Mors was the sole inhabited planet within the Mortlekk system of the Outer Rim Territories. It was located in the Morsian sector, on the very edge of the Unknown Regions. Until the Jedi arrived, the planet and area were unknown to the general galactic public, and for a long time after its discovery, Mors was thought to be the only inhabited planet in the area, whose inhabitants the sector was eventually named after. Regarded as one of the oldest planets in the galaxy, it was not discovered until 10,000 BBY when Jedi reached the system and discovered the populated planet.
Due to its hostile surface, atmosphere, and weather, very few people ever visited the planet and those that did only stayed for a short while before leaving. In addition, due to its distance from both the Core and rest of the galaxy, public awareness of Mors and its inhabitants was limited, with only some planets in the Outer or Mid Rim knowing about the planet.
Mors was a planet formed from dark stone, dyed by toxic fumes and acid. Back in the planet's early days, acidic volcanoes pumped out toxic, acidic smog that not only dyed the rock and soil black but also created a dark green foggy atmosphere, partially obscuring the planet's surface from orbit. This foggy atmosphere gave the planet a light greenhouse effect, making it warmer than a contemporary temperate planet but not enough heat to turn it into a desert planet. There were no polar ice caps due to this and temperatures were usually higher than on a contemporary planet similar to Mors. Also due to the atmosphere, very little planetary lights penetrated the atmosphere to show from orbit, which was also helped by the largest city, the capital, being a vast underground city, thus hiding all lights from orbit.
Humorem Impurum age[]
- Old Morsian name for this phase of the planet, literally meaning the 'Impure Liquid Age'. Mors was created along with four other planets around its central sun. Originally a bright green rocky planet with a green acid and toxic fog covering the ground, the acid and toxicity eventually dyed the rocks a dark black color. Over eighty percent of the planet was covered in a dark green acid sea that made living on the planet impossible. The name was derived from the
Perpetua Infernum age[]
- The next phase of the young Mors was filled with fire and brimstone. Volcanoes rose out from the acidic core of the planet and created various mountain ranges across the surface. These volcanoes erupted nearly continuously, raining rocks, toxic smog and acid all across the planet. However, they did take with them a large chunk of the acid sea covering the planet, creating landmasses of rock, which would eventually house life on the planet. These volcanoes spewed out so much acid and smog that they permanently gave the planet a green hue that covered the atmosphere, giving the planet its distinct and famous foggy atmosphere. However, it was 325% more toxic than in its later life, making living on the planet impossible for any life. Great acid storms wracked the planet, violently bombarding the surface of the planet with lightning and tornadoes twenty-four/seven. The name came from the Old Morsian name for this phase of the planet, meaning the 'Eternal Hell Age'.
Initium Novum age[]
- The planet eventually stabilized, with the volcanoes becoming extinct or dormant, receding into the core of the planet. Those that stayed fizzled out and died, remaining as mountains, or shrinking down into the crust. As the main chimneys for the toxic smog were disappearing, the toxicity levels of the planet started to reduce towards the documented planetary standard. Now that the air and ground were not hazardous, the first documented fossils of life came from this era, when life could find a way. The acid storms became calmer and more spread out, though they could still planetary tornadoes, tsunamis, and hurricanes, though they were not able to snuff out the first signs of life. The name of this era came from the Old Morsian, meaning 'A New Beginning'.
Antiqua Aurora age[]
- During this phase of the planet, life started to take off. The surface was still too hostile to most life, so early beings lived in the vast cave systems under the surface. Micro-organisms appeared in the acid oceans and deep caves of the planet, eventually evolving into primitive life forms.
The first intelligent life was a hunchbacked humanoid, walking on two feet but still heavily reliant on four limb movement for any long distances. Adept at living underground, these early Morsians had large skulls and large eye sockets, indicating that they were used to seeing in the dark, with the large sockets showing large eyes for processing in the darkness. They had large ears for hearing, most likely using them in conjunction with their large, bulbous eyes to help hunt in the dark. The large skull may have also proven the addition of a large brain, as early tools and weapons found in caves would prove.
There were a variety of other creatures living in the caves with these early Morsians. One of which was a large dragon-like creature which had six large and powerful legs with sharp claws and a long skull of a predator. Eyes pointing forwards and a mouthful of teeth gave the distinct impression of a dominant predator. It had a long, almost serpent-like body with six legs and a set of wings, observed via fossils to determine that while not powerful enough for flight, they could allow the creature to glide a certain distance, no doubt helpful for getting across deep underground caverns and ravines. The dexterous body and six legs may have also allowed it to climb on walls and ceilings.
As well as this predator, there were various smaller prey which both dragons and Morsians alike would have preyed on. There were also a variety of cave plant life which sustained the herbivores and early Morsians. Life also managed to carve out a living in the seas, with various marine life from tiny fish like beings to large aquatic animals able to come on land and be adept at living both in the sea and on land, for a short period. Over thirty smaller animals had been found as fossils and preserved skeletons along with several other large predators, giving Morsian historians the chance to coin this age the ‘Antiqua Aurora,' or 'Ancient Dawn' Age.
Iamiam Civilis age[]
- The final era of the planet before recorded Morsian history was the 'Iamiam Civilis age', or 'Dawn of Civilization age', when civilization first appeared on Mors. The Morsian people evolved from this early Morsian into a more humanoid form, albeit changed to live in this strange world. They were taller than a human, capable of living for 1,000 years, with no nose evolved to deal with the toxic atmosphere. Their blood was acidic to help live in the acid world around them, and their skin an opaque green. These new Morsians started to move from their underground homes to the outside, making small settlements on the land above. They made better tools, developed mining for ore as well as refining it and advancing in technology. They formed tribes in this harsh world as trading was developed and several hub cities sprang up at the oldest of the settlements. Each tribe became different and adopted their own ideologies, but most got along fine with each other.
The ununified era[]
Like all planets, there were many different countries, civilizations and tribes living across the continents and it would be many millennia before the whole planet would be united under one banner. The Morsian people were originally a tribe known as the Kalla'tarucc, living in an extinct volcano which they called Volcanesis Magna. This tribe slowly expanded out of their capital, extending down along a mountain belt before reforming into the Morsian Kingdom.
The Pre Galactic era[]
Now that the Morsians had united the planet under their rule, they could truly turn to the stars and think about exploring the rest of the planets around them. Until this point, they had only observed the surrounding system via observatories and telescopes, however they started on various space programs to get them off the planet and into the system, starting with getting to the planet's moon. While they succeeded in reaching it several times, their space programs were cut short by the arrival of the Jedi Order, who made contact with the Morsians after discovering their world inhabited. The Jedi visited the planet several times and slowly started to build relations with the newly discovered civilization. On the Morsians' request, senator diplomats were taken with the Jedi to Coruscant, where they established contact with the Galactic Republic. The Morsians quickly realized they were technologically behind the rest of the galaxy, so a combination of spying, diplomacy, and home technology rapidly modernized Mors to catch up with the technological advancements of the galaxy.
The Old Sith Wars era[]
The Morsians pursued ties with the Republic and eventually persuaded the Republic to allow them entrance into the Galactic Republic on Coruscant. When the Old Sith Wars occurred, the Morsians were firm allies of the Republic, fighting alongside Republic units as well as conducting military operations outside of the Republic. The Morsians were technologically advanced over the rest of the galaxy to an extent, so the Sith dedicated a lot of resources to fronts where Morsian units were seen. This eventually accumulated to the Siege of Mors where a large Sith fleet headed by the Morsian Sith Darth Mortem took advantage of the Morsian war effort and invaded their home planet. The invasion was ultimately a costly failure for the Sith as the Morsians pushed them back, despite heavy casualties.
When peace was declared between the Republic and Sith Empire, the Morsians were able to keep themselves together and sign what was effectively a white peace with the Sith. However, this was more an informal peace as despite their official peace deal, numerous battles and skirmishes were fought between Morsian and Sith forces until the war was resumed by the rest of the galaxy. The Morsians once again helped the Republic war effort and succeeded in destroying the Sith Empire, restoring peace to the galaxy.
Post Sith Wars era[]
The Morsians were expecting to be seen as heroes by the Republic and Jedi, rewarded for their efforts. However, the Jedi and Republic were now wary of the militaristic Morsians and instead decided to slowly cut ties with the Morsians, out of fear of their army and navy. While some planets saw the Morsians as heroes, the Republic continued to interact with the Morsians less and less, culminating in the Morsians leaving the Republic on their own accord. This was not a large deal to the Republic and Jedi, as they were planning on suspending Morsian membership to the Republic regardless, but it did sour relations between the Morsians and the Jedi/Republic.
From there, the Jedi and Republic tried to intervene in Morsian affairs about how they ran their empire, not least of which was how the Morsian Protectorate Planets were governed. The Morsians grew hostile to this attempt to usurp or undermine their power, but eventually the Jedi agreed on a compromise. Twice yearly a Jedi would arrive on a protectorate and tour it, to ensure that galactic standards were being kept, particularly with regards to humanitarian issues. Because of this, it did not help relations between the Morsians and the Jedi/Republic, which continued until the era of the Clone Wars.
The Clone Wars era[]
- See also: Morsian Clone Wars interventions
The Morsians had still not pursued ties with the Republic up until around 30 BBY, when the Confederacy of Independent Systems broke off from the Galactic Republic and declared themselves independent, heightening galactic tensions. The Morsian Senate was divided, with those senators who still held sympathy for the Republic and those that were in contempt of the Republic for how the Morsians were treated. This did not resolve itself by the outbreak of war in 22 BBY, with the Senate still divided. The Republic and Jedi changed their stance on the Morsians at this time, wanting their military to aid in the conflict. The Morsians settled on a compromise while the Senate was still deciding which was to remain neutral but instead unofficially help under the official presence of 'technology gathering' from Separatist (and Republic) units. This continued for the duration of the war until they eventually re-joined the Galactic Republic in the closing months of the war. However, Morsian representatives didn't leave for Coruscant until the fall of the Republic, leaving the Morsians stating that they never re-joined the Republic.
The Galactic Civil War era[]
The Morsians continued their daily life as the Galactic Empire took over the old Republic systems and eventually reached the Morsian borders. The Morsians were again divided on how to treat the Empire, whether they were the legitimate successors to the Republic or if they were the conquerors. Still, this debate raged for nearly twenty years as the two Empires engaged in proxy wars, spying and wary viewing of each other. This changed ultimately at the destruction of the First Death Star when the Morsians, after having extensive contact with the Rebel Alliance (now rebranded as the Alliance to Restore the Republic), finally overwhelmingly agreed in the Morsian Senate that the Empire was not the legitimate successor to the Republic and thus were enemies of the Morsians. They now engaged in open combat across the galaxy.
The Morsian Empire worked closely with the New Republic as it liberated planets and systems, taking over the fracturing Galactic Empire. During the initial stages, the Morsians worked closely with the New Republic as joint task forces, however as the war dragged on and various warlords began appearing across the Galaxy, the Morsians became more autonomous on their own volition, something which suited the New Republic as it allowed for them to concentrate their forces in the Core worlds and center of the galaxy. Morsian forces became an integral part of the New Republic forces towards the late stages of the Galactic Civil War, where the manpower and firepower afforded by the Morsian Empire could quickly overturn the Imperial Warlords.
Raids on Imperial holdouts[]
After the conclusion of hostilities in 19 ABY, the Morsian Empire mostly ceased offensive operations against Imperial holdouts, however it did continue to support defending against assaults on the New Republic by the Deep Core based Second Imperium. Whilst the New Republic and Jedi Order insisted that they had the situation under control, Morsian assistance in defending against the Second Imperium helped to prevent it from spreading further into New Republic territory, allowing it to be trapped and destroyed.
Yuuzhan Vong War[]
- See also: Morsian-Yuuzhan Vong War
When the Galaxy was invaded in 25 ABY by the Yuuzhan Vong, the Morsians once again found themselves on the front line of another galaxy spanning war. Despite the fact that the Vong were an extra-galactic species and entirely unknown to the Morsians, they were confident that the invasion could be halted and repelled by the forces of the Morsians, New Republic and their allies. Initial clashes with Vong forces allowed the Morsians to gain some intelligence on their new foes, however it took several major campaigns for any real useful information to be obtained.
Initial campaigns against the Vong were worrying for the Morsians, and the campaigns ended ultimately in defeat for the Morsians at the hands of the Vong. Key military intelligence shocked the Morsians were at a disadvantage when it came to melee combat, something which was unheard of across the galaxy, not least to the Morsians themselves. The reasoning for this was the Morsian choice of melee weapon, their iconic military lightsabers. The Vong used a type of biological armor that was resistant to the blades of lightsabers, which caused problems for the Morsians as they tried to cut through the armor whilst in melee. Military training was adapted to try and get the legionaries to aim for holes in the armor, or aim for unarmored sections of the Vong which were susceptible to the lightsaber blades, but it was mostly ineffective in the brutal melees of combat. The revelation shocked the galaxy, and was only further reinforced by first hand accounts from the Jedi, who faced similar troubles when engaging the Vong in combat with their own lightsabers.
The forces of the Galaxy were pushed back steadily by the Vong, and the Morsians were in turmoil from the military defeats and troubles of dealing with the Vong in melee. To counteract the nullifying effects of the lightsabers on the Vong armor, the Morsians switched their melee weapons from lightsabers to vibroblade short swords, something which had been relegated many millennia ago to the forces of the Publicae Auxiliam, the Morsian police force. Nevertheless, vibroblade short swords were issued to the legions at the front line and despite their cruder design, the vibroblade swords proved far more effective against the Vong than the lightsabers.
In 27 ABY, the Morsians declared "Total War" against the Vong, stating that they would no longer adhere to their own Morsian war crime charter due to the Vong being extra-galactic and therefore not covered under the charter. As a result of this, the Morsians began to use their "forbidden weapons" as they called them, which were weapons highly restricted under the charter for various reasons. In theatres where the Morsians were fighting, these forbidden weapons were issued and used against the Vong, including weapons such as the Liquid Nitrogen Projector and Acid Projector, which were used to great effect against Vong forces.
The war lasted for a further two years, in which the tide slowly turned against the Vong. In 29 ABY, the Galaxy as a whole made peace with the Vong, and the Morsians agreed to a ceasefire whilst a separate treaty was made between themselves and the Vong, something which came to fruition in 30 ABY.
Notable landmasses[]
- Virconis
- Magnum Spatium
- Iuntinis
- Pangonii
Points of interest[]
Morsian government[]
- See also: [[Morsian Governments]]
The Morsians had been through many different governments over their long history, but for their spacefaring history, they were an empire under the Morsian Emperor. The emperor held a lot of power in Mors and while a democratic Senate was in place on Mors, the emperor still had the power to pass their own laws or veto whatever the Senate decided.
Morsian culture[]
Morsians were a highly militaristic culture, with a society built on warfare and expansion. From their initial tribal stage on Mors, the only thing that had remained consistent between the civil wars, famines and natural disasters had been their military prowess. Initially, they were a defensive civilization but after being attacked, they organized into having an army initially for defense but quickly for attack. After that, having a professional, high-quality army was the primary goal of the Morsians. Being a part of the Morsian army was well respected and the goal of most Morsians since the army was seen as heroic and stoic.
The Morsians also, therefore, saw themselves as the best in the galaxy, having the richest culture, the most professional and therefore best army, having the greatest economy and infrastructure. This made it very hard for other species and cultures to talk to them, as they were often blunt and to the point, which was rude to others bar themselves. They were harsh towards other cultures and especially other militaries, often comparing them very unfavorably to the legions, even if the opposing army they were comparing had some points that the legions lacked.
The Morsians mostly wore tunics and togas, though the latter was reserved for upper class citizens, diplomats, and special occasions. Since Mors was rather warm overall, the tunic was perfect for keeping the Morsians cool, along with the sandals they often wore. On the Protectorate Planets, Morsian dress was often mixed with native clothing, such as pants, shoes, boots, etc. It mostly depended on how ‘Morsianised’ the planet was as to how much the dress varied.
The Morsians despised bounty hunters, as Morsian culture was also built on honor, typically referred to as ‘Morsian Honor’, whereby a Morsian would stick to their word regardless of the outcome. Diplomats often used this term to describe the Morsians as an ally, as well as when making a threat, letting any enemies know that angering the Morsians would not end well for them. The army often also used it for the same reason, but also to show that they could be reasonable when it came to things like truces, parley, and ceasefires. However, the Morsians saw bounty hunters as honorless, killing for a paycheck that came with unsportsmanlike killing that bounty hunters often engaged in, such as sniping from afar or poisoning with darts. As such, they had very little time for bounty hunters and would refuse to even talk to them, much less hire them or accept any help offered. If a Morsian became a bounty hunter, they were instantly disowned and stripped of their citizenship, with their name villainized across the Empire. There was very little that the individual could do to become accepted again, even if they quit being a bounty hunter, outside of sacrificing themselves for the Empire or perhaps saving the emperor or several senators. They took a more neutral stance towards mercenaries, as they were more useful in bulk over bounty hunters and followed orders given to them rather than going for the highest paid bounty.
Morsian foreign policy[]
Their foreign policy had changed dramatically over the course of Mors's history, mostly with regards to intergalactic affairs. When the planet was finally united under the Morsian banner, the foreign policy was largely made redundant due to having no contact with the rest of the galaxy. However, when the Jedi finally arrived, contact was made with the outside galaxy. The Morsians gained technology to reach space and were finally able to look outside their own system.
Initially, the Morsian foreign policy was completely defensive and diplomatic. Diplomatic missions were sent with cartographers and military escorts with Jedi help to visit Coruscant. Relations were gained with both the Jedi and Galactic Senate on Coruscant, and the cartographers were soon sending map after map back to Mors along with technology and foreign diplomatic missions. The Morsians had a lot of technology to catch up on so for the next several millennia, the Morsians worked on modernizing the army and navy, primarily the latter to get a space navy up and running, not only for defense but also for intergalactic trading and so they could send their own missions out without relying on the Jedi for transportation. After this, the army was modernized with blasters and high technology energy shields, bringing them up to galactic standard.
Once a rough map of the wider galaxy had been established and most of the inhabited planets across the galaxy had been contacted, the Morsians focused on the planets closer to them, finding out about their galactic neighbors and if they even had any. During this time, the Morsians shifted the foreign policy towards neutrality while continuing diplomatic missions and building intergalactic Relations. This was due to their lack of a complete intergalactic map and the fledgling Morsian Navy being only large enough to protect Mors and the rest of their system. Over this time, the Morsians discovered several nearby inhabited planets that they planned to make contact with in the future, eventually leading to the Morsian Protectorate Planets.
Once the Morsian Navy was sufficiently built up to explore the rest of the galaxy on its own, and the army had been modernized, the Morsian policy shifted towards quasi-peacekeeping, patrolling the area for space pirates and outlaws, keeping the space around the Morsian system safe for travelers and shipping. The Morsian Protectorate Planets program was also rolled out and the Morsians pursued ties with the Jedi and Galactic Republic, eventually being enrolled into the Galactic Senate as a member, with permanent Morsian representatives on Coruscant.
The Morsians were most militarily active during the Sith Wars of the Old Republic, quickly coming to the aid of the Galactic Republic with their legions and fleet, seeing action across the entire galaxy including Coruscant and Mors itself during the Siege of Mors. The Morsians were firm allies of the Republic, often acting in conjunction with Republic forces or conducting their own military operations across the galaxy, eventually succeeding in keeping the Sith Empire out of their own lands. They had peace with the Sith during the age of darkness when the Sith beat the Jedi and claimed Coruscant, though it was an uneasy peace and both land and space combat was fought over the time, until the hostilities formally resumed.
At the end of the war, the Morsians were eager to be rewarded by the Republic for their part in the war and remain a part of the Republic. However, upon seeing their military prowess and ferocity, the Republic was wary of the Morsians and instead wanted to cut ties with the Morsians, or at least keep an eye on them. Slowly, Morsian power in the Senate dwindled and the Morsians left the Republic shortly before the Republic planned to kick them out itself, leaving the Morsians to their own devices.
From then, the Morsians resumed their policy of neutrality, though they were always willing to intervene in galactic conflicts if one side approached them. This was not an open war, however, as the Senate had to first debate about intervening carefully and methodically, which side they wanted to support and how much support to give them. Usually, this support would be just one or two legions sent to the planet to train their army, build their infrastructure, and protect the government of whatever side they chose. The legion and fleet rarely actually engaged in fighting unless provoked. They continued to patrol their small empire, formed of the Mortlekk system and those systems they had protectorate on, for pirates and the like, keeping the area safe once again.
During the Clone Wars, the Morsians were mostly neutral still, as there was a divide in the Senate between those who still had lingering loyalty to the Republic and those who were bitter about their treatment at the end of the Sith Wars. However, for the most part they pursued limited intervention while the Morsian Senate went back and forth between both them and the Galactic Republic about rekindling ties between the two. Nonetheless, Morsian fleets and legions saw action on planets such as Geonosis, Christophsis and Umbara, performing admirably and assisting the Republic forces there, albeit 'unofficially.' This aid was disguised as technology gathering, as the Morsian forces were officially there to gather technology from defeated Separatist units as well as discarded (or 'borrowed') Republic equipment, which was how they kept technologically advanced. It was not until the final few months of the war that they eventually were allowed back into the Republic Senate. However, Morsian representatives didn't reach Coruscant before the end of the Republic and the war, so officially the Morsians say they never re-joined the Republic.
During the age of the Empire, the Morsians were once again neutral towards the Empire, but less amicably than they were during the Clone Wars. This time it wasn't due to the Senate being divided between how they were treated by the Republic, but rather from what the Republic had been formed into. The debate was now whether the Empire was the legal successor to the Republic, that the Morsians had been previously allied to, or whether the Empire was instead its own being, under the command of the Sith, the Morsians' largest enemy. For fifteen years this debate raged while the Morsians kept a wary eye on the Empire, which likewise kept an eye on the Morsians and kept a large military presence around their galactic borders. There were a few border skirmishes where the Empire tested the Morsian strength and response, but technological advancements were made both on Mors with Morsian home-developed equipment and also through the extensive Imperial Spy Network that had roots across the galaxy, whose spies were able to send plans and secret information back to Mors to keep them on par with the latest developments from the Empire.
This changed to open warfare for three reasons. Firstly, the Empire started to settle planets close to Morsian territory and Morsian Protectorate Planets. This was seen as encroaching on Morsian territory and space, which the Morsians objected to as not only was it forward settling but they were also worried that it could be used as a staging post for not only spies from the Empire to enter Morsian space and planets but also as a staging post for Imperial armies should they try and invade Mors. The second reason was the meddling of the Empire in Morsian internal affairs. While they couldn't do anything on Mors itself, they were stirring anti-Morsian sentiments in Protectorate Planets and supplying them with funding, arms, training, and a limited number of Imperial troops, namely stormtroopers. Usually, the Morsians found out about this quickly, thanks to the spy network which succeeded in stopping any sort of rebellion, but on several planets, war broke out.
The final reason, the far more major one, was the destruction of the first Death Star by the Rebel Alliance, which re-organized itself into the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Alliance diplomats persuaded the Morsians to join them, finally ending the continuous debate in the Morsian Senate with a now overwhelming majority vote to refuse to legitimize the Empire as the successor to the Galactic Republic. This combined with the previous reasons were more than enough for the Senate to almost unitedly vote to declare war on the Empire and ally with the Alliance. Morsian forces were dispatched mostly to Morsian space and the surrounding area, though various troops were sent to Alliance planets to aid them.
Morsian language[]
- See also: Old Morsian
Morsians used to speak in Old Morsian, or as they called it at the time, Morsian. It was the only recognized official language across the Empire, particularly during the disunited era of Mors, where the growing Morsian Empire tried to keep Old Morsian the official language of the state. This continued until well past the united era and into their contact with the rest of the galaxy. Mostly relying on protocol droids and other technology to translate for them, they soon started to learn Aurebesh and Galactic Basic to converse more easily with the rest of the galaxy. This was further complicated by the protectorates, which all had their own languages that often varied between countries and certainly between planets. Eventually, reform came wherein Galactic Basic was to be taught in schools across the Empire and protectorates to help standardize the language and avoid language gaps. The native language would still be taught alongside Galactic Basic as to not totally destroy native culture, but for the ease of everyone, the wider accepted language of the galaxy would be taught.
Morsian economy[]
- See also: Denarii
The Morsians did not use credits as their primary currency, but instead used Denarii and sestertii, with a denarii being worth 100 sestertii, a quintii being worth five denarii, a decemii being ten denarii, a viginii being twenty denarii and quintidecemii being fifty denarii. Morsian currency had quite a high value, with one sestertii being worth 1.6785 galactic credits.
The Morsian economy really took off upon discovering the galactic trade, allowing Morsian merchants to make foreign contacts and trade commodities that the Morsians might have a surplus of for foreign goods that appealed to the Morsians. This was only made easier upon establishing the Protectorate Planets, as standard trade could be easily made between those countries and planets allied to the Morsians, so a flow of all sorts of goods could travel internally amongst the Empire, growing the economy.
On the protectorates, the Morsians tried to standardize the currency to the Morsian system; however, this wasn't always possible in countries that already had a currency system. When they could, they either merged or reformed the currency to conform to Morsian standards, making it worth the same as the Morsian denarii, thus avoiding problems with debased currencies or unfair trades. It was a good compromise between completely replacing the existing currency and not doing anything about it. This only really worked if the currency system was all over the place and not already standardized, however. If there was already a native currency, standardized and working as intended, there was very little the Morsians could do other than reform it the best they could and just work with it. Currency exchangers appeared across the Morsian Empire and the list of accepted currencies across the Empire started to grow as more countries joined the protectorates which started to cause problems with all sorts of coinage and currencies appearing across the planets. To avoid this, the Central Imperial Currency Exchange was built in Malum which aimed to centralize the various coinage across the Empire and standardize exchange rates. All currencies also were standardized to follow the Morsian currency policy, which avoided the problem certain economies had when there were half units, etc. More and more exchangers appeared on planets and in countries which could now use this exchange standardization, preventing a currency crisis that was threatening to throw the Empire into chaos.
The currency was usually cast and created at the Imperial Mint in Malum, though various other Imperial Mints were located across Mors and the protectorates. On the protectorates, where other forms of currency appeared, the Morsians built special mints to create the other coins, notes and whatever else the country used as currency. All banks were reformed to be able to exchange the various currencies of the Empire and their systems were hooked up to the Central Imperial Currency Exchange so that any changes to the exchange rates could be kept up to date.
Morsian military[]
- See also: Imperial Morsian Army/Legends and Morsian Navy/Legends
The Morsians were militaristic, so having a large, professional standing army and navy was paramount to Morsian safety and security. The Army consisted of legions which had 4,000 fighting men in each. Over 100 of these legions were in service at any one time after the Morsians discovered the rest of the galaxy, and other legions had been created and destroyed. Always kept as technologically advanced as possible, the legions were a force to be reckoned with. The Imperial Navy, too, was once a surface fleet but upon discovering spaceships, the Navy was expanded to have a large naval presence in space as well.
Morsian police force[]
- See also: Publicae Auxiliam
The Morsians had a different form of police force to most of the galaxy. Morsian police units were in fact auxiliary infantry, trained in military ways to be called upon as auxiliary infantry should they be needed in a war. These Publicae Auxiliam, or 'public order auxiliaries' were primarily used to patrol the streets and keep people in line from their fearsome appearance. They wore military-grade chainmail armor along with carrying swords, specialist solid shields and javelins. While not cutting-edge military units (hence their auxiliary status), they were trained and equipped such that they could survive for enough time in a battle.
Morsian Imperial Intelligence Bureau[]
- See also: Imperial Intelligence Bureau
The Morsians had an extensive spy network. The bureau had spies in every government of every planet, with countless other spies in companies, cities, and armies across the galaxy. Responsible for not only the protection of the Morsian Emperor, but also the Morsian Empire as a whole, the Imperial spies were constantly stealing technology, blueprints, research, and intelligence of every civilized nation in the known galaxy.
Behind the scenes[]
- The Morsians were based on the real-world Roman Empire, as a sort of 'what if the Romans were in Star Wars'.
- The original Morsian came from a LEGO minifigure legodude494 created.