Star Wars Fanon
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"Your first mission as my apprentice is to kill a Republic spy on Rodia. She has information that may halt my plans to reshape the galaxy, and I will not be like that fool, Palpatine, now go." - Snoke to Grive

The Mission to Rodia was a mission to the planet Rodia given to the clone cyborg Grive in 5 ABY, during the start of the Clone-Republic War. During the mission, Grive had his first encounter with a Jedi, Luke Skywalker, who he briefly mistook for his father, Anakin Skywalker. After a short dule, the Rodian Security Force got involved and tried to help Luke aprehend the clone and even somehow gave him a spare blue lightsaber they found during the Clone Wars. However, their actions would fail, resalting in the deaths of two Rodian Security agents and, eventually, Republic agent Till Gran. With Gran dead, Grive's mission was complete and he fled the planet, returning to his master.
