Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on fanonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

The Mission to Akuria II was an operation during the Cold War, carried out by the Sith Empire to capture an experimental cloaking device being developed by the Galactic Republic, known as Project 1997.[1]


During the early Cold War, Imperial Intelligence captured a communication between Republic officers, talking about a new project to construct a cloaking device for larger warships. Intelligence believed that this was part of a plot to preform an assault on Dromund Kaas using these cloaked ships. Imperial spies reported that odd pieces of equipment and materials were being shipped to Akuria II, an ice planet in the Outer Rim Territories. So Intelligence sent a special operative, Haddon Prax, to recover the object if it was indeed there.[1]

The operation[]

Prax infiltrated the facility on the ice planet (a base build into a snowy mountainside) by landing in the primary hangar with a Republic vessel provided by Intelligence. He claimed to be delivering supplies to the base. Upon disembarking, the Republic soldiers in the hangar saw that Prax was not a Republic pilot. He quickly shot the control panel to the doors leading into the hangar, trapping the troops there inside. Prax spent a few minutes shooting the Republic soldiers, who were stunned by the attack. After killing them, he put on one of their uniforms and blew the door open.[1]

he wandered through the halls of the base, passing many Republic soldiers on their way to the hangar, before finding the room holding the cloaking device prototype—Project 1997. He fought and killed four Republic troopers, as well as the base commander, before taking the prototype. Prax then set an explosive in that room (which was connected to much of the base's vital systems), and left. The agent departed the base through a side exit leading to the other side of the mountain, killing Republic soldiers on the way. Prax then detonated the explosive, destroying much of the base and causing it to collapse.[1]


A ship picked up Prax and took him to a research space station called Citadel Station.[1]


