Star Wars Fanon

Mixgog was a male Gamorrean Sith from the planet Gamorr. Despite being a Gamorrean, he was approximately as intelligent as a Human with above average intelligence.


If Mixgog can tell you something, it that Mixgog is not patient training you babies. Do not make Mixgog angry, or you will suffer.
—Mixgog warning recruits to follow his orders

Mixgog was born to a Gamorrean Warlord and a Matron. His father began training him as a Warrior at the age of three. He also received training on wilderness survival. He fought in his first battle at the age of thirteen, in which he showed more skill, endurance, and power than most of the Clan Boars (see Gamorrean on the Star Wars wiki). At the age of twenty-five, he was injured in a battle, and forced to become a veteran. However, he refused to give up fighting and left Gamorr to seek a military organization that would accept him. In 3959 BBY, when the Jedi Civil War began, he found his opportunity with the Sith, and he took it. Within one and a half years, he promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Several weeks after his promotion to sergeant, he was ordered by his superiors to train soldiers, saying that they could use more soldiers like him. However, he was soon put back to the front lines for reasons that remained in a restricted Sith archive which only the ranks of Captain and higher could access. In the Battle of Deralia, Mixgog lead his squadron on a mission on the Northern continent. The entire infantry division was driven back to Larjex Crater, where the surviving Sith squadrons fled into the caves. Mixgog's squadron fled to a cave where they discovered a tunnel leading to a mountain overlooking the republic's camp on the continent. Mixgog planned a battle strategy to invade the base. However, a Republic spy reported the location from where they would enter the valley. The republic set an ambush for them. When Mixgog's squad entered the valley, they were quickly surrounded. Though Mixgog himself performed incredibly in this battle, his entire squad was slowly outnumbered and overwhelmed. Mixgog was the last Sith standing, and even standing alone against about twenty remaining soldiers, he fought to the end.

Personality and traits[]

Mixgog, like most Gamorrean boars, was belligerent, mean, and enjoyed using threats and intimidation to have his way. His soldiers complained about over-excessive hardships in their training. He often taunted his soldiers until they completed their training. However, even when their training was finished, he did not respect them unless they proved to be remarkably skilled, tough, and strong.


Mixgog mostly used two different weapons: the vibro-axe in melee combat, and the Zabrak battle canon in ranged combat.

Behind the scenes[]

Mixgog was originally going to have a Lightaxe, but the creator of the article decided to make him a somewhat ordinary solider instead.
