The Miestasasmenysiv (from the Old Sith miestas meaning "city" and asmenysiv meaning "of Asmenys"[1]) was the name of the city that covered a sizable percentage of the moon of Lune, the sole satellite of the Outer Rim world of Azarac. As the location of a number of important embassies representing various intergalactic governments of note, the city served as the capital of the Valdiastsis (Old Sith for "Tsis Dominion"[1]).
The signing of a non-aggression agreement and trade alliance between the Valdiastsis and the True Sith Empire and Chiss Ascendancy during the Cold War led to an influx of traders, merchants, and diplomats to the Tsis Worlds. As outsiders were forbidden from setting foot on Azarac, the moon of Lune hosted initial outsider settlements, which gradually expanded over the centuries as Lune became a minor center of Outer Rim commerce. The resultant urban sprawl that came to occupy several continents was dubbed the Miestasasmenysiv after the legendary Tsis hero Asmenys.