Star Wars Fanon
Skyriver Universe

Mitth'raw'nuruodo, better known by his core name Thrawn, was a Chiss male who served as a Grand Admiral in the Galactic Empire. One of a very small number of aliens to hold a high position in the Galactic Empire, Thrawn hailed from the Unknown Regions. Distinguished by his blue skin and glowing red eyes, Thrawn struck an intimidating figure, which was backed by a calculating mind, making him a valuable asset to the Empire.


Early life[]

Thrawn was born on the planet Rentor as Kivu'raw'nuruodo, known by the core name Vurawn. When he was three years old, his older sister Vurika was taken away to be inducted into the Sky-walker corps. Around 39 BBY, while attending an academy on Rentor, Vurawn was taken notice by by the Patriarch Thooraki and he was taken into the Mitth family as a merit adoptive. Now known as Thrawn, the young Chiss joined the newly formed Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet as a cadet.[1][3] During this time, Thrawn became close friends with Aristocra Thrass and the two came to view each other as brothers.[4]

First contact and exile[]

In 27 BBY, Thrawn and his border patrol fleet made contact with a group of human smugglers. Intrigued by these humans, especially by one known as Jorj Car'das, Thrawn agreed to let them go on the condition that he learn more about them and their culture. He later made contact with the Sith Lord Darth Sidious and agreed to destroy the Republic exploration vessel Outbound Flight so that it would not draw attention from hostile forces lurking in the Unknown Regions. This led to a three-way conflict between Thrawn's fleet, the Outbound Flight, and several ships from the Vagaari Empire. Ultimately, the Outbound Flight was severely damaged and Thrass helped the survivors pilot the ship into the Redoubt.[3]

Eight years after the Battle of Outbound Flight, Thrawn played a role in preventing a plot by the Grysk Hegemony to destroy the Chiss Ascendancy.[5][4] Realizing the greater threat posed by the Grysk Hegemony and other hostile factions within the Unknown Regions, the Chiss Ascendancy tasked Thrawn with infiltrating the newly-formed Galactic Empire and determining whether it would be a strong enough ally in combating the threat of the Grysk.[6][4] To accomplish this, the Ascendancy publicly exiled Thrawn for his preventive strikes and banished him to a world on the frontier between the Unknown Regions and the known galaxy.[7] It was there that he was discovered by Imperial forces led by Captain Voss Parck and brought to Emperor Palpatine, the alter ego of Darth Sidious.[8] Already familiar with Thrawn for his destruction of Outbound Flight, Palpatine eagerly inducted the Chiss exile into Imperial service.[7]

During the early days of his Imperial service, Thrawn was tasked by the Emperor with charting out the Unknown Regions, an area of the galaxy he understood better than anyone in the Empire. It was during this time that he reestablished contact with the Chiss Ascendancy and learned that they had been dealing with a number of mysterious threats since his exile. Realizing the wisdom in Thrawn's strategies, several Chiss ended up joining Thrawn and from this union between Chiss and Imperial, a new Empire was formed: the Empire of the Hand, an order dedicated to bringing order to the Unknown Regions and eliminating any threats that arose from it.[7] Despite its name, the Empire of the Hand operated more like a confederation than a proper empire and its members retained their autonomy.[9]


  • Outbound Flight
  • Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising
  • Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good
  • Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil
  • "Mist Encounter" – Star Wars Adventure Journal 7
  • Thrawn
  • Star Wars Rebels – "Hera's Heroes"
  • Star Wars Rebels – "Iron Squadron"
  • Star Wars Rebels – "An Inside Man"
  • Star Wars Rebels – "Visons and Voices" (Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars Rebels – "Warhead"
  • Star Wars Rebels – "Through Imperial Eyes"
  • Star Wars Rebels – "Secret Cargo"
  • Star Wars Rebels – "Double Agent Droid" (Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars Rebels – "Zero Hour"
  • Thrawn: Alliances
  • Star Wars Rebels – "Heroes of Mandalore"
  • Star Wars Rebels – "In the Name of the Rebellion" (Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars Rebels – "The Occupation" (Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars Rebels – "Flight of the Defender"
  • Star Wars Rebels – "Kindred"
  • Star Wars Rebels – "Crawler Commandeers" (Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars Rebels – "Rebel Assault"
  • Thrawn: Treason
  • Star Wars Rebels – "Jedi Night"
  • Star Wars Rebels – "DUME"
  • Star Wars Rebels – "Wolves and a Door"
  • Star Wars Rebels – "A World Between Worlds" (Indirect mention only)
  • Star Wars Rebels – "A Fool's Hope" (Mentioned only)
  • Star Wars Rebels – "Family Reunion – and Farewell"
  • Choices of One
  • "Side Trip" – Tales from the Empire
  • "Crisis of Faith" – Heir to the Empire: The 20th Anniversary Edition
  • Tatooine Ghost
  • Heir to the Empire (First appearance)
  • Dark Forces Rising
  • The Last Command

Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising
  2. The Last Command
  3. 3.0 3.1 Outbound Flight
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil
  5. Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good
  6. Thrawn
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Vision of the Future
  8. "Mist Encounter"
  9. Survivor's Quest