Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

MonX Defense was a company that manufactured military supplies including blasters, tanks, and starfighters. It was a subsidiary of MonX Corporation.


MonX Defense was founded in 367 BBY to make the Monix Defense Force less dependent on other planets. Around the time of the Monixan Civil War, they produced the XBR-1 blaster rifle, the XBC-1 blaster carbine, the XBS-1 sniper rifle, the XHR-10 heavy repeating blaster, the XP-1 blaster pistol, the RBT-1, RBT-2 and RBT-3 repulsor tanks, and two starfighters, the XS-10, and the XSB-15 bomber. After the civil war, they eventually retired all their blasters when it was found less expensive for blasters such as the A280C blaster rifle to be imported. They still produced military vehicles however, and they utilized the MBT-10 assault tank and the MRS-20 starfighter by the time of the Clone Wars. When the Galactic Empire took over the Monix system, MonX Defense was required to manufacture weapons for the Imperial Military. Some MonX Defense employees were able to hide military vehicles from the Empire, and they later ended up serving in the Rebel Alliance. MonX Defense manufactured the HT-M7 armored hovertrain for the Empire.
