Star Wars Fanon
Legacy eraPost-Legacy era

Moira Nascall was a female Ossak Centurion of the Order of Keltrayu and a Royal Guard of the Golden Empire.


Born in 114 ABY on the Ossak homeworld of Feldirjo, Moira was recruited to the Order of Keltrayu early in her youth. The first Ossak to join the Order, she was a source of considerable pride to her family and an inspiration to her people, who were still in the process of modernization and incorporating modern technology since joining the Empire. Electing to specialize in Shien, she was commissioned as a Centurion in 136 ABY.

Moira was appointed as a Royal Guard in 140 ABY. At the onset of The Tribulation, when the Royal Guard was reduced from twenty-four members to eight, Moira was one of the eight who remained in the unit. When Andromeda Keane was brought to the Golden Empire and made a Princess, Moira and Kelto Nembask were assigned as her Royal Guards. They toured the Empire extensively with her, and both Centurions came to admire the princess. Andromeda died of age in 142 ABY, at which point Moira and Kelto were reassigned to serve with Khoro`ly`ooho`sh`lyhoo and Jira Seezhli as Guards to Tariun Sakaros.

Moira rotated out of the Guard in 143 ABY and continued to serve the Order in law enforcement, occasionally acting as a bodyguard to more diplomatically inclined brothers Kelto or Chindal. In 147 ABY, she and Tamlok delivered the news of Axelia Solios's rescue and the death of Khoro to Jarek Solios on Belsavis.

Like most Centurions, Moira fought in the Nightmare War. She lost a hand dueling a clone of Sacco Vyrak at the Defense of Rykar, but obtained a prosthetic replacement shortly afterward.

Along with Coval Delzashe and the Porén twins, Moira was responsible for investigating an assassination attempt on Jadian Star in 156 ABY. It was she who found Horace, a Drakonus whose information led the Centurions to Lartez, one of the triggermen.

Powers and abilities[]

Moira was trained as a Centurion, with special emphasis on telekinesis and telepathy. She also had a finely honed danger sense and good close quarters combat skills from her time as a Royal Guard.

Moira specialized in Shien lightsaber combat. Though not among the best swordfighters of the Order of Keltrayu, she was sufficiently skilled to survive a duel with one of the Vyrak Legions, although not without injury. She carried only a single blade despite her four arms, and consequently had a habit of punching her opponent with two hands while using the others to manipulate the blade.

Appearance and personality[]

Moira's body was covered in shaggy brown hair, through which her dark purple skin still showed clearly. She had light gray eyes. She wore a specially tailored Order of Keltrayu uniform to accommodate her four arms, and carried a lightsaber with a light blue blade.

Despite the way her distinctly non-humanoid and tough appearance unsettled some members of other species, Moira was by nature a gentle soul, and consequently became very close to her diplomatic brother Kelto Nembask and her protectee Andromeda Keane. Nevertheless, she could become ferocious when protecting herself or those she cared for.
