The Midi-Chlorian Mix was a Force-inducing recipe invented by Darth Infineus around 10,000 BBY. The Mix had capabilities of unimaginable proportion, as it could harness Midi-Chlorians and transfer them to other organisms, medically granting them an ability to tap into the Force and increase their Midi-Chlorian count. Darth Infineus used the potion so much that the amounts of corrupted Midi-Chlorians in his body was unhealthy, and he couldn’t rely on his bodily functions.
Process of Making the Mix[]
The Midi-Chlorian is a curious object, indeed. It is infinitely small, like a quantum particle, yet leaves a distinct chemical trace in a life form. I simply exploited the properties of each to create my potion.
—Darth Infineus
The Midi-Chlorian Mix was invented by Darth Infineus, which allowed him to live ten thousand years.
The Midi-Chlorian Mix first originated by Darth Infineus colonizing an entire planet with a bacteria colony, the planet, which he hinted, having relatively little protection from cosmic radiation. Darth Infineus would wait for a mutation that isolated the Force-sensitivity gene, and introduced a stimulus that would usually repel bacteria, but attract Force-sensitive microorganisms.
Darth Infineus would gather the Force-sensitive bacteria and isolate it, allowing it to grow into an entirely Force-sensitive colony. Then, as an experiment, he degraded the bacteria into raw elements, and looked to detect the Midi-chlorians. He noticed that the Midi-chlorians vanished without any trace. Knowing that was impossible, Darth Infineus concluded that they reverted back to an original state: either the Force itself or a quantum particle of the most basic unit of energy.
Darth Infineus contained the Midi-chlorians by inserting a protein into a bacterium’s DNA, which transformed it into an advanced form of a pathogen, whose purpose was to be resistant to immune systems, install itself in a cell, and its DNA become the same as the host cell’s. This would transfer the Midi-chlorian successfully to the drinker of a mixture containing the pathogen. It was proven by Darth Infineus that the mix did not threaten health until the body’s Midi-chlorian count was too high for the cell to sustain the immense chemical energy, which was beyond the count of 500,000.
A large bacteria farm, growing Force-sensitive bacterium that eventually became a unique species after decades of constant breeding, was installed by Darth Infineus, where regular “harvests” could be made by simply taking visible bacteria colonies from the nutrient-rich surface. The scum would be taken to a lab, where it would be injected with a self-installing protein that modified it into the desired pathogen. The pathogen would be isolated chemically, then carbon frozen. The frozen material would be ground and placed into a liquid that dissolved the carbonite into carbon molecules, which would then be ejected. The liquid solution would then be used as a perfectly non-threatening drink, which would increase the Midi-Chlorian count of a person within an hour.
The Midi-chlorian pathogens would install themselves in cells, but would not reproduce as a Force-sensitive tissue. The mix had to be taken regularly, usually once a week to keep the elevated Midi-chlorian count, but varying metabolisms made the dosage time differ. The Mix could be taken more frequently, as Darth Infineus did, to make a steadily increasing Midi-chlorian count without drinking too much.
Known Users of the Midi-Chlorian Mix[]
- Darth Infineus
- Darth Monarchist
- Darth Artoo
- Commander Ravenous
- Commander Weiht
- Miss Ship
- Crie Krobos
- Skyar Lycani
Behind the Scenes[]
The Midi-chlorian mix was created to explain why Darth Infineus was so powerful, one thing many Sith articles didn’t explain. The Midi-Chlorian Mix concept, details, and article was created by C3PO the Dragon Slayer