Miko Danderin was a Human male and head of the Secret Galactic Intelligence Service in the decades prior to the Clone Wars. The only people to know his actual name were his superiors. Everyone else knew him only as M.
He was an agent of MI5 long before taking over the role of Head of the agency. He was also a long time friend of Frederick Gray.
During the CarbonEye mission in 42 BBY, M was attacked right in his very own office at MI5 Headquarters by one of CarbonEye's goons, Draco Gant. M was shot and badly burned in the encounter. That's when Frederick Gray took over the department momentarily while M was rushed to the medical bay.
When M was stable enough to be moved, Gray took him to a secure undisclosed location on Coruscant for the duration of the CarbonEye mission so he would have time to heal. He eventually did make a full recovery and returned to his position as Head of MI5.
But soon after his return, and just after giving the briefing on the Dr. Noah mission, MI5 HQ sustained multiple attacks simultaneously by unknown assailants. Due to the fact that the building's security had been compromised yet again, M again returned to an undisclosed location, this time leaving the current mission in the hands of Angeo Lim.
A year later, he granted Q'u Branch approval to reprogram the replica droid Digika. He arrived in the department just in time to see the aftermath of the first test run, which turned out to be a complete failure. The memory wipe triggered a fail-safe mechanism that sent Digika on a rampage through Q'u Branch, destroying the department and putting the technicians' lives in danger. M put an immediate stop to the project for the remainder of his career with MI5.
Over the next few standard years, by the time he sent his agents on the Empress of the Stars mission, his hair had turned completely gray.
When SMERSH infiltrated and took over MI5 Headquarters in 32 BBY, M was among those rounded up and held hostage by Jasper Fondorball. After what seemed like an eternity, a handful of MI5 agents finally rescued them.
He died of natural causes, while still heading MI5, in 27 BBY. He never married and never had any children. Upon his death, his position as M was taken over by Miles Messervy.
Behind the scenes[]
Miko Danderin is based off of a generalized version of the James Bond character M.
Miko was only known as "M" in the role playing games in which he appeared. He wasn't given an actual name until creator Dubya Scott named him almost six years after the characters creation. Miko's name was revealed in Licence To Clone when his death was mentioned.
- From Ryloth With Love (First appearance)
- On Her Majesty's Security Service
- CarbonEye
- Dr. Noah
- A Few Kinks
- Casino Royale
- Muunraker
- The Limmie Daylights
- For Your Photoreceptors Only
- Fondorball