed on their borders and as soon as the order was given, they flooded out to the nearby systems, destroying any Imperial forces there whilst they were in disarray due to the destruction of the Death Star. The nearby settlements the Empire founded were bypassed after their fleets were destroyed, due to the low amount of troops stuck on the surface failing to prove enough of a threat to warrant combat. Instead, pushes were concentrated towards the nearest larger and populated planets, such as Dagobah, Shadda-Bi-Boran and even as far as Christophsis and the Arkanis Sector. The Empire swiftly recovered from their surprise, however, and mobilised troops to attempt to stem the flow of Morsian troops out of the Morsian Empire.

The defenses were broken through, however, and further offensives towards Naboo, Mustafar and Sullust, with additional pushes planned for reaching Malastare and Rishi. It was during this time that the Empire began heavily collapsing on all fronts, with Morsian troops undergoing less and less resistance and finding more troops willing to surrender. Large swathes of space were seized and taken from the Empire as the Morsians continued pushing into them and aiming to link up with Alliance forces as they went.

It was not always peaceful in the Morsian Empire's home sector, the Morsian sector, however, as the Empire had planted agents and secretly funded and armed resistance groups and nations on the protectorate planets who were not allied with the Morsians. One such war was the Morsian-Greiko War of 3 ABY, where the Kingdom of Greiko, aided by Imperial technology, funding and a small number of Imperial troops, rose up on the protectorate planet of Stella Primus and waged war against the protectorate nation of Britavania. The war was short and swiftly crushed by legions on the planet, causing a failure of the Empire's objective to get the Morsians to recall some of their forces to deal with the threat. When it was discovered that the Empire had funded the war, the Morsian Senate was all for causing an unconditional surrender of the Empire, and inflicting harsh penalties on them.

Morsian offensives 0-4 ABY

Military offensives performed by the Morsian Empire

By 4 ABY, the tide was turning against the Empire. With both the Morsian Empire and Alliance bearing down on them as well as the Emperor dead and the Death Star II destroyed by the Alliance, war support for them was at an all time low. In comparison, upon hearing of their predicament, the Morsian Empire had some of the highest war support since the start of the war, with most senators in favor of continuing the war until the ultimate destruction of the Empire. Despite this, the Senate sent out several different peace deals to the Empire, each one with extortionate terms and concessions to the Morsians. The remains of the Empire was adamant at not giving in to the Morsians, so the war continued to rage. The Morsian Empire, admitted into the New Republic, began to undertake the joint task of crushing the Empire into final submission.

Hunting down Imperial remnants[]

Following failed peace talks, the Morsian Empire began to spread its forces around, taking on the splintering imperial warlords as the Empire fell apart at the seams without Palpatine to lead them. The Morsians split their forces into three distinct sections, with one attached to the New Republic to liberate the Core Worlds, Inner Rim, Colonies and Expansion Region and two other fleets which focused on the Mid Rim and Outer Rim Territories respectively. The fleets could operate independently, engaging warlord fleets and liberating worlds by themselves, or join with New Republic forces and jointly campaign against warlords.

Thanks to their experience already gained with fighting the Empire as well as the disorganized state of various warlords, their forces made mostly easy headway against the forces of the various warlords and remnants of the Empire. Morsian forces aided with the Liberation of Coruscant in 7 ABY, where the Morsian fleet aided in destroying the small Coruscant Defense Fleet before landing marines and legions on the planet surface. Fighting was heavy and slow going due to the urban environment, elite Coruscant Defense Forces troops, rampant criminal gangs and generally poor fighting conditions of the Coruscant Underworld. Nevertheless, Morsian forces succeeded in securing sections of the planet whilst the New Republic took the Imperial Palace. After the success of the Liberation of Coruscant, the Morsian fleet continued to aid the New Republic until the official end of the war.

The other Morsian fleets undertook more independent operations than that of the inner section of the galaxy. Various different warlord and splinter factions had claimed ownership of the outer, less civilized and lawless parts of the galaxy, so not only were they fighting the forces of the New Republic and Morsian Empire, but there was also considerable infighting and backstabbing between Imperial forces. Despite this, both the Mid Rim and Outer Rim were considerably larger in scope and scale than any of the areas inwards from the Mid Rim, making the campaigns here markedly slower purely due to the amount of space needed to be covered. Regardless, Morsian forces made considerable progress over the years prior to ultimate peace with the remains of the Empire.

The Morsian Empire was continuing to make progress through the galaxy up until peace in 19 ABY. With the Morsian Empire a solid part of the New Republic, they were present to witness the Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty which brought a final end to the Galactic Civil War after nearly two decades of fighting. Much like how systems could chose to ally either with the New Republic or Imperial Remnant, those close to the Morsian Empire could chose to align themselves with the Morsians, admitting them into the Morsian Empire as a protectorate planet.

Fighting Imperial holdouts[]

Following the ceasefire and peace, the Morsian Empire could return to a more normal status quo with the galaxy. Now that the Morsians and New Republic were firm allies and they were an integral part of the New Republic, Morsian fleets aided and communicated with New Republic forces to deal with those holdouts of imperials who refused to accept the treaty. These imperial holdouts were scattered around the galaxy, but mainly concentrated towards the core and Deep Core, and comprised of imperial personnel who continued to fight against the New Republic in the forlorn hope that they might yet overturn them and bring the war back in favor of the Empire. The Morsian Empire has little trouble with hunting and dealing with these units, though some proved elusive and took a while to track down, encircle and destroy. For several years this continued, until a far larger, more pressing, threat appeared in the galaxy.

Yuuzhan Vong War[]

Morsian-Vong war 25-27 ABY

The progress of the Yuuzhan Vong during the first half of the war

In 25 ABY, the Yuuzhan Vong first appeared in the galaxy. At first, the Morsians weren't all too concerned about the appearance of an extra-galactic species appearing, however after reports of the Vong invading, enslaving and occupying planets in the galactic north, they quickly changed their stance. Both within the Morsian Senate and New Republic Senate, they were quick to decide on mobilising against the Vong in an effort to contain and destroy the threat. This started the Morsian-Yuuzhan Vong War.

Initial contact with the Vong over the remainder of the year, and heading into 26 ABY, was less than ideal. Much like how the Jedi found out early on in the war, the Morsians discovered that the Vong had armor resistant to Lightsabers, rendering the main melee weapon of the Morsian Army mostly useless. The series of defeats that the Morsian Empire suffered in the early part of the war dealt a heavy blow both to their own morale and that of the New Republic. Up until this point, the Morsian Empire hadn't suffered a defeat on this scale, and it appeared that a hostile power had finally gotten the best of the near invincible appearing Morsian Army.

However, the Morsians were determined to not let plummeting morale cause the war to be lost. Turning towards their arsenal, the Morsians took stock of what weapons they might be able to use, and eyes rested on the Publicae Auxiliam, the police force of the Morsian Empire. They used the "Gladius publicae", which was a vibroblade short sword created especially for the publicae auxiliam. With nothing really to lose by experimenting, it was decided to equip fresh legions with the vibroblade sword rather than their lightsaber and see the result against the Vong. During the following campaign of that year, and after some training to get the legionaries used to fighting with a solid sword, the idea was put to the test with better results. The vibroblade sword was able to defeat the Vong armor and prevent any more extreme defeats like those suffered during the initial campaign.

Despite the success of equipping the legions with vibroblade swords, the war was still not progressing in favor of the Morsians or wider galaxy. In additional measures to counteract this, the Morsian armed forces were greatly expanded, with the aim to get as many bodies into the field as possible. The Morsian Navy and Morsian Army were both expanded with more ships and legions, to take the fight to the Vong in some small way. In 27 ABY, Coruscant fell to the Yuuzhan Vong, which combined with the fact that Morsian forces were unable to properly stop the advance of the Vong and the percieved "death" of the New Republic following the loss of Coruscant, once against sent morale plummeting. The Morsian Senate realised that drastic measures had to be taken, and so spoke closely with what remained of the New Republic, making further war plans as well as possible contingency plans.

Morsian anti-Vong poster

A propaganda poster against the Yuuzhan Vong

Escalation of the war[]

With the loss of Coruscant, the Morsian Empire decided drastic measures had to be taken. Shortly after the fall of Coruscant, they issued authorisation to escalate the war by any means necessary to purge the Yuuzhan Vong from the very face of the galaxy. For the first time in its history, the Morsian Empire issued authorisation to use their Forbidden weapons in galactic combat. These weapons were usually either banned or heavily regulated, as per their war crime charter, however due to the fact that the Vong were extra-galactic creatures, as well as the impending threat of the galaxy being wiped out by the Vong, the Morsian Empire decided that if the galaxy was to survive, extreme measures were to be taken.

They also issued a declaration that no quarter was to be given to the Vong, something also usually banned in their war crime charter. This declaration meant that any means necessary were authorised to kill the Vong and win the war. There was to be no given chance for them to surrender, and no leniency given to any captives. Any survivors were to be killed, battles were to be won in any way necessary and no weapons were off-limits. This meant that the forbidden weapons were issued and used against the Vong, including weapons like the Acid Projector and Liquid Nitrogen Projector, plus the superweapon the Singularity device, a weapon capable of producing an unstable black hole to suck in and destroy anything around it.

Morsian anti-Vong poster 2

A propaganda poster against the Yuuzhan Vong following Jannus Surr'iar's speech to the Morsian Senate

In 28 ABY, the remains of the New Republic allied with the Imperial Remnant and a few other factions to form the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, or GFFA. This new government finally succeeded in creating a unified galactic state, something which had been a dream for many millennia, but also finally unified the galaxy to pool together all their forces into one united fighting force against the Vong. The war slowly began to turn against the invaders as the GFFA rallied against them and began to hunt down the heads of the Vong forces.

The Morsian Empire aided them as much as possible with troops and intelligence from the Imperial Intelligence Bureau. For the following several years, fierce fighting occupied the Morsians as they entered total mobilisation and total war against the Vong. The war continued to ebb and flow as extreme measures were taken against the Vong. Despite receiving criticism from the Jedi and other members of the GFFA, the Morsians were in favor of developing and deploying Alpha Red, a bioweapon engineered to target the Vong.

End of the war with the Vong[]

By 29 ABY, everyone was tired of total war. The Morsian Empire was beginning to tire and the rest of the galaxy was proverbially on fire. The Vong had suffered massive losses, as had the combined forces of the galaxy. The end was in sight, however, and with the final major action of the war, the Battle of Yuuzhan'tar, the name the Vong had given to Coruscant following its capture, the GFFA finally entered talks with the Vong. The Morsian Empire was in favor of continuing the war, wiping out the Vong completely and banishing them back to wild space. However, as they were still a part of the GFFA, they agreed to honor a ceasefire whilst talks were in progress. The Morsians agreed to the Sekot Accords, however refused to accept it as their own peace deal with the Vong. It took until the following year, 30 ABY, for them to finally reach their own peace deal with the Vong.


After five bloody years of war for the galaxy and Morsian Empire, they decided to take a break from military activities and instead concentrate on recovering their damaged military and economy. Whilst the Morsian Empire itself had been far away from the galactic front line, meaning no Vong units managed to get anywhere near their border, entering a state of total mobilisation and total war had taken a toll on the home front. The economy was on the decline due to many trade partners and planets being occupied by the Vong, and focussing everything on the war meant that stabilising the economy wasn't on the forefront of their mind.

Over the following few years, the Morsian Empire stepped back from galactic conflicts, failing to aid in either the Dark Nest Crisis or Swarm War, instead focussing on themselves, making sure their military was back up to strength and cutting edge as well as making sure the home front was stable with an improving economy and budgeting. This period of roughly ten years also marked the first time that the Morsian Empire did not engage in anti-piracy patrols across the galaxy, something they usually did as a public service as much as anything else. They would resume their patrols during 38 ABY, beginning to patrol the Outer Rim again, moving into the Mid Rim a few years later.

The Morsian Empire also aided the Jedi Coalition during the Second Galactic Civil War in 40 ABY, fighting against the GFFA which had been taken over by the Sith Darth Caedus. Even though the Morsian Army and Navy was still not at full strength, the Morsians sent what they feasibly could to help the Coalition in defeating the Sith. Morsian forces took part in several major battles as well as some skirmishes, before the Civil War was wrapped up a year later in 41 ABY.

Steady as she goes[]

For the next decade or so, the Morsian Empire continued mostly as normal. The economy was built back up to full, pre-Vong strength by 45 ABY and the armed forces were reduced by a number, but still greatly enlarged compared to how they were. During this time of rejuvenation and rebuild, the Morsian Empire aided the GFFA with fixing the damage dealt to the galaxy by the Vong. They underwent extensive public work and rebuild across the galaxy and, once their own economy was sorted, pumped billions of denarii into funding various building projects and fixing environments of those worlds the Vong had decimated. Amongst these funded projects was the rebuild of Coruscant, which the Vong had terraformed.

Despite the Morsians petitioning to keep Coruscant rejuvenated and not built up into kilometres high skyscrapers across the entire surface, they were unsuccessful in persuading the GFFA to keep Coruscant "natural", so somewhat reluctantly aided in funding works to rebuild all the lost buildings and landmarks that had been destroyed by the Vong. In addition, despite butting heads with the GFFA on certain matters, the Morsians maintained excellent relations with the galactic government and were content with remaining an important part of it.

A new extra-galactic threat[]

In 55 ABY, the Morsian Empire began to detect a new extra-galactic threat to the galaxy. To their galactic west, the Morsians began encountering advanced units of what would come to be known as the Insectoid Confederacy. These advanced units came in the form of non-sentient, space-dwelling bug-like creatures of various sizes, which were noticed by both Morsian and other galactic travellers alike. These creatures were generally inquisitive and docile until provoked, however violence was noted whenever they were near what looked to be a highly porous asteroid, which was later understood to be a nest.

Worry and tension soon broke out in the Morsian Senate once word of these creatures was filtered to it. The major talking point was the worry of this species being a new Yuuzhan Vong situation, of a violent, invasive civilisation wreaking havoc on the galaxy whilst it was still recovering. The Vong had been beaten in the end, but only by a narrow margin with plenty of luck, and the galaxy was still in the process of recovering from that invasion, so a new one on the same scale could spell doom for the galaxy. In addition, unlike during the Vong invasion, the Morsian Empire would be right on the initial front line of the invasion, which was not something the Senate was relishing the prospect of.

Mors from orbit

Mors, the capital planet of the Empire


Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Morsian Senate/Legends

The government of the Morsian Empire was a semi-constitutional monarchy, run by the Emperor and largely administrated by the Morsian Senate. The Morsian Senate had risen and fallen throughout the existence of the Morsian state, and served a largely administrative role in the Morsian Empire. The Senate convened once per day, often through multiple sessions with breaks.

Each session was opened by the Emperor, and for a senator to speak, they had to take to the floor and address the gathered senators, with new senators taking their space on the floor when they had to speak.


Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Old Morsian

The primary language on Mors was Old Morsian, and therefore was the primary language of the Morsian Empire. However, across the entirety of the Morsian Empire with its multiple planet spanning realm, the most widely spoken language was Galactic Basic Standard. As such, the de facto language of the wider empire was Galactic Basic, despite the official language being listed as Old Morsian.

Most citizens on Mors could speak at least basic Galactic Basic, however very few outsiders could speak Old Morsian.


Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Denarii

The primary currency across the Morsian Empire was the Denarii, which originated on Mors itself and was spread across the empire and to the wider galaxy. Most internal trading was performed using the denarii, mints across the empire produced and stamped coins for use on protectorate planets whilst certain locations across the galaxy accepted denarii as legal tender. Denarii tended to be used alongside existing local native currencies, with identical conversion rates and costing, to avoid confusion.

Galactic Credit Standard, however, was also commonly used across the protectorate planets for outside trading, and could be exchanged for denarii in currency exchangers. On some protectorate planets, namely those with lots of immigration or in close proximity to the borders of the Morsian Empire, Galactic Credits took over from the denarii as the primary currency, with most locations taking credits as the primary currency with denarii as a secondary or auxiliary currency.

Notable members[]

  • Urde Ra'akdoon, Redeemed Jedi Master from 200 BBY.
  • Darth Mortem, Sith in 3,955 BBY.
  • Firax Co’hiir, Legionary traitor in 3,955 BBY.
  • Marridum Ra'akdoon, Centurion Imperator Maxius of the 66th Legion in 3,955 BBY.
  • Augustus Ra'akdoon, Morsian bounty hunter in 3,955 BBY.
  • Decante Farr’un, Legatus of the 66th Legion in 3,955 BBY.
  • Antonius Flavius Ra’akdoon, a Ducem Custodem of the Imperatoris Custodes in 3,955 BBY.
  • Marius Jaar’iuun, Legatus of the 1st Legion on the Morsian Protectorate Planet Stella Primus in 3 BBY.
  • Varo Atti'sar, a Provinciarum Legati of Stella Primus in 3 BBY.
  • Plinius Garr'atum, a senator in 0 ABY.
  • Jannus Surr'iar, a senator in 28 ABY.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The Morsian Empire is heavily based on the real life Roman Empire in regards to its army and government.

