Miss'tra'narwan, better known by his core name, Stran, was the leader of the Chiss Confederation and later the Chiss Empire. He was an officer in the Chiss Ascendancy army for seven years before defecting to create the Chiss Confederation
Stran started the Chiss Confederation as the governing body that would take over the Ascendancy. If he created and used an empire first, they would say he was just trying to be a powerful leader. Stran was an amazing speaker and had convinced hundreds of thousands of Ascendancy citizens to follow him.
Early life[]
He grew up just like most of us; his family was rich and noble, then was on the street during the Galactic Depression.
—Grand Admiral Stikke
Stran grew up in one of the most noble families in the Chiss Ascendancy. His father was a great business man who was profiting greatly from the Galactic Golden Age; his mother earned a living as a regional governor of the Ascendancy; and his older brother was a great general in the Chiss army. Stran was considered to follow in the footsteps of his brother and mother as a great politician and military leader. He did accomplish both but not in the way many thought.
Deaths in the family[]
Stran's brother[]
The first bad moment in his life came when his brother died in a space craft accident. Stran was said to be in his late teens early twenties when his brother died. His brother's flagship was ordered to land on the planet for repairs. The regular crew had been away at the time for an unknown reason so an inexperienced crew was onboard to fly the vessel. His brother was aboard for the monthly meeting between galactic military leaders about the status of the galaxy, whether it be peace or war, though war was never brought up because the galaxy was at peace.
The inexperienced crew were ordered to immediately land on the planet. The didn't know how to fly the ship correctly and so it crashed into a large ship moving beside it and the debris rained over Csilla. It killed over 15,750 people, mostly military soldiers. This is where Stran first developed his hatred for the rest of the galaxy, blaming them and his government for the death of his father.
Stran's mother[]
His mother was next to go. More towards the end of the Galactic Golden Age, many people frustrated with the governments in the galaxy started to speak of change. In the Chiss Ascendancy, this was exceedingly common. One of the biggest opponents of these radical movements and speakers was Stran's mother.
In 3,747 BBY, a year before the Galactic Depression, an assassin from the Republic shot Stran's mother seventeen times with a blaster. He then killed himself to make sure his victim was dead by exploding a bomb strapped to his chest.
This assassin was put away fourteen years before for starting riots and conspiring against galactic governments. At his trial, Stran's mother had given a testimony that sealed his fate. After escaping from prison, he found passage to Csilla where he could finish off the person that ruined his life.
Military career[]
Stran joined the Chiss military two months after his brother's death. His parents were proud that he was taking up his brother's career and that he was living up to what everyone said he would. Stran rose quickly through the ranks reaching Sergeant Major in his eight month only. After his mother's death, he was granted permission to take two months off work to center himself. He came back to the military a changed man.
When Stran returned, he was immediately promoted to Lieutenant First Class and given great honor. His superiors had noticed a different in Stran when he returned. Stran claimed to have proof that the galactic economy was going to crash in less than three months; he was right, too, but no one believed him. The Galactic Depression hit him and his father, bankrupting both.
Galactic depression hardships[]
Stran hadn't been able to pay his part of the rent for his military officers barracks, as well as others, and was kicked out. Though still in the military, he lived on the streets as a peasant. Many soldiers would become the beggars that wandered the streets for over a decade. This was because the Chiss government forced them to pay rent with large taxes so they could keep the government running. Stran used this during his uprising to power to remind those of how the government treated their troops.
End of the depression[]
The end of the Galactic Depression was a great thing for the galaxy. Many people were put back to work and the streets were less cluttered with the poor and homeless; the rich were glad that they didn't have hundreds of people following them or knocking on their doors asking for money, food, clothing, or shelter; and the government was thrilled that they would quite being blamed for all the problems. It was great for Stran, too.
Stran moved back into the barracks at the military base. His father had passed away, however, during one of the winters in the Depression because of frostbite all over his body. But when Stran came back, even though he was greeted with cheers, he left, deserted, blaming the government for all of his problems; the death of his brother had been the fault of the government for ordering an inexperienced crew to pilot the ship to the surface of Csilla, his mother had been targeted by an assassin whom the government didn't even investigate nor could they prevent him from reaching his mother, and his father was killed on the streets from frostbite because the government couldn't help their own people. Stran the realized that this was the death of a failed system and the rebirth of another. Stran also understood that he was chosen to be the one to lead this new government.