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The Mission to Korriban was a mission that took place during the Clone Wars. It consisted of Count Dooku and some of his Dark Acolytes as well as his enemy Syrim Kahn.
Background to the mission[]
At the height of the Clone Wars, the Sith Lord Darth Sidious ordered his apprentice Count Dooku to travel to Korriban and discover any Sith secrets that remained there. However, it was in actual fact a ploy by Sidious to end the rivalry between Dooku and Kahn that was threatening to destroy the Confederacy.
Dooku and Kahn traveled to the planet along with General Grievous, Asajj Ventress and Sabyrne Fen. Kahn suspected a plot against him, so he prepared a ship for his escape.
The mission[]
Searching the tombs[]
Arriving on the planet Dooku, Ventress, Fen and Kahn began searching for clues with Dooku and Kahn's rivalry hampering the process. They split up, dealing with the various creatures on the planet's surface before entering some previously undiscovered tombs.
Searching the tombs, Dooku discovered that one of the statues in the tomb bore the likeness of his old master, Yoda. He panicked and fled along with the others, leaving the tomb to discover the planet under attack by Republic forces.
The battle[]
As Grievous waited for the team to return, he found himself under attack by a Republic fleet. Although he managed to hold off most of the fleet, a ship made its way down to the planet. Grievous ignored it, hoping to hold the Republic fleet back long enough for the group to return.
As the Republic ship landed, Kahn tried to flee but Dooku ordered Fen after him and fen slaughtered Kahn. The Republic ship landed and Yoda emerged and confronted Dooku. Dooku discovered that his master had once served the Sith in an effort to destroy them but had failed. After the talk was over, they dueled with Dooku again having to flee his master.
As the planet was overrun by clone troops, Dooku, Ventress and Fen managed to flee the planet and Dooku was elated by the news of Kahn's death. Joining with Grievous, the Separatist forces fled the planet.
Dooku returned to Coruscant and informed Sidious of the failure of his mission and the death of Syrim Kahn. Sidious waves it aside, informing his apprentice that the war will go on, just as planned.