Micrathena was a female HiveWing soldier who served within the military of the Kingdom of Hives and Silks and, for a tumultuous period of time, a rogue faction of her people that arose to challenge the liberal reign of Queen Cricket. Born under the rule of Wasp during the final decades of her queenship that preceded when this isolationist regime was toppled, after the HiveWing and SilkWing population were later displaced after the destruction of Starfire Hive, Micrathena joined the other survivors in relocating to a camp that her people constructed across the ruins of their original capital with assistance from the LeafWing tribe and became a warrior within their military, serving under the command of General Miyana. Within the next two years, the displaced people would continue to rebuild both their lives and culture under the reformist efforts that their ruler led, which saw the elimination of the authoritarian elements established by her predecessor. Although this was welcomed by the majority, Micrathena had certain sympathies for a dissentive faction of the population resisted such change out of fear that it would bring an end to their way of life.
In 1011 ABY, Micrathena and the other soldiers that formed Miyana's division of the royal army accompanied their leader when she defected from the HiveSilk Kingdom to instead pledge allegiance to her lover, Prince Karim, bringing the bulk of her forces to support his traditionalist campaign to reestablish the militaristic heritage of their tribe and overthrow the government. As followers of the exiled prince and his plans for restore the supposed HiveWing Empire to prominence once more, Micrathena and her comrades restyled their appearances to demonstrate this allegiance, repainting their armor with shades of black and crimson, as well as adorning their faces with orange markings that dragons like Micrathena inked around their eyelids. Alongside the other rebels, Micrathena witnessed the healing ceremony that her leaders performed on Sol Ferno - one of the historic Archdragons and a central figurehead to HiveWing culture - to restore his wings, then assembled alongside the rest of Karim's forces, who prepared to march on the capital. This aggressive action would trigger a battle between the larger royal forces and the defectors, who were expecting to receive support from Sol Ferno that would allow them to claim victory, but their patron failed to appear. As a result, the followers of Karim were swiftly overwhelmed and routed by the vastly superior numbers under Queen Cricket and their members, including Micrathena, were subsequently apprehended. Having been brought before Cricket to face sentencing for their actions, although Micrathena and the other rank-and-file fighters of the ill-fated rebellion had expected their queen to have them executed for treason, the young monarch instead issued a general pardon to the traitors on the Day of the Great Amnesty, allowing them the opportunity to earn back the trust and respect of their fellow dragons, but warning the soldiers not to squander this second chance, as there would not be a third one. In response, the grateful Micrathena joined the other soldiers in swearing their undying allegiance to Cricket, hailing her as the "Queen of Mercy".
Early life[]
Having been born in Pantala during the twilight decades of the reign of Queen Wasp, Micrathena was brought up amongst the numerous generations that were raised after the Tree Wars, where their ruler had arranged events to sever the entire continent from the rest of the planet Draconis. This isolationism collapsed after the tyrannical rule was defeated and revealed that Wasp was secretly a traitor who was subsequently defeated and replaced by her illegitimate niece, Cricket. During the ensuing years of this new government, the HiveWing tribe and those among the SilkWings that continued to live alongside them formed the Kingdom of Hives and Silks, which grappled with numerous internal and external challenges, including the destruction of their capital, Starfire Hive, which transformed Micrathena and a significant portion of the surviving population into homeless refugees overnight. Unable to reclaim their former city because of the dark magic that had infected it, the royal court and those among its citizens that did not relocate to one of their other hive cities subsequently resettled on the ruins of their past capital, where a camp was erected until the long-term process of rebuilding was complete, its boundaries protected by the eight armies that formed the royal forces, which Micrathena had by then joined, becoming a soldier that served beneath the command of General Miyana, who was one of the illustrious Eight Wings, a cabinet comprised of the eight most esteemed generals of the HiveWing-SilkWing military.
With assistance from the LeafWing tribe and the other SilkWings that had chosen to resettle elsewhere after Wasp was overthrown, the HiveSilk Kingdom set itself on a path to rebuild, while simultaneously working to restore the original practices of the HiveWings from what little had survived the attempts that Ex-Queen Wasp had made to exterminate and replace the culture with her own totalitarian philosophy. Although these reforms to their previous lifestyles were welcomed by the majority of the population, Micrathena found herself empathizing was a smaller percentage of the HiveWing community that, with the loss of their beloved city, feared that such changes would mark the destruction of their tribe's cultural identity, which Miyana also aligned with as a sympathizer of their warlike history. This nationalist protest would take a turning point after it was proclaimed that the queen had become engaged to her lover Blue, and was intending to marry the SilkWing commoner, which some worried would become a sign that their nation was crumbling apart. Despite this, however, Micrathena continued to remain unaffected by the first ripples that this impending marriage triggered and attended the trial hosted to determine the fate of the architect Lucia, sitting alongside other residents of the camp as Prince Karim detailed the charges made towards the accused for having knowingly violated a sacred mourning ritual. Although the Eight Wings that were presiding over the tribunal sentenced the LeafWing to death for her crime, Micrathena made no protest when Cricket decided that Lucia's talents would be instead commissioned for the construction of a public shrine for mourners to offer proper tribute to their lost loved ones without endangering the campsite. Despite this, however, unrest continued to fester throughout areas where traditionalist minds held influence, such as the battalions under Miyana's command, which left the likes of Micrathena fearful that their tribe was being led to their own downfall.
Pantalan civil war[]
Traitors of Pantala. Today, you face judgment. You have followed a betrayer down a path of violence. Our laws dictate the punishment is death. However... King Blue and I believe in second chances. We believe compassion will build a stronger, brighter future for the HiveWing and SilkWing tribes. So, we have decided... on forgiveness. Each and every one of you will be pardoned. Let today be remembered as the Day of the Great Amnesty. Understand that you must earn back the trust, respect, and honor of your fellow dragons. That is how we heal. Do not stray again. There will be no third chances.
—Queen Cricket, to the captured forces of Prince Karim, including Micrathena.
In 1011 ABY, several months after Lucia's tribunal, Micrathena and the rest of the forces that Miyana commanded accompanied their general when she deserted the royal army to pledge her allegiance to her secret lover Karim - who had been banished from the kingdom after staging an unsuccessful coup attempt against his cousin Cricket - taking with her both the Moon Orb entrusted to her guard and her own like-minded army, enabling the banished prince to put his threats of war against the mainstream HiveWing community into motion. Fleeing from the capital, the rogue forces ventured to the outlying canyonlands and waited while their leader traveled ahead to meet with Karim at his subterranean bivouac, who emerged from the caverns to find himself welcomed with the sight of the thousand or so armored warriors - including Micrathena - assembled in legions within their newly-erected campsite, their faces illuminated with the flicking lights of their torches as the gathered troops stood beneath a starlit night sky, awaiting their next command from Miyana and her gratified lover. Having joined the traditionalist faction that had arisen from this schism, which established itself within the northern gorges, Micrathena and the other dragons that had sworn allegiance to Karim were acknowledged by their leader when the disowned prince and Miyana shared a toast to the soldiers, affirming their ambitions for about enacting the restoration of the fallen HiveWing Empire for the sake of those that had fled to support them.
Sometime later, Micrathena and her fellow soldiers gathered before Karim to listen as he delivered rousing addressal from a rocky outcrop, standing among the ranks of the various separate divisions that had assembled. Listening with raptured attention as their liege lord — praising the loyalists as being the "truest" amongst their people — spoke towards their ambitions for casting down the evolving reign of his cousin, Queen Cricket and encouraged the faithful to uphold their sustained commitment to reestablishing the Kingdom of Hives and Silks back to its former splendor, even when the impending battles would challenge their boldness, Micrathena nonetheless continued to keep her head upturned with pride. While Karim then assured his followers that the righteous of their cause meant that, despite the overwhelming numbers that stood before them, it would ultimately be them that emerged triumphant with the blessings of the revered archdragon of the Moon Sol Ferno behind them, Micrathena demonstrated signs of steeling her expression for the conflict that were to come, but despite this, when the former royal asked as to whether his soldiers had faith that he would lead them into such a future, the HiveWing answered the inquiries was a wordless smile, rising both hands to cross them above her bowed forehead in the salute that her tribesmen custom used to demonstrate her loyalty to the Empire that the rebels sought to restore. With this proclamation, the mutinous elements that had defected to Karim had set into motion the wheels for war with perceived intruders to the nation and those among their own kind that accepted them, which their leader sought to win through the assistance that Karim believed Sol Ferno would provide. Alongside the other warriors that had chosen to devote themselves to the reemergent Empire, Micrathena embraced her militaristic lineage, redesigning her liveries so that, instead of featuring the warm tones that colored the uniforms of their orthodox equivalents, the armor was solid black with pale gold lines that incorporated her allegiance to the traditionalists and their archdragon patron. In addition to her attire, which also featured a typical HiveWing headpiece with similar alterations, Micrathena would also adopt the same custom of shaving one's head that had been carried out by some of the ancient HiveWing champions, inking triangular tattoos around her eyes. Meanwhile, Cricket abandoned the doubts that had initially formed from the desertion within her ranks and rallied her own faithful supporters to her beliefs for coexistence between her subjects and the other dragon tribes.
Relocating their campsite to the canyonlands that surrounded the lair of Sol Ferno, after her leaders recruited the deified patron of the HiveWing culture to their endeavor, Micrathena and the other residents of the camp marshalled, readying themselves for bloodshed as the revanchists prepared to march against the kingdom with the archdragon besides them. When the nationalist faction assembled to listen as Prince Karim delivered another address to his followers, extolling the HiveWings and SilkWings to battle for their rejuvenated Empire, Micrathena cheered in answer to his statement that their people would rise with the light of the new dawn, raising her glaive spear into the air above to shake the weapon in celebration. She subsequently bore witness as Sol Ferno emerged from the shadows of his exile to stand before the Imperial troops, who answered the arrival of this revered figure to their culture with wondering exclamations, then watched as the exiled Prince and High Priest Pharos performed a healing ceremony utilizing the stolen Moon Orb to mend his tattered wings, enabling the mighty archdragon to soar once more, which Micrathena and her comrades aided with, adding their voices to the incantation and thumping the ferrules of their spears into the earth for emphasis. When the ritual consequently unleashing a blinding light over the dragon, Micrathena bent to avert her gaze, unable to bare direct eye contact with the sheer radiance as the ritual concluded, leaving the traditionalists standing ready before their patron, prepared to launch their campaign with Ferno besides them, his eyesight and flight restored. Approaching the encamped capital of the HiveSilk Kingdom from the south, Micrathena and her fellow soldiers subsequently assembled before the prairielands, preparing to launch the long-awaited attack on the throne with assistance from Sol Ferno, although their own armed forces were outmatched by the five other armies that had remained faithful to Queen Cricket, Karim and his followers were assured that the support of their patron would see "fiery justice rained down upon their enemies", negating the differences in numbers.