Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

An Intelligence data raid on the recently-established Sith base on Sernpidal has just yielded results.
Lieutenant Silas Dan'kre, briefing Vice Admiral Forn Dodonna's command staff[src]

The Mission to Sernpidal was a data raid conducted by the 19th Battalion of the Republic Marines on a base that had recently been established by the Sith Empire on the Outer Rim world of Sernpidal. Acting at the behest of Republic Intelligence, two of the battalion's four companies, one of which was led by Lieutenant Reeka Chorizzo, conducted a surprise assault on the outpost, seizing the garrison in the short skirmish that followed. Overwhelmed by numbers and taken completely by surprise, the outpost's commanding officer, Doel Scherp, was unable to initiate the base computer system's emergency data purge.

As the Republic force downloaded information pertaining to the movements and whereabouts of the Dark Lords Revan and Malak, Sith reinforcements consisting of a number of Sernpidal Enforcers and assault droids staged a counterattack. As the majority of the Marines held off the new arrivals, the two companies' demolitions experts began setting charges. With the necessary data secured, the force retreated back to their assault landers, blowing the base to cover their evacuation. Utilizing the information obtained from the raid, the Republic Military High Command was able to set in motion the Jedi-led effort to capture Darth Revan.

Behind the scenes[]

The battle, as described in the fan fiction novel The Last Full Measure by Sean "Goodwood" Nash, is based on a retelling of The Betrayal of Darth Revan, a supplementary adventure for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game: Saga Edition by Wizards of the Coast. The original canon source described the Mission to Sernpidal in smaller terms, with the player characters attempting to seize a code cylinder that allowed a small Republic ship to pose as a Sith-aligned vessel.

