Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

Alright guys, I'm sick of dealing with morons! I've already witnessed the Princess commit suicide due to her unnatural fear of Zombies. They've already taken over Garang!
—Layla Wilson

Mika Anaki was a Twi'lek female Jedi Padawan in the latter days of the Republic, who served with distinction as a zombie hunter during the Zombie Apocalypse. She served under the other hunters; Leia Skywalker, Kayla Bonteri, Kitty Luka, and Aayla Secura. Both survived a zombie attack early in their training as zombie hunters, though she later proved herself worthy of the work of that profession.

After Anaki was promoted to the level of zombie hunter, a zombie apocalypse broke out on Dantooine, and she was one of the Jedi to survive the apocalypse. However, she met her end on that planet after falling off a bridge, and into a pool of lava. In the process, her blaster pistol and lightsaber remained on the bridge.


Oh no! Mika!
—Leia Skywalker

Anaki was apprenticed to Jedi Master Aayla Secura. The Master-Padawan duo were present at the headquarters on Ryloth, where they were lectured by Layla Wilson, the secretary of defense. They survived a zombie attack and proceeded through a graveyard, and into the Zombie king's lair. However, she later died by falling off a bridge, and into a pool of lava.

It took a full three years for Aayla to put Mika's death behind her. She was, in a way, assisted by the fact that she took Kayla Bonteri as her apprentice. Padmé Amidala was another being who promised that Mika's death would not be in vain, which perhaps led to her ascension to the position of Supreme Chancellor, following the end of the Clone Wars.

Personality and traits[]

Secura and Sing

Anaki defending her master's life

Master! watch out!
—Mika Anaki defending her master

Mika Anaki was a female Twi'lek with blue skin and hazel eyes. She owned and used a single-bladed lightsaber, which contained a blue crystal. During the Clone Wars, Anaki defended her master from bounty hunter Aurra Sing, an encounter which resulted in the loss of Mika's right hand. During an outbreak of the Zombie Apocalypse, Anaki defended Dantooine as a zombie hunter. During the apocalypse, she fell off a bridge and into a pool of lava, leading to Master Secura attempting to rescue her.

Powers and abilities[]

Anaki was skilled in the use of a lightsaber. When she and her fellow Jedi battled zombies, Anaki managed to kill a zombie. She was also talented in telekinetic Force powers, combining her efforts with Leia Skywalker and Kitty Luka to throw debris at zombies. Aside from her lightsaber, she was also known for using a blaster pistol. Her prowess with a lightsaber was attributed to her skill in Ataru and Sokan lightsaber forms.

Behind the scenes[]

Mika Anaki's character was created by Ahsoka Bonteri to be the Padawan of Aayla Secura.


  • Star Wars: Zombie Apocalypse (First appearance)