The Chalactan people and the Jedi Order have been on friendly terms for generations. It is truly wonderful to see our Chalactan Jedi blend their teaching with that of the Adepts on their homeworld and bring new insight to both orders.
—Jedi Knight Horen Hote, writing about Chalactans in the Jedi Order.
The Miraluka were a race of Humans from the terrestrial world of Dor'shac, who eventually moved their society to the planet Alpheridies in the Expansion Region of the galaxy. A thoughtful species, all Miraluka had a stronger-then-average connection to the Force, which allowed them to see despite their lack of eyes. Despite having many colony worlds, the population of Miraluka in the galaxy was relatively low, with population sizes remaining rather consistent over generations. Members of the species helped to found the Jedi Order on Tython, with the beliefs of these mystics heavily influenced by the Miralukan traditions. While friendly with the Galactic Republic, the Miraluka did not join the government until the Subterra Era. While Miraluka seldom became involved in galactic politics, many became Jedi, and many more served in the Order's Service Corps.
Biology and appearance[]
A race of Humanity, Miraluka were a sentient species that belonged to the simians, a subgroup of the primate order of mammals. Miraluka were bipedal beings with a bilateral symmetry, having a front and a back end, as well as an upside and downside. Their body comprised a head, neck, torso, and four limbs. The upper limbs, called arms, ended in hands which had five fingers each; the lower ones, called legs, ended in feet with also five digits. Miraluka fingers had multiple points of articulation, and one of them was an opposable thumb that allowed for fine manipulation. Finally, they had one head perched atop a torso. Unlike other mammalian species they had only a light covering of body hair, most of which was concentrated on the head and, in the case of adult males, face. Miraluka were warm-blooded animals, meaning they maintained a constant body temperature independent of the environment using the energy from their food. Miraluka were herbivorous, subsisting on plant-based foods. Miraluka had two sexes: male and female, with the latter being distinguished by their pronounced breasts, overall smaller stature and lesser quantity of body hair. Members of the Miraluka race could interbreed naturally with many other near-Human races. Despite overall physiological uniformity, Miraluka varied greatly in appearance, and no two Miraluka looked exactly alike. One of the diversity factors was height. Miraluka averaged 1.8 meters in height, although males were usually taller and heavier than females. Miraluka hair was grown, cut, and styled for aesthetic or ritualistic reasons— females generally braided their hair or kept it closely cropped, while men shaved their heads or kept their hair tidy and short. The facial hair grown by adult males was kept trimmed and organized. Their hair color ranged from dark brown to blonde, sometimes with hues of red, changing to gray or white as years passed. Gradiation of skin tone was also seen among Miraluka, ranging from dark brown to a light brown. The most distinctive difference between Miraluka and baseline Humans was their lack of eyes. Having been cavedwellers on Dor'shac, the Miraluka had weak eyesight when they were forced to flee their geologically unstable world and resettle on Alpheridies. There the Miraluka were exposed to the world's red dwarf star which ruined their eyes completely, and overtime, they were completely bred of the genetic code of the species. Instead, the Miraluka found their connection to the Force was heavily increased and that they could make out their surroundings through the sight gifted to them by the Force.
Miraluka were sexually-reproduced animals, requiring the mating of an opposite sex couple to produce offspring. While developing in their mother's womb, the child gave her a distinctive "baby bump" accompanied by a significant weight gain. Being mammals, the Miralukan females gave birth to live young, either one or several at a time. The delivery itself normally took place after nine months of pregnancy when a woman would take up residence within a local medcenter where professional midwives would attend her every need. It was a painful process that could take as much as ten hours; in some circumstances, women could die during childbirth. During their first months of existence, Miralukan babies were usually fed with milk from their mother's breasts. The period during which a young Human developed from a child into an adult was known as adolescence. According to Chiseled Accords of Alpheridies, the legal transition from childhood to adulthood was only attained after sixteen standard years of life. Miraluka had an average lifespan of 75 standard years, though because of their Force-sensitivity, many trained in the Force could live up to 200. At any rate, individuals past the age of 85 were considered to have reached an age worthy of veneration. Natural signs of ageing in Miraluka included the whitening or fall of the hair, the loss of teeth, appearance of deep lines, wrinkles and dark blemishes on the skin. Old Miraluka would experience a decline in many cognitive processes, frequently losing track of time, misidentifying people or places and, in extreme cases, momentarily forgetting about their own identity or state.
Society and culture[]
Originally suppressed by the mining guild that ruled over Dor'shac on behalf of the Azule Imperium, the people that would become known as the Miraluka established a makeshift governing body upon fleeing their devastated homeworld and landing on ALpheridies. Structuring their government around the hierarchy within their ranks of miners, foremen, techs, and team leaders, the Miraluka government looked to the oral traditions of the Luka Sene for guidance in their decisions from the first night the government formed around a campfire in the valleys of the landing zone. As the Miraluka spread out across the planet, provinces formed an elected a representative to speak on their behalf. Overtime, twenty three distinct provinces arose and formed the oligarchic government with the Chiseled Accords uniting the different provinces together. The Accords, chiseled into a massive stone so that all could feel the glyphs, provided a framework upon which the rest of the government would rest. The legislative council of representatives passed laws with the Accords as the foundation for their decisions, and left it to the local constables to enforce; a national force was never formed due to a lack of need. While wanderlust was common in the youth, the Miraluka government never gave much thought to colonization beyond their world until the Jedi and Republic visited the world. Taking advantage of the Republic's ships, the Miraluka sent out colony ships led by the youthful and adventurous and allowed for colony worlds to be established and represented by the Council. Having an unseated position in the Galactic Senate on Coruscant, the Miraluka seldom entered into galactic politics on behalf of their homeworld.
Using only what could be scavenged from the abandoned mines of Dor'shac in the short window of opportunity open to the miners as they fled the dying world, the people who would become the Miraluka had access to only a portion of the technology that was available back in the Azule Imperium when they landed on Alpheridies. Basic computers, repulsorlift technology, mining equipment, and a knowledge of agriculture was the crux of the salvageable material left to the Miraluka and the basis of technology on the world for centuries. As mining equipment was rigged up for farming, and a knowledge of water purification and basic sanitary needs persisted, the Miraluka remained a viable civilization for generations, surviving in the cool climate of Alpheridies far from their former overlords. When the Republic discovered the world millennia later, they found an idyllic community of pacifists and farmers with little need for superior tech. Though small industrial hotbeds arose in a few population centers throughout the twenty-three provinces, most Miraluka functioned fine without the need to import much from the galactic community.
Luka Sene was a formal Miralukan Force organization with meditation and education chambers in most cities on the Miraluka homeworld of Alpheridies. While all Miraluka used the Force to sense the world around them, some Miralukans did have an increased sense-based aspect of the Force. When these Miraluka were identified, Miralukan educators and leaders encouraged such individuals to join the Luka Sene. Academic in atmosphere and culture, the Luka Sene focused primarily on developing the sense-related powers of their members. Offworlders often regarded the Luka Sene as a Force-user university where classes and education take place. However, unlike the Jedi, Sith and other traditions, it did not dictate a member's personal life. Luka Sene members were present in all aspects of society and all fields. Most members only had small degrees of increased senses which they used to improve their own lives, careers, and Miralukan society. Those with higher degrees of sensitivity could become Administrators, Masters, or Mentors in the Luka Sene organization. A small amount left their homeworld to join the Jedi Order. While it was uncommon to find a member of Luka Sene off of their homeworld, some traveled to meet with the Jedi Order, or at the rare request of an off-world family to give advice on a talented child. The Luka Sene disapproved of the dark side and served as guiders and guardians to protect Miralukans from falling to the dark side. While Miralukans' inherent sensing abilities were rarely a threat, like any Force power, they could still provide a path to the dark side, especially in the more talented members that were chosen for Luka Sene training. Luka Sene placed heavy emphasis on the light side and practical sides of the Force: however, some Miralukans sought to develop powers contrary to those beliefs. Where a Miralukan was suspected of having fallen to the dark side, Luka Sene would dispatch Sene Seekers, who would search out the targeted individual. Attempts to redeem that individual would be made. Should the individual, however, prove to be beyond redemption, the Sene Seekers (who would be accompanied by security personnel) would attempt a live capture. Elimination of a fallen individual was only carried out if no alternatives were open. At some point, Acaadi studied Luka Sene. When he later became a Sith, the Luka Sene sent Jirany Sha to track him down and try and stop him from using their knowledge to corrupt others. Luka Sene were highly adept in the Sense powers of the Force, building upon their natural Miralukan Force sight. They could use Farsight with great skill, and had a unique power known as Field Detection, which allowed them to perceive energy fields.
When the Human colonists from Anaxes set forth into the galaxy to begin their lives a new, they went forth aimlessly, fearing the greater powers of the galaxy and hoping for a spot in history as galactic exploration and establish a stronghold of mining in the region for the Azure Imperium. Discovering the arid planet Dor'shac by a stroke of luck, the Anaxsi set up mining operations that proved profitable for the Imperium and exploitative of Dor'shac. The Anaxsi colonists became miners and after generations in the mines, had diminished eyesight. While under the thumb of their Imperial overlords, the Shaciti people developed a religion called the Luka Sene wherein they were ruled by two gods. The God of Life, Ashla, protected them in the caves and illuminated their minds to perceive of the passageways beneath the surface of the world. Bogan, the God of Death, gave them a calmness in the face of great peril, granting them strength and courage to complete their labors. It wasn't until the ruin of Dor'shac that the Shaciti people were freed from the grip of the Imperium and allowed to find their own destiny. The strip mining of the planet caused Dor'shac to enter into a phase of geophysical and geochemical instability, during which the atmosphere slowly began to vent into space. Emerging from the mines to find most of their overseers fled, the Shaciti gathered what supplies they could and boarded the remaining shuttles off of the doomed planet. Set adrift in space with few who knew how to pilot the ships they were aboard, the Shaciti relied on their faith in the Greater Force and their prayers to Ashla and Bogan to see them to safe harbor. Piercing the molecular cloud of the Veil Nebula, the Shaciti set down for the first time on Alpheridies, a world of scenic mountain vistas and cool climes. Setting up camp in a fertile valley, the miners organized their camp's leadership around those foremen, team leaders, and techs who had survived the fall of their homeworld. Using the limited mining technology they had salvaged, as well as any cargo aboard the cargo haulers they had commandeered, the Shaciti set up an agrarian community to see them through. Quickly, the Shaciti discovered that the red dwarf in the sky had a negative impact on their already weakened eyes as the Shaciti gradually lost their ability to sense and process visible light waves. During that period of mutation, the Shaciti's long dormant ability to "see" the Force grew stronger, until they relied on this Force sight without conscious effort. Viewing this as a gift from both Bogan and Ashla, the Shaciti persevered, gradually settling across the entire planet, focusing their civilization on agriculture and acceptance of their life.
Life on Alpheridies continued this way uninterrupted for centuries, with the only events of note being the few times the Shaciti, who had taken to calling themselves Miraluka, interacted with the Alpheridian natives. A horned species of ungulates, the small population of Alpheridians stayed in the mountain passes where few Miraluka sought to venture and never interacted violently with their new neighbors. Along with their governors, the Miraluka looked to the Luka Sene to help keep the peace on Alpheridies, and mountain side temples were a common gathering place for important events. When the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order established contact with Alpheridies, the world welcomed the Jedi emphatically and many sought to join the Order whether as Jedi or members of the Service Corps. While not joining the Republic initially, the Miraluka welcomed the use of space-worthy ships and soon colonized several worlds, including the idyllic world of Katarr. Despite their colonization efforts, the Miraluka population never fluctuated dramatically, maintaining a steady number throughout their history. The greatest shock to Miraluka culture came in 3,917 BrS when Katarr was stripped of all life by the Sith Lord Darth Nihilus. The loss of Katarr deeply concerned the Luka Sene and caused Alpheridies to isolate itself further from galactic society. Seldom would a Miraluka travel offplanet, and when they did they rarely returned.
Miraluka Jedi[]
Cheiko Bes | Birth | 3,604 BrS | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Galen Besk | Birth | Death | Seeker | Hermit | Master | Apprentices |
Shol Bestros | Birth | Death | Class | Specialization | Kao Cen Darach | Apprentices |
Mal Ceryss | Birth | 3,603 BrS | Sentinel | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Shoaneb Culu | Birth | 3,961 BrS | Class | Specialization | Vodo-Siosk Baas | Apprentices |
Malira Dobe | Birth | Death | Consular | Instructor | Master | Apprentices |
Krynda Draay | Birth | 3,928 BrS | Consular | Seer | Arca Jeth; Vodo-Siosk Baas | Apprentices |
Lucien Draay | 3,965 BrS | Death | Guardian | Specialization | Lorn Haazen | Zayne Carrick |
Jerbhen Hulis | Birth | Death | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Noab Hulis | Birth | Death | Consular | Specialization | Master | Targon'nie'Chamma |
J'Soryn Jerec | Birth | Death | Consular | Archaeologist | Jocasta Nu | Apprentices |
Markus Joce | Birth | 3,606 BrS | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Adeline Marr | Birth | 3,607 BrS | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Visas Marr | 3,941 BrS | Death | Sentinel | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Beajora Hulis | Birth | 3,962 BrS | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Kennet Parn | Birth | Death | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Desi Q'Anilia | 3,971 BrS | 3,928 BrS | Consular | Seer | Krynda Draay | Shad Jelavan |
Sabla-Mandibu | Birth | 949 BrS | Consular | Prophet | Master | Apprentices |
Karric Soik | Birth | 3,608 BrS | Consular | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Cam Sorolis | Birth | 3,607 BrS | Consular | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Kaiya Stas | Birth | Death | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Tera-Su | Birth | Death | Guardian | Combat Instructor | Master | Apprentices |
Ploon Vindir | Birth | Death | Consular | Archaeologist | Master | Apprentices |
Melania Zua | Birth | Death | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Siri Gorgiou | Birth | Death | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Dala Masu-ka | Birth | Death | Guardian | Specialization | Orgus Diin | Apprentices |
Zholl Reegient | Birth | Death | Guardian | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Quan-Jang | Birth | 25,731 BrS | Je'daii | Alchemist | Master | Apprentices |
Jecht Dettun | Birth | Death | Je'daii | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Edbr Vasch | Birth | 153 BrS | Sentinel | Investigator | Master | Apprentices |
Almas Jedi Academy (Jedi Renaissance) | ||||||
Giles Chinelo | Birth | 153 BrS | Class | Specialization | Master | Apprentices |
Almas Jedi Academy (Jedi Renaissance) | ||||||
Kelisea Mereel | Birth | Year 57 | Consular | Prophet | Master | Apprentices |
Gaen Janson | Birth | Year 117 | Consular | Prophet | Master | Apprentices |
Karl Zen | Birth | Death | Consular | Seer | Master | Apprentices |
Master of Visions at the Grand Academy | ||||||
Bial Vancil | Birth | Death | Consular | Seer | Masters | Padawans |
Surrounding Jun Seros' location in the enclave | ||||||
Gaen Myec | Birth | Death | Rank | Specialization | Masters | Padawans |
Jedi Council from Tython |