Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

Morsian Clone Wars interventions were military interventions conducted by the Morsian Empire during the three year span of the Clone Wars. Usually cited as 'technology gathering' missions, the interventions were done on the side of the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems where Morsian troops would fight either alongside or independently of Republic forces with the official aim of gathering Separatist technology for research and further home development. However, the Morsian Empire would also take whatever Republic technology they could lay their hands on, willingly or otherwise, meaning they got technology from both sides.


The Morsian Empire was already planning on pursuing closer ties with the Galactic Republic as tension grew in the galaxy and war was brewing. Spies from the Morsian Imperial Intelligence Bureau foretold of a galactic-wide war involving the Republic, which forced the Imperial senate to commence preliminary talks with the Republic on the Morsian Empire rejoining the Republic in an official capacity, which would allow them to aid the Republic militarily in the event of a galactic wide war. When war broke out in 22 BBY, the Morsians were still not a part of the Republic and talks were continuing slowly. As a result of this, plans to aid the Republic covertly were discussed within the Morsian senate.

Early intervention attempts[]

Initially, during the early phase of the war, the Morsian Empire undertook many spying missions against Separatist institutions and on Separatist planets. These both allowed them to gain technology information but also intelligence about the enemy they would be fighting. IIB spies were able to pass on this information to the Morsians who could then also pass it to the Republic, however it wasn't quite as large scale as they hoped, so a more 'hands on' intervention campaign was planned to take place shortly after.

Initial interventions[]

Military interventions were planned and commenced in the middle of 22 BBY, with the first large scale one happening during the Battle of Christophsis, when a Morsian Legion was sent to the planet to gather Separatist technology during the invasion, as well as acting as a test bed for further 'technology gathering' missions. The legion ended up under siege by Separatist forces for several weeks but held out with very few casualties. As a result of this, another mission was conducted during the Battle of Ryloth, when a Morsian legion was sent to Ryloth and fought alongside Republic forces on the planet, whilst also getting their hands on all technology they could find.

Further missions throughout the war[]

Following the initial successful and prosperous missions during the first year of the war, the Morsian senate saw it prudent to conduct more, with more of a focus on aiding the Republic over gathering technology, though the pretence was still there to make it appear to be an independent mission outside of the Republic. A Morsian legion was sent to the Second Battle of Geonosis, establishing a fort and operating over the course of the campaign on the planet, fighting both Geonosian and Separatist forces as well as aiding Republic forces where they could. During the Battle of Umbara, again a legion was sent with the express orders of capturing as much Umbaran technology as they could find, as it was proving to be very interesting to Morsian engineers.

Stopping of the intervention missions[]

In 19 BBY, Morsian missions were slowed as the Morsian Empire and Galactic Republic were nearing a finalised deal on the Morsian re-entry to the Republic. Because of this, the Morsians shifted their focus to a galactic wide war rather than isolated, single legion intervention missions. Missions were slowed and then halted as build up and preparation for war was conducted all over the Empire. With all the technology they could ever need, and an imminent official entry to the war looming, the Morsians saw no reason to continue their military volunteer forces to random Republic campaigns across the galaxy.

Known missions[]
