Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

The Force gives me will to survive
—Miri Alan

Miri Alann was a female Chiss Jedi Padawan that served during the Clone Wars. Born on the Chiss homeworld of Csilla, she was discovered by Jedi Master Mace Windu during a peacekeeping mission and was brought to the Jedi Temple at a young age for training. Eventually, she became an apprentice to the Cerean Jedi Ki-Adi Mundi, who gracefully took her under his wing. A true peacekeeper at heart, Alann relied for the most part on her advanced connection to the Force, rather than her lightsaber which she rarely used even on the battlefield, although she received decent skills with her blade from her master. She was good friends with fellow Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano.


Born in 39 BBY on the Chiss homeworld of Csilla, Alann was the daughter of a famous political figure within the Chiss government. Rejected by her father due to her force connection. However, she was discovered by Jedi Mace Windu after the murder of her father, who had been suspected of political tyranny. Windu, who was on a peace mission on the planet, took the now orphaned girl back to Coruscant to be trained at the Jedi Temple due to her powerful force sensitivity, at the age of four. She crafted her own blue bladed shoto which she would rarely use during her role as Jedi.

She eventually graduated to the rank of padawan in 28 BBY, and was chosen by Cerean Jedi Master Ki-Adi Mundi. The two served in many missions together throughout the waning years of the clone wars. She became good friends with fellow padawan Ahsoka Tano, accompanying her and her master Anakin Skywalker on several missions along with her own master.

Battle of Geonosis[]

While her master aided Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker along with Padme Amidala in the Petranaki arena after they were held captive by Count Dooku and Poggle the Lesser, Alann stayed behind at the temple under the orders of her master, who believed her to be too young to be involved. Alann, ablbeit reluctantly, obeyed her master and stayed behind on Coruscant.

In the aftermath of the battle, Alann assisted in bringing in the bodies of the fallen to the temple, and was deeply saddened, although her master survived.

Mission to Hoth[]

After the Republic was notified of a rumored superweapon being developed in Hoth, Alann and her master were sent to investigate, along with Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. After discovering the involvement of Genera Grievous of the Separatist army, Alann was gravely injured by a blow from the Kaleesh general's blade. She managed to pull through however, using the force to literally kept the injury in stasis. Upon returning to the temple, she was able to recover.

Eventually, Alann passed the Jedi trials, becoming a Jedi Knight. She was sent on numerous peace offerings and less hostile missions during the course of the clone wars, becoming well respected for her self control and amazing force abilities.

Order 66[]

Stationed on the planet Kiron at the time that Emperor Palpatine, now Darth Sideous, executed order 66, Alann felt her master's death on Mygeeto, seconds before her own troops opened fire on her. She managed take out several hundred clones before she was finally overcome, killed by the blaster fire.

Official Imperial records state that she was killed for her involvement in a plot to massacre a Kironian village.
