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Mirelsany Leamu was a Human female from Blackdot who became a stormtrooper. Despite being involved in the murder of three of her fellow soldiers, she became an Imperial Intelligence agent. Observing Imperial corruption and violations of Sentient rights, however, she defected to the Alliance to Restore the Republic where she served as an intelligence adviser for the Rebellion's more questionable elements, such as Rebel Group MT50, Renegade Squadron, and Fool Squadron. She participated in a few field assignments as well, continuing her service into the New Republic. Although she retired before the rise of the First Order, their incursions into the galaxy compelled her to return to service. She made her own way after the destruction of Hosnian Prime, ultimately perishing in a covert operation against the Itching Empire.
Born on Blackdot in 25 BBY, Leamu was independent child because her parents, Komo and Silver, had little time for their daughter as they were involved in running the Abelard Blue Cantina in the Fiskerite suburb of Dipol in New Greiza. As a Human on the backwater world, she knew nothing of her family history, only that she was descended of pirates and criminals, like most of the non-Fiskerites on the planet. At the age of thirteen, her curiosity compelled her to research it and she discovered she was a descendant of the pirate who founded New Greiza, Antogarst Nemblaist. An adventurer by nature, she joined the Blackdot Armed Forces at the age of fifteen and became a guard on a skiff. In an engagement with Pas'sic raiders in 8 BBY, the skiff Leamu was riding crashed and she and the other survivor, a Kubaz named Ponteppo Va'revva, were injured. Since her fellow soldier was too injured to flee the enemy moving in to surround them, Leamu stayed and fought them until help arrived. She received the Silver Medal of Blackdot for her stand.
In 5 BBY 143 Blackdot Armed Forces members, including Leamu, were selected to be sent to Carida for stormtrooper training. Leamu was one of only a few women selected for the training and she noticed only two non-Humans were along, the highly decorated Uenti Boveske and an officer named Sedo Baba. After the training, a majority of the male Human graduates from Blackdot were sent to the Death Star while the rest were sent elsewhere. Leamu was sent to serve in the ground forces of Feyet Kiez. Barely surviving a massive explosion that destroyed half of her stormtrooper legion during a battle on Écparz, she was put in a squad that included Sant Chun and Tirant Crurannc. The three of them had served under Commander Yimes Balkar for several months and had grown to respect him so when Admiral Kiez blamed Balkar for the loss of so many soldiers at Écparz they were outraged Joar Omnis, a stormtrooper who had served with them under Balkar, helped Kiez get rid of Balkar and the trio decided to make Omnis the target of their rage. On Eeropha in 1 ABY, they ambushed him while he was on patrol with Byrten Kiize and Nashar Norris in a swamp. They killed the three of them and concealed their bodies. They were arrested shortly after and heavily interrogated. Because Chun and Leamu would not be broken by either threats or torture, even after Crurannc confessed to the crimes, Kiez decided to blame the entire crime on Crurannc and have him executed while sending the other two murderers to be trained as intelligence officers.
Leamu was put on the field in 3 ABY to observe another Imperial spy who was operating on her homeworld of Blackdot. The spy turned out to be none other than Sedo Baba. She observed Baba for weeks and found no evidence of wrong doing. Despite her continued reports and being a member of the surveillance division, she received the order to eliminate Baba for being a threat to Imperial security. She asked for time to prove Baba's innocence but was told it was too urgent to wait so, in spite of her misgivings, she poisoned him and he died. Then she was called to Nine Eikult to observe a terrorist named Q-Wreld. After watching him kidnap and murder a former Imperial senator, she expected orders to eliminate him but was instead told to wait and ensure he carried out his orders to launch a gas attack on a crowded spaceliner. Even though she knew she was herself being observed, Leamu decided she had to act to stop Q-Wreld. Since the planned attack was still hours away and Leamu was already fully briefed on Q-Wreld, she decided that she would need to eliminate her observer. Being more highly skilled than many of her comrades, she was able to discover that she was being watched by a man named Izoar Storn. Leading him into a crowded market and then losing him, she tricked him into looking for her inside an empty shop where she silently assassinated him with a blade.
When the targeted ship entered the Eikult system, she contacted the captain under a false name and pretended to be a member of the Rebel Alliance and warned him of the impending attack. Unbeknownst to her, there were actual Rebels on the ship. Their commander managed to send a message to a Voss chemist on the planet named Ka Evod. She located Leamu and offered to find a neutralizing agent for the terrorists' gasses. It turned out they were planning to use a simple VX-2 gas which Dr. Evod had several antidotes for in her shop. The two women infiltrated Q-Wreld's warehouse and neutralized all of the gas canisters. The terrorists launched a shuttle with the canisters aboard, unaware they were now useless. When they connected with the starliner, the Rebels were waiting for them and they ambushed and killed Q-Wreld and his men. Taking the shuttle, they escaped the star system before Imperial Intelligence knew the attack failed.
Leamu, meanwhile, had bombed the house she was staying in for the mission to make the Empire think she was dead until they investigated the situation. With Dr. Evod's help, she was smuggled offworld to join the Rebellion. Serving the Rebellion, she proved herself to be loyal and trustworthy. They allowed her to be an intelligence adviser. After the New Republic came into existence, Leamu continued to serve in the intelligence community.
She was murdered by an Itching Empire agent named S'Dorjic Caldirav on Jocade in 38 ABY.
Legends Timeline[]
In 8 ABY she went on a field assignment to bring down Sant Chun who had become a Dark Jedi. She caught up with him on Mechis III and persuaded him to abandon the Empire and the dark side of the Force. In 11 ABY they were married and they eventually had a daughter and a son.
Even though she had been diagnosed with cancer and retired in 19 ABY, she rejoined the fight to defend the galaxy when it was invaded in 25 ABY. She stayed in the service for the Galactic Alliance when the war ended. A new, subtle threat to peace in the form of the criminal organization known as the Itching Empire began to take shape. Led by Marthrull Strayfiend, the organization sought to restore the Galactic Empire to the way it was during the height of the New Order. Leamu dedicated the final years of her life to this threat, finally being murdered by an Itching Empire agent named S'Dorjic Caldirav on Jocade in 38 ABY.