Think lightly of yourself, think deeply of the galaxy.
—Miyamoto Musashi
Miyamoto Musashi was a human male swordsman from the planet of Harima, in the Mid Rim. Born in 3,699 BBY, he was brought up in a warrior culture and trained in combat from a young age. Because of that, Miyamoto dominated the battlefields of his homeworld, becoming an excellent swordsman. His reputation spread across the Rim. In 3,681 BBY, when the Resurgent Sith Empire invaded the galaxy, Miyamoto was recruited by Imperial Intelligence. Given the title of Warlord, making him rank just under the Sith commanders, he led Imperial Army and Navy units into combat. In time, he became a good tactician.
Miyamoto was considered by many to be one of the best swordsman in the galaxy, and was acknowledged of that by the Dark Council. The Minister of Intelligence for the Sith decided to recruit him after multiple Informers of Intelligence reported of his reputation. Early on in his life, Miyamoto was reckless and had no political views. He had no intention of seeing the greater galaxy and rarely convened with offworlders. Though after recruitment into the Empire, and serving the Sith, he became a strong supporter of the Sith Emperor and was opposed to the Galactic Republic. Miyamoto revealed himself to also be a good military tactician, and led Sith forces to victory on multiple fronts.
He fought in the Great Galactic War, winning multiple notable battles. Many of his victories were against the odds, and thus were propagandized by the Empire. Miyamoto formed an elite unit of Sith troopers, later becoming Sith commandos, that fought during the war, known as the First Legion. It was considered as one of the premier units of the Imperial military, molding a reputation under Miyamoto. He later saw guerrilla action along side them during the Cold War and witnessed the Second Great Galactic War. By the time of the latter, Miyamoto was a Grand Moff.
Realizing the Empire was not as he once thought it was, Miyamoto faked his own death with a friend named Vasil Zender, a captain in the Army, and Kayala Fei, a former Sith Acolyte and Imperial Diplomatic Service ambassador. Miyamoto and Kayala lived together Harima before dying, and he wrote the Book of Five Rings, talking about swordsmanship and military doctrine. He became known as one of the best swordsmen in the galaxy, and was talked as late as 140 ABY.
Early Life[]

Miyamoto as a young warrior.
Looks like all hell has broken loose . . .
—Miyamoto during an enemy raid
He was born in the days of the Old Republic on Harima, in the Mid Rim. His family served a Hariman shogunate, not a very powerful nor famous one. It was often attacked by other shogunates. As a result, he was brought up by his father to be a warrior. From age four, Miyamoto started to train martial arts as well as swordsmanship. His father served the shogunate for years and saw much conflict, and thus was skilled. Miyamoto seemed to have inherited his father's skills, as he was more successful in mock fights than the other young warriors trained at the shogunate castle. However, his skills were not primarily with martial arts. Miyamoto proved to be an excellent swordsman, and his father expected he would surpass him soon.
Finally, at age twelve, Miyamoto saw his first combat. It was unintentional, as the shogunate castle was raided by another faction. The warriors broke into the upper levels, where Miyamoto and other children were kept. They surprised the invaders by putting up a good fight. Miyamoto personally slew four enemies, and by the time he was done, the others were already dead or retreating. He joined his father and other older warriors in driving off the rest of the attackers. It was his first taste of blood, and he liked it, as it made him feel superior.
After the raid, he quickly finished training and began serving on the front lines. The shogunate took a more aggressive stance against it's enemies, throwing Miyamoto further into war. He preformed well, gaining more kills and mainly taking part in battles that were a victory for them. News of Miyamoto's skills as a swordsman went far as well, as his kill count grew higher. Because of a tactical genius that served the shogunate, many victories were gained by them, further adding on to Miyamoto's reputation, as many misinterpreted the victories to be solely his doing.
Meanwhile in the greater galaxy, a Great War went began. He was 18 the year it started. The Sith Empire came out of deep space and attacked the Galactic Republic. Miyamoto had not even been aware of most galactic happenings. He occasionally talked to seldom visitors from offworld, usually smugglers paid to deliver supplies to the shogunate. He was aware of the Republic's situation, but did not hear of the war. Meanwhile, the Intelligence of the Sith Empire was instructed to look for Force-sensitives, as well as people who were famous for their talents (such as infamous bounty hunters). One agent heard of "great swordsman Musashi" and travelled to Harima. After some monitoring, he reported it to the Minister of Intelligence. An envoy of the Imperial Diplomatic Service was sent.
Into the Empire[]

Miyamoto in armor around that time.
So this is where the fun begins.
The envoy was accompanied by several Intelligence agents and met with Miyamoto outside of the shogunate castle. There, the envoy told him of the Empire's crusade and asked if he would be willing to become a part of it. Miyamoto declined at first, not caring for what he considered to be "petty squabbles" in the greater galaxy. The envoy offered Imperial Credits, which Miyamoto did not care for either. Then an agent explained to him why they needed his services, and how he could become "rich and famous" by serving the Empire. After all, the agent pointed out, he would only sign on with the Empire for as long as he wanted to. And then, he could go out into the galaxy and go about whatever he wanted to. And, the agent said he would be an officer on par with the Sith commanders.
After considering, Miyamoto decided that he could have more of a life than fighting for a minor shogun on a virtually unknown planet. He accepted the offer, and the envoy answered it to the Minister of Intelligence, who informed the Dark Council. A few of the Lords on the Council had heard of Miyamoto before since invading the galaxy, and decided to give him the title of Warlord. It was over the non-Force-sensitive officers and Sith Warriors, but under the Lords. A legion of Imperial soldiers, the First Legion, was placed under his command. One of the Lords on the Dark Council that heard of Miyamoto, and also encouraged the Minister to seek him out then petitioned for his promotion to Warlord, Sith Master Korsin Fei (known as Darth Adjucator), decided to watch his progress.
Entering the War[]
Around the same time, the Sith Empire had been fighting for several months. They conquered the Seswenna sector and Tingel Arm, and were pushing into the Mid Rim. Miyamoto, now working for the Empire, had an attitude change. He realized there was someone greater than him, the Sith Emperor, after talking to Master Korsin. Though he was not a Force user, Korsin offered to take him as an apprentice. Miyamoto accepted, and was given his first assignment: turn Harima over to the Empire. He obliged, and stormed the shogun's palace with several Sith commandos. Killing the Shogun, he proclaimed that the planet was the Empire's followed by a stationing of Imperial troops there.

Miyamoto in his armor during the early war.
Miyamoto was given the title of Warlord by the Dark Council, a position rarely given out to anyone (though mainly because it was more honorary than an actual rank.) Korsin gave him training in several lightsaber combat forms on Dromund Kaas, though his skills learned earlier proved him to have no need for the training. He defeated Korsin in several sparring sessions, when the Sith only used his lightsaber. They even had a duel in audience of the Emperor in the Imperial Citadel. However, unknown to Miyamoto, the ultimate goal of Korsin on Dromund Kaas was not train him. While he was there, Miyamoto talked to Korsin's daughter, Kayala Fei, multiple times. Korsin wanted Miyamoto to eventually marry her, to make the swordsman part of his family (both for bragging rights and prestige.) As Miyamoto left the planet for his second assignment aboard his Harrower-class dreadnought, Korsin plotted to assign Kayala to his unit, the First Legion.
His first task was to capture Bothawui. The Emperor wanted that planet taken, but it was defended by a Jedi Master and 4,000 Republic Army troopers. The first battle was a disaster; a squadron of vessels was almost entirely destroyed by the Republic Navy defense fleet. Only Admiral Ryuk Jakarta and his dreadnought escaped. Warlord Musashi was placed under command of Grand Moff Zellos, who was neither a good leader nor tactician, noted by Miyamoto. He did not like Musashi, and wanted to keep in full control.
Obliterating the scant Republic force left in orbit, they sent an army of 50,000 troops. As they attacked, Miyamoto fought on the front himself for a bit. He slew many troopers, but noticed his men were dying due to the poor orders issued by Zellos and his officers. Going back to the command center in anger, Miyamoto slew Zellos and all of his officers. Taking command himself, Miyamoto ordered a new tactic: 20,000 troops were pulled back, 6,000 continued the frontal assault, while 4,000 came in from both the right and left flanks of the enemy base. The tactic was successful, with Miyamoto himself taking part in slaying the commanding Jedi Maater. By the end of the battle, what was left of the army (42,000 troops) became the First Legion, his personal unit.
Prolonged Campaigns[]

A set of armor Miyamoto wore at one point in the war.
His legion rested after the battle on their command ship, the Harrower-class dreadnought Cerberus. He first had the unit go to the nearest Imperial shipyards. Miyamoto ordered the Cerberus to be heavily modified, with extra weapons and more advanced systems, and as a gift from the Emperor, a cloaking device. Afterwards, they headed into the Mid Rim, to aid the push into the Core Worlds. He assigned a captain named Vasil Zender as the second in command of the legion. The went on to become friends. Miyamoto made a point to personally lead his troops, and thus raising their morale.
Miyamoto and his First Legion were sent to the planet of Nylath in the Outer Rim Territories. It declared loyalty to the Republic, but was undefended. His troops quickly overtook the local militia, with Warlord Musashi killing several enemies personally. As his forces conquered the capitol, he broadcasted the destruction of the Republic-build government building on live HoloNet. It had a demoralizing effect on the Republic's citizens, and was another victory for the Empire.
Korsin had secured Miyamoto a more important assignment, which he got his daughter Kayala assigned to as well. The Nightsisters of Dathomir decided to side with the Empire, but the presence of a Republic Army base was keeping any of them from leaving the planet. Miyamoto, Kayala, and the First Legion were sent aboard the Cerberus to destroy the Republic presence with the help of the Dathomiri. In the initial assault, his troops charged the base, led by Miyamoto himself. He killed many Republic troopers during that stage. In the mean time, Kayala led the Nightsisters to attack from the flank and break into the base. In the end, the Legion took moderate casualties, but Miyamoto felt great. It was another victory for the Empire, and he felt he was getting drawn into Sith politics more often.
Miyamoto was then deployed, with Kayala again, to defend Korriban from a Republic assault. There, while waiting for the attack to begin, Miyamoto and Kayala talked for several hours, and took more of a liking to each other. They fought as the Republic ground forces finally attacked, with Miyamoto engaging Jedi for the first time since Bothawui. He felt more excited than frightened, and found himself, surprisingly to him, taking pleasure in killing Jedi. Miyamoto realized he was becoming even more indoctrinated by the Sith. The battle was won eventually, giving the Jedi some of the heaviest casualties of the war.
During the Sacking of Coruscant, Miyamoto was stationed on a world in the Colonies. Upon hearing of the Empire's victory in the War, Miyamoto and his unit held a day of celebration at their outpost.
Cold War[]
I wonder what Republic service would have been like.
—Miyamoto to Kayala
During the Cold War that followed, the Empire and Republic did not engage in open warfare but instead covert proxy wars. During that time, Miyamoti fought as a disguised guerrilla fighter on several Republic planets, such as Antamont. He was often accompanied by Kayala, by her own choice as they grew closer. At one point, Miyamoto talked to a Republic trooper while disgusted as a Republic Navy technician at a military base. The trooper told him of hardships, but then went on to talk about the Empire's atrocities, and the Sith feud with Jedi. After that, Miyamoto questioned the side he was on. He was under the impression that the Empire was a positive force, brining good to the people of the galaxy and liberating them.
Miyamoto voiced his concerns to Kayala, who decided to become an ambassador in the Diplomatic Service, and she began to question the Empire as well. Miyamoto hated the Republic even more, though, for various reasons. He began thinking of other options, such as leaving both sides to fight it out and returning to Harima, where he could live his life in relative peace. Kayala agreed with that idea, and decided to fake their deaths, along with Captain Zender, who decided to go his separate way from the Empire but for different reasons. The two decided to do it to never be bothered by the Empire or Republic, while Zender wanted a new identity.
Miyamoto was shortly promoted to Grand Moff, and given command of the Imperial Ninth Fleet. As the second war broke out, Miyamoto, Kayala, and Zender took a shuttle through the Harima system. Making it look like the shuttle crashed and cutting all communications, Miyamoto and Kayala fled into one of the forests on the planet, while Zender ditched his Imperial armor and took a ride on a transport to Coruscant. Korsin grew depressed after they both "died", and took a suicide mission to Anaxes.
Life in Exile[]
As the Second Great Galactic War went on, Miyamoto and Kayala made their lives in the forests of Harima. They were aided by a small group of people who heard of his exploits, and built a temple for them to live in. Miyamoto wrote a book on swordsmanship and military doctrine, based on his experiences, and called it the Book of Five Rings. The followers made copies and sold it to offworlders especially and it was spread throughout the galaxy, though some wondered how it was made if he was dead. They just assumed he wrote it before death and it was published by a friend. Eventually, both Musashi and Kayala died, but not before having a marriage. Both of their bodies were sealed into the tomb by what remained of their followers.
Miyamoto became famous as one of the best swordsmen in the galaxy, and was talked about in several books. His own book, the Book of Five Rings, became a classic and was studied by both Republic and Sith officers, and much later by members of the Jedi Order, Confederacy of Independent Systems, as well as the Galactic Empire. His death became an enigma, and many created false stories of how he really died. In 45 ABY, Ben Skywalker and Vestara Khai journeyed to Harima upon reading of his crash in Jedi records. There, several locals led them to Miyamoto's tomb, where they found his armor and weapons stored away. Despite that they were worth thousands of credits, the two visitors left them there.
Personality & Traits[]
If the Jedi take Ord Radama, some heads are going to roll.
Miyamoto was originally a careless person, not knowing much about the state of galactic affairs, and not caring for it either. After conversing with Imperial diplomats, though, he saw much opportunities in the greater galaxy. For a time, Miyamoto came to truly believe in the Sith cause, fighting for the Emperor bravely. He also became more philosophical around that time. However, he then came to the realization the Empire was not as he thought it was, but hated the Republic as well. Miyamoto fell in love with Kayala and they married, as Korsin plotted, but it was after his death. Miyamoto was a considered a legendary swordsman, and was referenced by people as late as 140 ABY.
Behind the Scenes[]
The character is based off the real Miyamoto Musashi, a famous Japanese swordsman and ronin. He wrote The Book of Five Rings, which the author had the character write. Harima, his homeworld, is named after the real Harima Province of Japan, Miyamoto's birth place.