Star Wars Fanon

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New Republic eraNew Jedi Order era

We shall not allow the Rebellion to continue hunting our legitimate government to its knees, we shall turn their new assault to our advantage and gain back much of what we have lost!
—"Strategos" revealing his true self in a speech to the Moff Council

Mitth'raw'nuruodo, better known by his core name Thrawn, was the clone of the original Grand Admiral Thrawn who had had his consciousness and intellect transferred into the cloned body through Project Hydra. The Clone held the secret title and code name of Strategos, and later regained Thrawn's legacy as Grand Admiral following revealing himself to the Moff Council with his ward.


Clone of Thrawn[]

Thrawn set about creating his Ultimate Clone with cloning technology that he had gained from Centax-2 by agents loyal to the Empire of the Hand, Thrawn then used Project Hydra to use the clone as a backup body for his eventual predicted death, an event that happened in the year 9 ABY during the Battle of Bilbringi.

Project Hydra managed to gradually upload the clone with all the memories and information that the original Thrawn had carried throughout his life, after giving the Clone a month or two to come to terms with Thrawn's last mental transmission and death, the engineers working in secret for the original Thrawn awakened the Clone which went on to introduce itself to the beneficial Imperial Warlords as "Strategos".

The Imperial Strategos[]

Aiding the Empire[]

Set in his position as a secret benefactor to the survival of the Empire and a unknown enemy that the New Republic could not track, Thrawn began orchestrating secret attacks against the young Republic to curb its capabilities to expand into occupied Imperial territory and gained allies like Rear Admiral Gilad Pellaeon and Grand Moff Ardus Kaine of the Pentastar Alignment, allies that he had allowed to become aware of his true identity and used his strategic genius to cripple the Republic's momentum from the shadows for the benefit of the New Order.

Return of Palpatine[]

Thrawn managed to gather quite a name following his success working with Ardus Kaine in the Inner Rim and Mid Rim while the Pentastar Alignment secured their position and resources within the Outer Rim in the Galactic North, however rumors and later dispatches from a long dead Emperor soon brought their goals to a halt causing Thrawn to worry about the fickle intentions of their reborn Emperor, predicting that the reborn Palpatine would not last long he came up with a plan to benefit from the Emperor's failure.

Through the aid of Gilad Pellaeon, Ardus Kaine and many other Warlords, Thrawn was able to sneak some his own Forces into the ranks of Palpatine's Forces to manipulate fringe forces to revolt against Palpatine.

Personality and traits[]

The Clone of Mitth'raw'nuruodo was an exact replica of his personality and carried all of his memories, Thrawn was cold and calculating with an elusive sense of humor, Thrawn had no boundaries when it came to his cunning and his capacity for cruelty were endless should his strategy require it.

Despite this, Thrawn seemed to care for his own brother and the young Nero at an affectionate extent, allowing another to join him with an Executive Officer rank as Pellaeon's protege and taking the young successor to the Imperial Throne as his ward.

Physical Appearance[]

Just like his genetic template, Thrawn was not a tall man and yet he inspired great fear in those he met through his appearance alone, his greatest example was the intimidating blood red eyes that he bore. He had the Chiss blue skin, and black-blue hair of his people.


  • Duel Vergence series
    • Season One - Foreshock