Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic era

So he really was raised by his planet's greatest? I believe it.
Arie Kol

Morenjj Lasara was a fighter pilot in the Rebel Alliance and New Republic military. He was the son of Eirtaé Lasara and Kitpat Arthi and a member of the Lasara family of Naboo. He himself was the father of Klot Lolé.


Childhood (24 BBY to 14 BBY)[]

Morenjj was only two years old when the Clone Wars broke out. With a mother who had almost been elected to the throne of Naboo, and both his parents since heavily involved in the shipbuilding business, his family's life was constantly threatened by confederate forces, starting with an assassination attempt on all three of them late in 22 BBY. He was four years old when the wars ended, and was old enough by then to be aware that his mother was unhappy with the changes going on in the galaxy. What neither he nor his father was aware of was that she had sworn an oath to bring the new Empire down, and started using the family business to smuggle their wares to the growing resistance.

With increased demilitarization on Naboo after 18 BBY, and a wish to appear non-threatening on the surface, Eirtaé insisted her son begin a political career. He went to schools where he was neither the best nor the worst student. His mother intended to obtain a position for him in Parrlay, where her family held power.

Refugee Runner (14 BBY to 1 BBY)[]

In 14 BBY, when her son was not quite ten years old, Eirtaé was found out and arrested by Imperial Forces, but not before she tricked her husband and son and stranded them for their own safety on the far side of Naboo. With the aid of her fellow former Naboo Handmaidens, the two of them fled Naboo and spent months traveling the galaxy. Later the handmaidens themselves went underground, and they met up first with Ellé Okrest, then with the others. They claimed a blockade runner which they named the Padmé Amidala, which they used to run refugees. Among the youngest of these refugees would be Enmi-Ola-Mundi, who would be a lifelong friend to Morenjj.

Morenjj spent the first few years assisting all the crewmembers in their various tasks, but by the time he came of age in 11 BBY it had become clear he had a special affinity for piloting. He received more training at the hands of Losté Dulks and Ené Vetamoid, and in 1 BBY, with the Amidala now listed in the rebel fleet, was assigned into a Y-Wing off the ship.

Pilot (1 BBY to 25 ABY)[]

Morenjj was on a mission elsewhere in the galaxy during the Battle of Yavin, and did not hear of Ené's death until over a week later. When he returned to the besieged rebel base, he was very unhappy to hear that in response to her wing companion's death Losté also had grounded herself. He rejoined the crew of the Amidala during the final evacuation of Yavin IV, and constantly urged Losté to fly with him. In 2 ABY she finally agreed, and they would fly beside each other in the Battle of Endor and the Liberation of Naboo before she retired from the rebel military.

Morenjj remained with the military and fought in the liberation of Coruscant and other battles. In 7 ABY he met and fell in love with Arie Kol during a mission in the Expansion Region. The two of them were married in 9 ABY and had a son, Klot Lolé in 14 ABY.

He rose in rank slowly, until in 25 ABY he was close to the command level, though he was also starting to consider retirement. However, he would remain in service at the beginning of the Yuzhaan Vong invasion of the galaxy, and would meet his death in one of the war's early battles.
